Simple and beautiful Analytics :bar_chart:
Language: Go
#analytics #analyticsjs #astrocorp #go #golang #google_analytics #growth #javascript #js #marketing #privacy #vuejs #website
Stars: 146 Issues: 0 Forks: 7
Simple and beautiful Analytics :bar_chart:
Language: Go
#analytics #analyticsjs #astrocorp #go #golang #google_analytics #growth #javascript #js #marketing #privacy #vuejs #website
Stars: 146 Issues: 0 Forks: 7
This is the Hacktoberfest first contribution website of CCS
Language: HTML
#beginner_friendly #css #firstpr_friendly #hacktoberfest #hacktoberfest2018 #html #js
Stars: 118 Issues: 4 Forks: 114
This is the Hacktoberfest first contribution website of CCS
Language: HTML
#beginner_friendly #css #firstpr_friendly #hacktoberfest #hacktoberfest2018 #html #js
Stars: 118 Issues: 4 Forks: 114
GitHub - creative-computing-society/ This is the Hacktoberfest first contribution website…
This is the Hacktoberfest first contribution website of CCS - creative-computing-society/
An opinionated guide on how to become a professional Web/Mobile App Developer.
#aws #career_development #career_guide #career_path #career_plan #css #databases #developer_documentation #guidebook #guidelines #handbook #javascript #js #learn_to_code #learning_js #learning_python #python #react #sql
Stars: 464 Issues: 4 Forks: 31
An opinionated guide on how to become a professional Web/Mobile App Developer.
#aws #career_development #career_guide #career_path #career_plan #css #databases #developer_documentation #guidebook #guidelines #handbook #javascript #js #learn_to_code #learning_js #learning_python #python #react #sql
Stars: 464 Issues: 4 Forks: 31
GitHub - apptension/developer-handbook: An opinionated guide on how to become a professional Web/Mobile App Developer.
An opinionated guide on how to become a professional Web/Mobile App Developer. - apptension/developer-handbook
A small and fast alternative (experimental) implementation of p5.js
Language: JavaScript
#2d #creative_coding #js_library #p5js
Stars: 147 Issues: 0 Forks: 3
A small and fast alternative (experimental) implementation of p5.js
Language: JavaScript
#2d #creative_coding #js_library #p5js
Stars: 147 Issues: 0 Forks: 3
GitHub - LingDong-/q5xjs: A small and fast alternative (experimental) implementation of p5.js
A small and fast alternative (experimental) implementation of p5.js - LingDong-/q5xjs
Exemplos de código da segunda semana Javascript Expert - Zoom Clone
Language: HTML
#javascript #js #peerjs #webrtc #websocket
Stars: 137 Issues: 0 Forks: 15
Exemplos de código da segunda semana Javascript Expert - Zoom Clone
Language: HTML
#javascript #js #peerjs #webrtc #websocket
Stars: 137 Issues: 0 Forks: 15
GitHub - ErickWendel/semana-javascript-expert02: JS Expert Week 2.0 - Zoom Clone
JS Expert Week 2.0 - Zoom Clone. Contribute to ErickWendel/semana-javascript-expert02 development by creating an account on GitHub.
🧵 Fast and easy multithreading for React Native using JSI
Language: C++
#js #jsi #multiprocessing #multithreading #native #react #react_native #thread #threading #threads #typescript #worklet
Stars: 150 Issues: 0 Forks: 2
🧵 Fast and easy multithreading for React Native using JSI
Language: C++
#js #jsi #multiprocessing #multithreading #native #react #react_native #thread #threading #threads #typescript #worklet
Stars: 150 Issues: 0 Forks: 2
GitHub - mrousavy/react-native-multithreading: 🧵 Fast and easy multithreading for React Native using JSI
🧵 Fast and easy multithreading for React Native using JSI - mrousavy/react-native-multithreading
Aulas da Semana JS Expert 3.0 - Construindo um chat multiplataforma usando linha de comando e JavaScript Avançado
Language: JavaScript
#builder #cli #design #heroku #javascript #js #node #npm #patterns #websocket
Stars: 126 Issues: 1 Forks: 4
Aulas da Semana JS Expert 3.0 - Construindo um chat multiplataforma usando linha de comando e JavaScript Avançado
Language: JavaScript
#builder #cli #design #heroku #javascript #js #node #npm #patterns #websocket
Stars: 126 Issues: 1 Forks: 4
GitHub - ErickWendel/semana-js-expert30: JS Expert Week 3.0 - Weechat - Building a cross-platform chat using command line and Advanced…
JS Expert Week 3.0 - Weechat - Building a cross-platform chat using command line and Advanced JavaScript - ErickWendel/semana-js-expert30
📒 A fast introduction to programming with JavaScript modern features
#javascript #learning #programming #js #functional_programming
Stars: 158 Issues: 0 Forks: 10
📒 A fast introduction to programming with JavaScript modern features
#javascript #learning #programming #js #functional_programming
Stars: 158 Issues: 0 Forks: 10
GitHub - MarcoWorms/learn.js: 📒 A fast introduction to programming with JavaScript modern features
📒 A fast introduction to programming with JavaScript modern features - MarcoWorms/learn.js
#вакансия #js #frontend #computervision #wasm #react #fulltime
Требуемый опыт работы: 2-3 года
Должность: Middle Frontend Developer
Компания:, мы специализируемся на разработке продуктов с использованием computer vision и machine learning.
