genePool One
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Cardano Staking Pool
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Epoch 321

Expected number of blocks : 4.19

Block Allocated : 5

Blocks Produced : 5

Luck* : 119%

Blocks Predicted for the Next Epoch: 3

A good epoch with five blocks produced on an expectation of four so some extra earnings for delegators. For the next epoch we estimate that we will be allocated three blocks.

Yet another really quiet epoch but that is ok with us as long as blocks continue to be produced as scheduled. Overall we are happy with how the pool is running as we are producing the blocks allocated, we could just do with some more stake, but that is for us to address.

Really wish we had some more exciting news to report but as we don’t have a great five days and see you at the end of the next epoch for another exciting disclosure of what has been happening.

*– Blocks are allocated randomly each epoch based upon total stake a pool has just like a lottery. Luck refers to how many blocks were allocated to a pool against the expected blocks that the pools should produce. Some epochs (5 day periods) you will be allocated more blocks and some less but over time it should even out.
Epoch 322

Expected number of blocks : 4.18

Block Allocated : 3

Blocks Produced : 3

Luck* : 72%

Blocks Predicted for the Next Epoch: 3

An OK epoch with three blocks allocated and three blocks produced on an average expectation of four. Again for the next epoch it looks like we will be expecting three blocks to be allocated to our pool.

The story continues in that yet again it was a quiet epoch, the pool running smoothly and no concerns at present.

So with no news or excitement we are on towards the next epoch and we will return in five days for another exciting update ;), until then stay safe and we wish you a great next five days.

*– Blocks are allocated randomly each epoch based upon total stake a pool has just like a lottery. Luck refers to how many blocks were allocated to a pool against the expected blocks that the pools should produce. Some epochs (5 day periods) you will be allocated more blocks and some less but over time it should even out.
Epoch 323

Expected number of blocks : 4.18

Block Allocated : 3

Blocks Produced : 3

Luck* : 72%

Blocks Predicted for the Next Epoch: 4

We produced the expected three blocks this epoch and we have four allocated for the next epoch which is inline with expectations for the stake size of the pool.

A new node was just released (the software that the stake pool uses to process transactions and mint blocks that earn rewards) today 1.34.0 and we have installed this as we had produced all our blocks for this epoch and all looks good and we will be monitoring for the next block to be created by our pool so that we know that the upgrade was successful. Our monitoring tool shows that all looks good but it is essential to carefully monitor the first expected block after any change.

So we monitor and wait for the first expected block on Thursday and hope you have a great five days and we will return with a short update at the end of the epoch.

*– Blocks are allocated randomly each epoch based upon total stake a pool has just like a lottery. Luck refers to how many blocks were allocated to a pool against the expected blocks that the pools should produce. Some epochs (5 day periods) you will be allocated more blocks and some less but over time it should even out.
Epoch 324

Expected number of blocks : 4.24

Block Allocated : 4

Blocks Produced : 4

Luck* : 94%

Blocks Predicted for the Next Epoch: 3

All our expected block (four) we produced this epoch using the new software node and we have an estimated three blocks for the next epoch.

Not much was done this epoch apart from monitoring the new software to ensure we produced the first block after it was installed to confirm that the installation and software version was working as expected.

We have nothing much else to report so will return at the end of the next epoch. Until then be safe and have a great five days.

*– Blocks are allocated randomly each epoch based upon total stake a pool has just like a lottery. Luck refers to how many blocks were allocated to a pool against the expected blocks that the pools should produce. Some epochs (5 day periods) you will be allocated more blocks and some less but over time it should even out.
Epoch 325

Expected number of blocks : 4.23

Block Allocated : 3

Blocks Produced : 3

Luck* : 71%

Blocks Predicted for the Next Epoch: 3

We produced the expected three blocks successfully and for the next epoch we have three again allocated which is a bit disappointing as we have had quite a few epochs where our allocation has been under expectations.

There is a new release of the node software (1.34.1) and we will upgrade to this over the course of the weekend when we have a gap between blocks to perform the upgrade on the three servers. Other than this we have just been monitoring the service to ensure it is up and ready to produce blocks.

That’s all for now so see you in five days for a quick update.

