Graham Phillips Journalist
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The Ukrainian Armed Forces shelled the center of Donetsk. The building of the administration of the head of the DPR on Pushkin is on fire.

A total of three MLRS rockets were fired at the city. There is no information about casualties at this time.
Remember that September 6th Konstantinovka rocket attack that everyone in the west blamed on Russia, was used by US Secretary of State Blinken to justify the US giving Ukraine another $1 billion in military aid.....

New York Times

Evidence Suggests Ukrainian Missile Caused Market Tragedy
Media is too big
Quite a video - group of Ukrainian soldiers surrendering to Russian soldiers, Svatovo-Kremenny, LNR region of Donbass!
"Rishi Sunak plans to delay petrol and diesel car ban as 'green policies watered down'"

The internal combustion engine - a thing of true beauty, which gives us cars with spirit, joy, practicality, personality.

Electric cars: Soulless, useless c*nts.

Sorry Elon, just facts.
Donetsk Under Shelling: January 2015 Special Reportage

The Great Graham Rumble Re-upload goes on. Parts of this are in Russian without subtitles, however I'm sure you get the idea.
As we all know, there is a complicated situation going on in Nagorno-Karabakh. I've never been there, so don't have the authority to make any journalistic comment on the theme. Will therefore leave you with other competent experts on this subject.
Oh well, it really was a lot of fun, but i guess it couldn't last forever..... πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†
The territorial integrity of Ukraine at the UN Security Council meeting on Wednesday was most aggressively defended by those countries that most aggressively violated the territorial integrity of Serbia on the issue of Kosovo and Metohija, Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said.
Hard to speak about Sarah Ashton-Cirillo without laughing, so let's focus instead on the actual identity of the thing - Michael John Cirillo, to make the points we need to make.

Michael John Cirillo - a deadbeat loser from originally Florida, turned failed poker player in Las Vegas. Transgendered, couple of years as a failed Nevada politician.

Not getting the attention it wanted, it came to ukraine in 2022, initially positioning itself as variously a journalist, medic, fighter. A series of incidents showed how sadistic Cirillo is - including posting photos of fallen Russian soldiers, indicating it had killed them, and stating that '100 Russians will be killed for every Ukrainian killed'. It went on to state repeatedly that Russians are 'not human', and should be 'hunted down and killed' wherever they are, actually not even Russians, but anyone in its view 'spreading Russian propaganda'....

Clearly a sadist, a psychopath, a mentally ill freak, an absolute f*ck up, in every sense. Of course all these being things the west, western media were more than willing to give the blind eye to. And yeah, with that blonde wig, the tits, the constant hysterics, it was hard not to laugh at Sarah Ashton-Cirillo.

So, as I say, let's focus attention on Michael John Cirillo - a deadbeat shitbag in the US, who went to ukraine on some sort of sick safari, showing itself to be a sick, twisted, evil individual, all things which weren't just tolerated in ukraine, but actively endorsed, until it just couldn't stop its big mouth from striking again, and again.....

Michael John Cirillo - just the latest example of those westerners who have gone to ukraine to 'help ukraine'.....
Forwarded from Financial News Digest
Poland has said it will no longer supply its neighbor Ukraine with weapons, as a rift over agricultural exports deepens.

β€œWe no longer transfer weapons to [Ukraine], because we are now arming Poland,” Poland’s Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki said Wednesday on the X social media platform, previously known as Twitter, according to a Google translation.

#EU #Poland #Ukraine #war #statement
The UK Government may have had my YouTube channel deleted to hide the truth, but I'm now re-uploading on Rumble!! See for yourself the Donbass referendums on joining Russia, taking place around this time a year ago!!
I'm not even a particular fan of Russell Brand's, but anyone the UK Government doesn't like this much must be doing something right. And in reply, Rumble, unlike YouTube who would have bent over before the end of the first paragraph, told the UK Government to, well, get bent.
And my view, btw, is that 'victims' of 'sexual offences', or any offence are those who report it to the police at the time. Those who go crying to the media about it 5, 10, 20 years later aren't 'victims' anymore, they're attention seekers / blackmailers / shithousers. I could go on, you get the idea. There are zero 'victims' of Russell Brand, and any police department starting an investigation into someone saying they got touched up in Soho in 2003, rather than dealing with the crime epidemic in the UK has just declared themselves unfit for purpose.

Am i going to have to come back from Donbass and sort all this mess out?
And how the media narrative on Ukraine starts to shift....
When this is all over, some jumped up pantry boys are going to be put (right) back in their box πŸ˜‡

FFS. One line of Google translate. Calm down dear.
Forwarded from Russell TEXAS Bentley (Texac Donbass)
I am a Russian, by citizenship and by soul. A journalist from Moscow asked me yesterday what it means to have a Russian soul. This was my answer -

"Russia, the heart of the Soviet Union, saved Humanity from Nazism 80 years ago, and today, it is Russia's historical destiny to do it again. To be "Russian" regardless of where on Earth you were born, means to be willing to defend the future of Humanity, even at the price of your own life. Who defends Russia, defends the future of all Humanity.

Who defends Donbass, defends Russia. I have earned my right to be Russian, with weapons in my hands, by my words and by my blood. I am not some fucking tourist... ✊🏻🀠
All Canadian shitheads who first gave 2 standing ovations to a Nazi and now posting on Twitter that they had no clue who he was and that itβ€˜s not their fault is fucking hilarious
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Centre of Donetsk again under shelling by Ukrainian Nazis .......