:performing_arts: A library that let you implement veil skeletons and shimmer animation.
Language: Kotlin
#android #android_library #android_ui #androidveil #recyclerview #shimmer #skeleton #skydoves
Stars: 137 Issues: 0 Forks: 9
:performing_arts: A library that let you implement veil skeletons and shimmer animation.
Language: Kotlin
#android #android_library #android_ui #androidveil #recyclerview #shimmer #skeleton #skydoves
Stars: 137 Issues: 0 Forks: 9
GitHub - skydoves/AndroidVeil: An easy and flexible way to implement loading skeletons and shimmering effects on layouts for Android.
:performing_arts: An easy and flexible way to implement loading skeletons and shimmering effects on layouts for Android. - GitHub - skydoves/AndroidVeil: An easy and flexible way to implement load...