A Swift implementation of 30-seconds-of-code: A curated collection of useful Swift 4 snippets that you can understand in 30 seconds or less.
Language: Swift
#30_seconds_of_code #awesome #awesome_list #collection #education #learn_to_code #learning_resources #list #snippets #snippets_collection #snippets_library
Stars: 145 Issues: 1 Forks: 6
A Swift implementation of 30-seconds-of-code: A curated collection of useful Swift 4 snippets that you can understand in 30 seconds or less.
Language: Swift
#30_seconds_of_code #awesome #awesome_list #collection #education #learn_to_code #learning_resources #list #snippets #snippets_collection #snippets_library
Stars: 145 Issues: 1 Forks: 6
GitHub - elizabethsiegle/30-seconds-of-swift-code: A Swift implementation of 30-seconds-of-code: A curated collection of useful…
A Swift implementation of 30-seconds-of-code: A curated collection of useful Swift 4 snippets that you can understand in 30 seconds or less. - GitHub - elizabethsiegle/30-seconds-of-swift-code: A S...
When you know the bases of git but sometimes you have problemes with it. This "code kata" could help you to deal with git problems
#git #kata #learn #learn_to_code #practice #team
Stars: 98 Issues: 0 Forks: 2
When you know the bases of git but sometimes you have problemes with it. This "code kata" could help you to deal with git problems
#git #kata #learn #learn_to_code #practice #team
Stars: 98 Issues: 0 Forks: 2
GitHub - Slashgear/git-kata: When you know the bases of git but sometimes you have problemes with it. This "code kata" could help…
When you know the bases of git but sometimes you have problemes with it. This "code kata" could help you to deal with git problems - Slashgear/git-kata
An opinionated guide on how to become a professional Web/Mobile App Developer.
#aws #career_development #career_guide #career_path #career_plan #css #databases #developer_documentation #guidebook #guidelines #handbook #javascript #js #learn_to_code #learning_js #learning_python #python #react #sql
Stars: 464 Issues: 4 Forks: 31
An opinionated guide on how to become a professional Web/Mobile App Developer.
#aws #career_development #career_guide #career_path #career_plan #css #databases #developer_documentation #guidebook #guidelines #handbook #javascript #js #learn_to_code #learning_js #learning_python #python #react #sql
Stars: 464 Issues: 4 Forks: 31
GitHub - apptension/developer-handbook: An opinionated guide on how to become a professional Web/Mobile App Developer.
An opinionated guide on how to become a professional Web/Mobile App Developer. - apptension/developer-handbook
Master Nodejs and backend development by creating a backend web framework from scratch.
Language: JavaScript
#api #backend #backend_development #book #coding #education #javascript #learn_to_code #learning #learning_by_doing #learning_exercise #node #nodejs #programming #programming_fundamentals #server #training_materials
Stars: 142 Issues: 0 Forks: 4
Master Nodejs and backend development by creating a backend web framework from scratch.
Language: JavaScript
#api #backend #backend_development #book #coding #education #javascript #learn_to_code #learning #learning_by_doing #learning_exercise #node #nodejs #programming #programming_fundamentals #server #training_materials
Stars: 142 Issues: 0 Forks: 4
GitHub - ishtms/learn-nodejs-hard-way: Learn NodeJS and master the art of server-side programming by creating a backend framework…
Learn NodeJS and master the art of server-side programming by creating a backend framework with 0 dependencies. - ishtms/learn-nodejs-hard-way