πŸ’ž Global People's Monetary System
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Global Peoples Monetary System and Simplified Divine Law
Comfort Income, New Earth Project and Community Funding


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32nd GPMS Newsletter
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The attached link is 2 years of discussion on how gpms.world works πŸ©΅πŸ’ŽπŸ©΅

Forwarded from rick jewers
NOTICE. This GPMS Contributors Group is a working group with the simple principle of taking gpms.world forward. There is no negotiation nor compromise of the Absoluteness of GPMS and the Simplified Divine Natural Law that it is. Truly, all other variations of law were only stepping stones to get to the final step and realization of gpms.world. It is a misconception and lack of knowing what GPMS is, that will cause confusion in Ones, for They are only able to evaluate from Their present level of consciousness. To simplify this for Humanity and All levels of consciousness, We have kept the question simple to vote on and to bring All together with the one common goal, "if You agree for an abundant and free world for All, consent with gpms.world, and assist us in collecting the majority vote to make it happen. Law and money is what the MAJORITY accepts and says for it to be, in the case of gpms.world, the Unalieinable Right of Self Determination accepted mostly worldwide is the common instrument used to open the Gates of abundance and freedom for all instantly worldwide. GPMS is the result of evaluating all systems and possibilities worldwide ending up with the most concrete and simple way to do it, endorsed and backed by Prime Creator. We have the full ability to decide what definitions we want for words as well as eliminating words from the Worldwide vocabulary if necessary in the future. The trickery and spell of words in the old, does NOT matter, and when One in the past get caught up in this theme, would fall themselves into a disempowering state, the spell of the spelling, and fall further into mistrust and suspicion, as the whole spell of spelling was designed to do, to deceive and separate, gpms.world overpowers this spell by knowing that You have the right of self determination of what words mean and can assign all beneficial definitions and to also know that the intent behind the word is what is more important than the words themselves. Limited restrictive beliefs is not what gpms.world is, gpms.world is the unlimited open mindedness to come together and create only good things, and gpms.world upon the majority agreement worldwide, does this fully and Absolutely. We have the FULL KNOWHOW to do gpms.world NOW, We are currently gathering the MAJORITY VOTE WORLDWIDE to enact it into full Law and implement it worldwide. We ALREADY have the Strategy, Plan, Direction and end goal, We ONLY REQUIRE THE MAJORITY VOTE WORLDWIDE AND IT IS DONE, plain and simple, Lawful and Righteous.I am the Son of God and would NOT be doing gpms.world for Humanity if I was not. Gpms.world has it all together and has presented it to the world as a choice, however, as an offer that sanely cannot be refused. Rick Jewers πŸ€πŸ€πŸ€πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™
I am instructed by Father to put this message out there.

For the first time in many centuries, the last time around the 1300s due to the Black Plague, the world's population has gone into a declination mode. This means that the mortality rate is outpacing the birth rate and more young Children are dying. In the last couple or so of years, the daily amount of Children worldwide dying due to hunger has risen by 70%, bringing the number to approximately now 8500 Children dying of starvation each day, a huge increase in only a few years.

All of this and more, are due to the capitalistic system on the planet and those in charge of running the world.

Father has sent to the planet, through I, the Divine Mechanism that ends the misery and darkness forever, and it has to be chosen by the majority of People as soon as possible, to prevent a landslide decline in population and unnecessary death beyond recovery, if things remain as they are, it is the duty and moral obligation of the People to take action. The Revelations period has exposed and revealed immeasurable reasoning as to why.

None of this would have ever happened on the planet, the population decline, if things could have been changed in the blink of an eye by the Prime Creator alone, the Truth is, All of Us being connected to the Prime Creator/God, are who God sent to rectify this situation on the planet, the Divine Boots on the ground. It does NOT get done unless We do it and We are equipped with the most powerful all-inclusive tool to do it, gpms.world. It is a worldwide vote and done in this fashion, whereas there is no time to educate and evolve humanity, it has to be done now, and with this simple "consenting" process so that the Divine Guardians can immediately secure the Earth for All of the People. Go to the website gpms.world and add Your "consent" through one of the "consent" tabs on the website, as well as Your Children if They are too young to consent for themselves, every vote/agreement/consent counts, especially the Childrens.

Action must be taken by All to get this important message of gpms.world out there, spread this Awareness ASAP and assist with getting the majority consent gathered worldwide, THIS IS THE HEAVEN ON EARTH PROMISED, THIS TIME HAS BEEN written about.