*– Blocks are allocated randomly each epoch based upon total stake a pool has just like a lottery. Luck refers to how many blocks were allocated to a pool against the expected blocks that the pools should produce. Some epochs (5 day periods) you will be allocated more blocks and some less but over time it should even out.
Epoch 326

Expected number of blocks : 4.23

Block Allocated : 3

Blocks Produced : 3

Luck* : 71%

Blocks Predicted for the Next Epoch: 1 :(

We produced the expected three blocks successfully and for the next epoch we have an estimated one block allocated which is way below the expected four we should have with the stake we have but that is just what happens some epochs, so lets get through this and hope for a better allocation next epoch.

There is a new release of the node software (1.34.1) and we have upgraded to this during the epoch after producing our blocks. This is just a small bug fix release with no major new features. So apart from updating our three nodes with the new software we have been monitoring as we always do to ensure the pool is running smoothly.

That’s all for now so see you in five days for a quick update.

*– Blocks are allocated randomly each epoch based upon total stake a pool has just like a lottery. Luck refers to how many blocks were allocated to a pool against the expected blocks that the pools should produce. Some epochs (5 day periods) you will be allocated more blocks and some less but over time it should even out.
Epoch 327

Expected number of blocks : 4.24

Block Allocated : 1

Blocks Produced : 1

Luck* : 24%

Blocks Predicted for the Next Epoch: 7

Well we made the one block we were allocated and the good news is for the next epoch we have an estimated seven blocks to be allocated which makes up for the low amount allocated this past epoch.

The new node with some slight bug fixes in it is running well and we have not had to do any maintenance on the pool this last epoch.

We hope to see more smart contracts being activated soon on the chain as there are over five hundred in development and see which are going to innovate and are not just NFT's but it is still early days.

Not much else to report on so see you in five days for another quick update.

*– Blocks are allocated randomly each epoch based upon total stake a pool has just like a lottery. Luck refers to how many blocks were allocated to a pool against the expected blocks that the pools should produce. Some epochs (5 day periods) you will be allocated more blocks and some less but over time it should even out.
Epoch 328

Expected number of blocks : 4.26

Block Allocated : 7

Blocks Produced : 7

Luck* : 164%

Blocks Predicted for the Next Epoch: 5

A nice epoch for the pool and delegators as we were allocated seven blocks and produced them all. For the next epoch we again have an above average allocation of five blocks so we are happy with that.

The pool is running smoothly although this epoch on of the relays did lock up but our monitoring script caught this and restarted the relay, which is why you should have a minimum of two relays for redundancy. Other than this it was a quiet epoch.

It looks like development of smart contracts and performance optimisations of Cardano are forging ahead and we should see hydra released in the not too distant future - this is not a solution to all scaling scenarios but should help - and for the next hardfork in the summer there is the performance optimisation of diffusion pipelining see

Not much else to report on so see you in five days for another quick update.

*– Blocks are allocated randomly each epoch based upon total stake a pool has just like a lottery. Luck refers to how many blocks were allocated to a pool against the expected blocks that the pools should produce. Some epochs (5 day periods) you will be allocated more blocks and some less but over time it should even out.
Epoch 329
Contact -

Expected number of blocks : 4.02

Block Allocated : 5

Blocks Produced : 5

Luck* : 124%

Blocks Predicted for the Next Epoch: 6

Another nice epoch with above average rewards for delegators and for the next epoch (5 days) we have and estimated six blocks on an expectation of four so again this should mean above average returns.

This epoch we had to renew KES keys and node certificate which has to be done every ninety days and is a security precaution. So this has been done and we will monitor closely the next expected block to ensure it is made as this is a change if you make a mistake with will ensure you don't produce any blocks.

We do not have much else to report on so see you in five days for another quick update.

*– Blocks are allocated randomly each epoch based upon total stake a pool has just like a lottery. Luck refers to how many blocks were allocated to a pool against the expected blocks that the pools should produce. Some epochs (5 day periods) you will be allocated more blocks and some less but over time it should even out.
Epoch 330
Contact -

Expected number of blocks : 4.02

Block Allocated : 6

Blocks Produced : 6

Luck* : 149%

Blocks Predicted for the Next Epoch: 6

We are on a nice roll of epochs with above expected numbers of blocks, meaning better returns for delegators so long may this continue. We produced all the blocks we were allocated and the KES rotation was successful in the previous epoch.

This epoch was quiet and we were just monitoring the pool.
We do not have much else to report on so see you in five days for another quick update.

