small Unity editor tool that can automatically download and import Google Docs or Sheets (or anything with a URL) into your Unity project; perfect for collaborating with designers, writers, or translators
Language: C#
#game_dev #narrative_design #unity #unity3d #unity3d_editor
Stars: 106 Issues: 3 Forks: 3
small Unity editor tool that can automatically download and import Google Docs or Sheets (or anything with a URL) into your Unity project; perfect for collaborating with designers, writers, or translators
Language: C#
#game_dev #narrative_design #unity #unity3d #unity3d_editor
Stars: 106 Issues: 3 Forks: 3
GitHub - radiatoryang/bobbin: small Unity editor tool that can automatically download and import Google Docs or Sheets (or anything…
small Unity editor tool that can automatically download and import Google Docs or Sheets (or anything with a URL) into your Unity project; perfect for collaborating with designers, writers, or tran...