Love, Light, and Gratitude
Rick Jewers
Forwarded from WANDERA RIGAN
🚨🚨Dear World Citizens,🚨🚨
I bring you exciting news from Africa, particularly Kenya, as Wandera Rigan, GPMS Representative from Uganda, proudly shares a significant achievement. Kenya has successfully eliminated visa requirements, a milestone aligned with GPMS goals. May this inspire other nations to join us in fostering a more interconnected and borderless world.
Vote for gpms.world ,people are awakening, you are the change you desire
Forwarded from πŸ’Ž Ancient gpms.world πŸ’Ž
34th GPMS Newsletter 🩡
https://youtu.be/wwdRfbPrGIY?si=azUnQLMJN_ZXauaE As We can see in this important interview, John is gathering incontestible irrefutable evidence of the worldwide nefarious intent surrounding the vaccine. This Truth, and more CANNOT be hidden and brushed aside with the realization by the populace of the Earth that there WAS an illintent agenda towards and perpetrated upon humanity. We KNOW this, and at the same time as more Awaken to the Truth, We are uniting Those at gpms.world to construct the new and abundant reality for humanity. The quicker We have the MATERIAL MAJORITY support that Each individual gives through their consent, the quicker the dark agenda is ALL OVER. 🀍🀍🀍
Forwarded from rick jewers
I first put this message out about a couple of years ago and just this day put it out once again on my Facebook page. It is so simple what can be accomplished for All when the People of the world join Together to do it, instead of depending on a government or a political leader to do it for You.

We ask All of the Peoples of this world to join Together with Us, (the Global Peoples Monetary System and Simplified Law), to Create the full abundance and freedom for Humanity.

We have higher consciousness Divine Individuals upon the planet that are prepared, and have the full capacity, to Create and implement a system of abundance for All. Present politicians and leaders worldwide do NOT have this capacity, as well as so called economic advisors and such.

We wish to Create for All of Humanity a reality where You never worry about money again, nor need to work hard to just exist. However, We require Your support, Your vote of Choice to do so, to act on Your behalf, to Create the Peoples Money by the majority of the Populace supporting this. You vote to support this world wide venture through Your autograph/signature, and may also sign for Your toddler Children, for this is for Their immediate future as well, and where Children are in a general area of innerstanding of this Plan, may sign /autograph Themselves.

You may be presently working in the current monetary system and doing well, however let me tell You that nothing, including Your money and savings is guaranteed for You in this NOW and future, because of who is currently controlling the money supply and who actually owns the money , which is NOT You nor the People. You may have a million bucks in the bank or in investments, however again, let me tell You that that money is digital, it is NOT physical and can be wiped out in the blink of an eye by the Ones that control the systems, whereas when the People own the system and there is NO deprivation of access to funds, the funds are instantly created by the People, Your abundant future is guaranteed, and actually You never need to save for a retirement because everything You may need in the future is instantly and fully funded, with no attachments like debt nor interest.

I also ask, for Those Awake, to wake up further and recognize this Plan as what You were Awakened for, and what You are to CoCreate TOGETHER with the rest of Humanity. Do not let Your present beliefs separate You from coming TOGETHER AND FINALLY GETTING SOMETHING GOOD DONE FOR ALL TO ENJOY TOGETHER. United We stand and Create, divided You fall. Remember the basic, strength in numbers, and the quickest way to get something done is join Together for this one common goal, else keep looping and continuously hoping that someone else will do it for You, while You wither away in misery waiting.

Unite with Us NOW at the GPMS.


Love and Light
Rick Jewers
The assignment of Value worldwide is shifting toward the actual source of value, the self. As a result, all current forms of external value, not based on self, is rapidly losing value and worth,like gold and silver and commodities, to only name a couple.

The consistently building Universal Nation of gpms.world is steadily increasing value for the People worldwide , a value that nothing can compete with, nor compare,and this value will soon overtake the current worldwide system.

Presently on Earth, the Universal Nation of gpms.world is the most valuable thing ever known to mankind, it is what frees All People and enriches them forever in abundance. We currently have around 113,000 members and this continues to grow daily until the majority worldwide are members of gpms.world, then it is implemented into reality for All worldwide to enjoy.

Value is not in stock markets, crypto, gold nor silver, it is WITHIN YOU, and once this is realized by the majority worldwide, YOU are free and in complete abundance. As the numbers in gpms.world increase, the value of gold, silver, oil, crypto, stocks, etc decreases.

With 85 percent of the population worldwide in some forms of lack and restrictions, gpms.world is an easy win that is imminent and inevitable.

Join gpms.world now and become informed to further secure The Brightest Future for All TODAY.

Gpms.world is the Divine Plan, it is the Promise of God, Prime Creator Jesus, Phrophecy, and this time that has been prevalently written about in all Faiths and beliefs worldwide. IT IS HERE. And You must choose it to make it happen through Your consent on the gpms.world website.

Love and Light
Rick JewersπŸ€πŸ€πŸ€πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™