A flutter chat app built with firestore. It is clone of messenger.User can create stories,chat and search in real time.
Language: Dart
#camera #chat #chat_app #dribbble #facebook #facebook_stories #firebase #firestore #flutter #instagram_stories #messenger
Stars: 95 Issues: 0 Forks: 21
A flutter chat app built with firestore. It is clone of messenger.User can create stories,chat and search in real time.
Language: Dart
#camera #chat #chat_app #dribbble #facebook #facebook_stories #firebase #firestore #flutter #instagram_stories #messenger
Stars: 95 Issues: 0 Forks: 21
GitHub - developerpaaji/chat_app: A flutter chat app built with firestore. It is clone of messenger.User can create stories,chat…
A flutter chat app built with firestore. It is clone of messenger.User can create stories,chat and search in real time. - developerpaaji/chat_app
An implementation of the exact same app in Firestore, AWS Datastore, PouchDB, RxDB and WatermelonDB
Language: TypeScript
#angular #aws_amplify #database #datastore #firebase #firestore #indexeddb #offline_first #pouchdb #rxdb #watermelondb
Stars: 198 Issues: 5 Forks: 6
An implementation of the exact same app in Firestore, AWS Datastore, PouchDB, RxDB and WatermelonDB
Language: TypeScript
#angular #aws_amplify #database #datastore #firebase #firestore #indexeddb #offline_first #pouchdb #rxdb #watermelondb
Stars: 198 Issues: 5 Forks: 6
GitHub - pubkey/client-side-databases: An implementation of the exact same app in Firestore, AWS Datastore, PouchDB, RxDB and WatermelonDB
An implementation of the exact same app in Firestore, AWS Datastore, PouchDB, RxDB and WatermelonDB - pubkey/client-side-databases