A framework for the HTML programming language.
Language: JavaScript
#react #javascript #html #framework
Stars: 181 Issues: 6 Forks: 4
A framework for the HTML programming language.
Language: JavaScript
#react #javascript #html #framework
Stars: 181 Issues: 6 Forks: 4
GitHub - willmartian/div.js: A framework for the HTML programming language.
A framework for the HTML programming language. . Contribute to willmartian/div.js development by creating an account on GitHub.
Mirrors to download the leaked Windows 11 build.
Language: HTML
#microsoft #windows #html #website #windows_11 #windows11
Stars: 98 Issues: 5 Forks: 27
Mirrors to download the leaked Windows 11 build.
Language: HTML
#microsoft #windows #html #website #windows_11 #windows11
Stars: 98 Issues: 5 Forks: 27
Mirrors to download the leaked Windows 11 build. Contribute to TheBobPony/getwindows11.tech development by creating an account on GitHub.
Tailwind CSS for HTML emails.
Language: JavaScript
#email #html_email #tailwind #tailwindcss
Stars: 104 Issues: 1 Forks: 3
Tailwind CSS for HTML emails.
Language: JavaScript
#email #html_email #tailwind #tailwindcss
Stars: 104 Issues: 1 Forks: 3
GitHub - soheilpro/mailwind: Use Tailwind CSS to design HTML emails.
Use Tailwind CSS to design HTML emails. Contribute to soheilpro/mailwind development by creating an account on GitHub.
Do push code on which you are working or if you have solved any problem in any language add the solution to this repository and help to contribute and star this repository!!Refer CONTRIBUTING.md for contributions!!
Language: C++
#beginner_friendly #beginner_project #c_plus_plus #csharp #digitalocean #hacktoberfest #hacktoberfest2021 #html #java #javascript #opensource
Stars: 118 Issues: 161 Forks: 281
Do push code on which you are working or if you have solved any problem in any language add the solution to this repository and help to contribute and star this repository!!Refer CONTRIBUTING.md for contributions!!
Language: C++
#beginner_friendly #beginner_project #c_plus_plus #csharp #digitalocean #hacktoberfest #hacktoberfest2021 #html #java #javascript #opensource
Stars: 118 Issues: 161 Forks: 281
GitHub - hanshulll/CodeCollection: Do push code on which you are working or if you have solved any problem in any language add…
Do push code on which you are working or if you have solved any problem in any language add the solution to this repository and help to contribute and star this repository!!Refer CONTRIBUTING.md fo...
An Open Source repository to Teach people How to contribute to open sources.
Language: Jupyter Notebook
#app #code #css #fest #hacktoberfest #hacktoberfest_accepted #hacktoberfest2021 #html #machine_learning #opencv #opensource #participating #python #web
Stars: 110 Issues: 3 Forks: 294
An Open Source repository to Teach people How to contribute to open sources.
Language: Jupyter Notebook
#app #code #css #fest #hacktoberfest #hacktoberfest_accepted #hacktoberfest2021 #html #machine_learning #opencv #opensource #participating #python #web
Stars: 110 Issues: 3 Forks: 294
GitHub - vijaygupta18/Hacktoberfest-2021: An Open Source repository to Teach people How to contribute to open sources.
An Open Source repository to Teach people How to contribute to open sources. - GitHub - vijaygupta18/Hacktoberfest-2021: An Open Source repository to Teach people How to contribute to open sources.
A simple hand drawn HTML/CSS theme
Language: HTML
#css #hand_drawn #html #stylesheet #theme
Stars: 324 Issues: 0 Forks: 10
A simple hand drawn HTML/CSS theme
Language: HTML
#css #hand_drawn #html #stylesheet #theme
Stars: 324 Issues: 0 Forks: 10
GitHub - chr15m/DoodleCSS: A simple hand drawn HTML/CSS theme
A simple hand drawn HTML/CSS theme. Contribute to chr15m/DoodleCSS development by creating an account on GitHub.
Imagina que legal que seria se você pudesse personalizar seu cartão do Nubank do jeito que quiser?! Enquanto isso não é possível, criei uma aplicação muito legal utilizando somente HTML, CSS e JavaScript.
