Develop Threads, Next.js 13 app that skyrocketed to 100 million sign-ups in less than 5 days, and dethroned giants like Twitter, ChatGPT, and TikTok to become the fastest-growing app ever!
Language: TypeScript
#clerk #nextjs #nextjs13 #nextjs13_4 #nextjs13_app_router
Stars: 266 Issues: 11 Forks: 45
Develop Threads, Next.js 13 app that skyrocketed to 100 million sign-ups in less than 5 days, and dethroned giants like Twitter, ChatGPT, and TikTok to become the fastest-growing app ever!
Language: TypeScript
#clerk #nextjs #nextjs13 #nextjs13_4 #nextjs13_app_router
Stars: 266 Issues: 11 Forks: 45
GitHub - adrianhajdin/threads: Develop Threads, Next.js 13 app that skyrocketed to 100 million sign-ups in less than 5 days, and…
Develop Threads, Next.js 13 app that skyrocketed to 100 million sign-ups in less than 5 days, and dethroned giants like Twitter, ChatGPT, and TikTok to become the fastest-growing app ever! - adrian...