*– Blocks are allocated randomly each epoch based upon total stake a pool has just like a lottery. Luck refers to how many blocks were allocated to a pool against the expected blocks that the pools should produce. Some epochs (5 day periods) you will be allocated more blocks and some less but over time it should even out.
Epoch 331
Contact -

Expected number of blocks : 4

Block Allocated : 6

Blocks Produced : 6

Luck* : 150%

Blocks Predicted for the Next Epoch: 4

All six blocks were produced and we have an estimated four blocks allocated for the next epoch which is what is expected with the amount of stake delegated to the pool.

Another boring epoch for news as nothing happened with the pool apart from us monitoring the performance. There is an upcoming hard fork in June so things will start accelerating in the next few weeks and we will see some new node software releases to be ready for the fork. For now we do not have much else to report on so see you in five days for another quick update.

*– Blocks are allocated randomly each epoch based upon total stake a pool has just like a lottery. Luck refers to how many blocks were allocated to a pool against the expected blocks that the pools should produce. Some epochs (5 day periods) you will be allocated more blocks and some less but over time it should even out.
Epoch 332
Contact -

Expected number of blocks : 4

Block Allocated : 4

Blocks Produced : 4

Luck* : 100%

Blocks Predicted for the Next Epoch: 1 :(

We produced the four blocks we expected this epoch and for the next epoch we have an estimated one block allocated to the pool on an expectation of four so that is not great at all but is what happens.

Nothing done to the pool this month just monitoring but there is a new node on the way 1.35 and we have a date for the Vasil hardfork which is currently set for June 29th and is set to introduce new technology to help with throughput (pipe-lining) and help improve Plutus for DApp developers so this is exciting and the development of Cardano seems to carry on at pace. We need many improvements for DApps and the first of these will be in at the hardfork so we should see some new projects launching shortly after this date. The block size is being increased to 88kb in the next epoch to help increase throughput so optimisation of the chain parameters keeps on taking place.

For those interested in some more details on the hard fork you can watch the mid montly development update here -

So lets get through this epoch quickly as we only have a single block and get to see some better times and returns soon. Until the end of the next epoch stay safe, have fun and have a great Easter break!

*– Blocks are allocated randomly each epoch based upon total stake a pool has just like a lottery. Luck refers to how many blocks were allocated to a pool against the expected blocks that the pools should produce. Some epochs (5 day periods) you will be allocated more blocks and some less but over time it should even out.
Epoch 333
Contact -

Expected number of blocks : 4

Block Allocated : 1

Blocks Produced : 1

Luck* : 25%

Blocks Predicted for the Next Epoch: 2

We produced the single block allocated and for the next epoch we have an estimated one hundred percent improvement with two blocks although this is still below the expected four blocks that should be allocated based on our stake size but that is the nature of the beast as I am sure you tired of us explaining ;)

The pool is running smoothly and there was little maintenance during this epoch just mainly monitoring. We have some other projects we are working on and of course life gets in the way as well but we are always looking to improve our pool performance and keep it producing blocks for our delegators.

Things will start moving quicker over the coming month as the Vasil hardfork appears on the horizon and we expect an uptick in transactions and DApp releases in the second half of the year. So until the end of the next epoch stay safe, have fun and we will update you on the coming epoch soon.

*– Blocks are allocated randomly each epoch based upon total stake a pool has just like a lottery. Luck refers to how many blocks were allocated to a pool against the expected blocks that the pools should produce. Some epochs (5 day periods) you will be allocated more blocks and some less but over time it should even out.
Epoch 334
Contact -

Expected number of blocks : 4

Block Allocated : 2

Blocks Produced : 2

Luck* : 50%

Blocks Predicted for the Next Epoch: 2

We produced the two blocks allocated this epoch and we continue the theme of below average block allocation with another epoch where we are estimating two blocks to be allocated on an average expectation of four based on stake.

The pool continues to run smoothly and there was little maintenance during this epoch just mainly monitoring. We are waiting on the new node software releases for the next hard fork but this could be another month until release.

So at the moment carry on and hope for a better allocation next epoch. We will return with the next epoch's figures with another short update in five days, until then have a great time and be safe.

*– Blocks are allocated randomly each epoch based upon total stake a pool has just like a lottery. Luck refers to how many blocks were allocated to a pool against the expected blocks that the pools should produce. Some epochs (5 day periods) you will be allocated more blocks and some less but over time it should even out.
Epoch 335
Contact -

Expected number of blocks : 4

Block Allocated : 2

Blocks Produced : 2

Luck* : 50%

Blocks Predicted for the Next Epoch: 8

Well another two blocks produced which was all we were allocated as predicted but we have an estimated eight blocks for the next epoch which makes up for the last two poor epochs.

