rconn is a multiplatform program for creating generic reverse connections. Lets you consume services that are behind firewall or NAT without opening ports or port-forwarding.
Language: Go
#firewall_bypass #network_address_translation #port_forward #port_forwarding #reverse #reverse_connection #reverse_proxy #reverse_shell
Stars: 82 Issues: 0 Forks: 11
rconn is a multiplatform program for creating generic reverse connections. Lets you consume services that are behind firewall or NAT without opening ports or port-forwarding.
Language: Go
#firewall_bypass #network_address_translation #port_forward #port_forwarding #reverse #reverse_connection #reverse_proxy #reverse_shell
Stars: 82 Issues: 0 Forks: 11
GitHub - jafarlihi/rconn: rconn is a multiplatform program for creating generic reverse connections. Lets you consume services…
rconn is a multiplatform program for creating generic reverse connections. Lets you consume services that are behind firewall or NAT without opening ports or port-forwarding. - jafarlihi/rconn