Формат работы: fulltime, офис в Петербурге, 5 минут от м. Невский проспект, возможна удаленная работа
Зарплата: от 200 000 до 230 000 рублей
Мы расширяем команду разработки проекта сервиса видеоконференций (react, wasm, webgl) и в связи с этим, в поиске Frontend специалистов с опытом. В проекте вы столкнетесь с интересными и сложными задачами, а так же получите возможность поработать с международной, распределенной командой разработчиков.
Что мы ищем в кандидате:
- Более 2-х лет опыта, из них не менее года работы с React.js;
- Хорошее знание JavaScript;
- Знание стандартных ООП паттернов;
- Знание ES6;
- Опыт работы с Git;
- Хороший английский язык будет плюсом;
- Ответственность.
Мы предлагаем:
- Отличный коллектив;
- Лояльное отношение;
- Интересные задачи;
- Международный проект с миллионами пользователей;
- Гибкий график.
Контакт - @die_or_die_plz
Требуемый опыт работы: 2-3 года
Должность: Middle Frontend Developer
Компания:, мы специализируемся на разработке продуктов с использованием computer vision и machine learning.
Формат работы: fulltime, офис в Петербурге, 5 минут от м. Невский проспект, возможна удаленная работа
Зарплата: от 200 000 до 230 000 рублей
Мы расширяем команду разработки проекта сервиса видеоконференций (react, wasm, webgl) и в связи с этим, в поиске Frontend специалистов с опытом. В проекте вы столкнетесь с интересными и сложными задачами, а так же получите возможность поработать с международной, распределенной командой разработчиков.
Что мы ищем в кандидате:
- Более 2-х лет опыта, из них не менее года работы с React.js;
- Хорошее знание JavaScript;
- Знание стандартных ООП паттернов;
- Знание ES6;
- Опыт работы с Git;
- Хороший английский язык будет плюсом;
- Ответственность.
Мы предлагаем:
- Отличный коллектив;
- Лояльное отношение;
- Интересные задачи;
- Международный проект с миллионами пользователей;
- Гибкий график.
Контакт - @die_or_die_plz
Imagina que legal que seria se você pudesse personalizar seu cartão do Nubank do jeito que quiser?! Enquanto isso não é possível, criei uma aplicação muito legal utilizando somente HTML, CSS e JavaScript.
Language: SCSS
#css #css3 #html #html5 #javascript #js #nubank #nubank_interface #sass
Stars: 143 Issues: 2 Forks: 14
Imagina que legal que seria se você pudesse personalizar seu cartão do Nubank do jeito que quiser?! Enquanto isso não é possível, criei uma aplicação muito legal utilizando somente HTML, CSS e JavaScript.
Language: SCSS
#css #css3 #html #html5 #javascript #js #nubank #nubank_interface #sass
Stars: 143 Issues: 2 Forks: 14
GitHub - carlosdancr/cartao-personalizado: Imagina que legal que seria se você pudesse personalizar seu cartão do Nubank do jeito…
Imagina que legal que seria se você pudesse personalizar seu cartão do Nubank do jeito que quiser?! Enquanto isso não é possível, criei uma aplicação muito legal utilizando somente HTML, CSS e Java...
Hello JavaScript code newbie! In this repository I'm proposing you a series of coding challenges that will help you practice the basic language constructs and algorithms.
#coding #coding_challenge #coding_challenges #coding_test #javascript #javascript_es6 #js #js_problem_solving #problem_solving #problems #problemsolving #programming
Stars: 146 Issues: 0 Forks: 29
Hello JavaScript code newbie! In this repository I'm proposing you a series of coding challenges that will help you practice the basic language constructs and algorithms.
#coding #coding_challenge #coding_challenges #coding_test #javascript #javascript_es6 #js #js_problem_solving #problem_solving #problems #problemsolving #programming
Stars: 146 Issues: 0 Forks: 29
GitHub - jahidulislamzim/JavaScriptCodingChallenges: Hello JavaScript code newbie! In this repository I'm proposing you a series…
Hello JavaScript code newbie! In this repository I'm proposing you a series of coding challenges that will help you practice the basic language constructs and algorithms. - jahidulislamzim/...