Language: SCSS
#css #css3 #html #html5 #javascript #js #nubank #nubank_interface #sass
Stars: 143 Issues: 2 Forks: 14
Imagina que legal que seria se você pudesse personalizar seu cartão do Nubank do jeito que quiser?! Enquanto isso não é possível, criei uma aplicação muito legal utilizando somente HTML, CSS e JavaScript.
Language: SCSS
#css #css3 #html #html5 #javascript #js #nubank #nubank_interface #sass
Stars: 143 Issues: 2 Forks: 14
GitHub - carlosdancr/cartao-personalizado: Imagina que legal que seria se você pudesse personalizar seu cartão do Nubank do jeito…
Imagina que legal que seria se você pudesse personalizar seu cartão do Nubank do jeito que quiser?! Enquanto isso não é possível, criei uma aplicação muito legal utilizando somente HTML, CSS e Java...
Guia para se tornar um desenvolvedor front-end
#css #css3 #front_end_development #frontend #guia #guia_de_estudos #html #html_css_javascript #html5 #javascript #javascript_applications #javascript_framework #javascript_library #roadmap #roadmaps
Stars: 134 Issues: 0 Forks: 10
Guia para se tornar um desenvolvedor front-end
#css #css3 #front_end_development #frontend #guia #guia_de_estudos #html #html_css_javascript #html5 #javascript #javascript_applications #javascript_framework #javascript_library #roadmap #roadmaps
Stars: 134 Issues: 0 Forks: 10
GitHub - arthurspk/guiadofrontend: Nesse guia você encontrará tudo para se torna um desenvolvedor front-end, dessa maneira, encontrará…
Nesse guia você encontrará tudo para se torna um desenvolvedor front-end, dessa maneira, encontrará mapas mentais, cursos, trilhas e outras ferramentas para poder praticar o conhecimento adquirido....
Add Markdown to any HTML using a <md> tag
Language: HTML
#common_mark #gfm #html #html_converter #javascript #markdown #markdown_flavors #markdown_parser #markdown_tag #markdown_to_html
Stars: 175 Issues: 1 Forks: 3
Add Markdown to any HTML using a <md> tag
Language: HTML
#common_mark #gfm #html #html_converter #javascript #markdown #markdown_flavors #markdown_parser #markdown_tag #markdown_to_html
Stars: 175 Issues: 1 Forks: 3
GitHub - MarketingPipeline/Markdown-Tag: Render Markdown to HTML on any website using a md tag
Render Markdown to HTML on any website using a md tag - MarketingPipeline/Markdown-Tag
This is a Web UI Kit made with simple HTML and Tailwind CSS. You can use them in any of your projects, be it a simple HTML, CSS static website or a React, Vue, Angular or Next.js Complex app.
Language: HTML
#css #hacktoberfest #hacktoberfest_accepted #html #tailwindcss #ui_components #uikit
Stars: 120 Issues: 23 Forks: 93
This is a Web UI Kit made with simple HTML and Tailwind CSS. You can use them in any of your projects, be it a simple HTML, CSS static website or a React, Vue, Angular or Next.js Complex app.
Language: HTML
#css #hacktoberfest #hacktoberfest_accepted #html #tailwindcss #ui_components #uikit
Stars: 120 Issues: 23 Forks: 93
GitHub - Clueless-Community/seamless-ui: The next gen UI made with simple HTML and Tailwind CSS. It's compatible with simple HTML…
The next gen UI made with simple HTML and Tailwind CSS. It's compatible with simple HTML, CSS static website or a React, Vue, Angular or Next.js Complex app. Zero JS and no-plugins installe...
🔥 Turn entire websites into LLM-ready markdown
Language: TypeScript
#ai #crawler #data #html_to_markdown #llm #markdown #rag #scraper #scraping #web_crawler
Stars: 469 Issues: 8 Forks: 34
🔥 Turn entire websites into LLM-ready markdown
Language: TypeScript
#ai #crawler #data #html_to_markdown #llm #markdown #rag #scraper #scraping #web_crawler
Stars: 469 Issues: 8 Forks: 34
GitHub - mendableai/firecrawl: 🔥 Turn entire websites into LLM-ready markdown or structured data. Scrape, crawl and extract with…
🔥 Turn entire websites into LLM-ready markdown or structured data. Scrape, crawl and extract with a single API. - mendableai/firecrawl