Another epoch of just monitoring the pool and ensuring we make all the blocks we can for our delegators each and every epoch.

Slightly late with this update by a few hours but we will and be less tardy next epoch, until then have a great few days and be safe.

*– Blocks are allocated randomly each epoch based upon total stake a pool has just like a lottery. Luck refers to how many blocks were allocated to a pool against the expected blocks that the pools should produce. Some epochs (5 day periods) you will be allocated more blocks and some less but over time it should even out.
Epoch 336
Contact -

Expected number of blocks : 4

Block Allocated : 8

Blocks Produced : 8

Luck* : 200%

Blocks Predicted for the Next Epoch: 7

Great epoch with eight blocks allocated and produced and an estimated seven blocks for the next epoch which is very nice :)

Pool is running super smooth and no issues seen this epoch - long may this continue. We continue to wait for new node software and P2P (Peer to Peer) to completely decentralise the node discovery of other nodes but these things are coming soon and will require some work.

So with a good epoch behind us and another one ahead we wish you a great epoch and will return with a short update then.

*– Blocks are allocated randomly each epoch based upon total stake a pool has just like a lottery. Luck refers to how many blocks were allocated to a pool against the expected blocks that the pools should produce. Some epochs (5 day periods) you will be allocated more blocks and some less but over time it should even out.
Epoch 337
Contact -

Expected number of blocks : 4

Block Allocated : 7

Blocks Produced : 7

Luck* : 175%

Blocks Predicted for the Next Epoch: 4

Good epoch with all blocks made and an estimated four in the next epoch which is on average.

Really wish there was some exciting news but generally all is running well and smooth. We continue to wait for the software releases before the next hardfork at the end of June which is still on schedule.

We will return with a short update on performance and expected blocks at the end of the epoch, have a great five days!

*– Blocks are allocated randomly each epoch based upon total stake a pool has just like a lottery. Luck refers to how many blocks were allocated to a pool against the expected blocks that the pools should produce. Some epochs (5 day periods) you will be allocated more blocks and some less but over time it should even out.
Epoch 338
Contact -

Expected number of blocks : 4

Block Allocated : 4

Blocks Produced : 3

Luck* : 75%

Blocks Predicted for the Next Epoch: 7

For the first time in a long while we lost a block - the first of the four we were allocated. This can happen as pools can be allocated the same block and then it is up to some random process as to which pool gets to make the block. So that was not a great start to the epoch but we made the remainder and for the next epoch we have an estimated seven blocks.

Again nothing major of note regarding the running of the pool. We updated the OS to the latest patches on our relays and core and apart from looking into why we missed the first block the epoch was quiet.

We will return with a short update on performance and expected blocks at the end of the epoch, have a great five days!

*– Blocks are allocated randomly each epoch based upon total stake a pool has just like a lottery. Luck refers to how many blocks were allocated to a pool against the expected blocks that the pools should produce. Some epochs (5 day periods) you will be allocated more blocks and some less but over time it should even out.
Epoch 339
Contact -

Expected number of blocks : 4

Block Allocated : 7

Blocks Produced : 7

Luck* : 174%

Blocks Predicted for the Next Epoch: 2

Normal service is resumed with all blocks produced (seven). For the next epoch we have an estimated two blocks.

Couple of issues this epoch and this was a crash when ran the script that generates the expected blocks for the next epoch and then as this was a crash it meant approx forty minutes was spent by the node checking the database to ensure it was correct. This has the effect that our monitoring script sees no transactions processed and then restarts the system after ten minutes. This is a safety measure in case human operators are for some reason otherwise occupied. This was fine at the start of the project but now the block-chain is so large it takes longer to validate it on a crash and therefor our monitor script keeps restarting the node while it is still validating. So we have to change our script to check if the system is validating the database and then hold off the restart and therefore only restart if the system for some reason stops processing transactions during normal operation.

The crash was due to resource use so we will see how the resource usage of the node progresses in upcoming releases as we are already paying quite a lot for the systems we are running and to upgrade them yet again to 32GB and extra processors is going to be financially painful. Lets see what the future brings, we will just run the prediction software on a spare system for the future that will have no effects if it crashes due to resource use.

Anyway enough of all that and we get back to you at the end of the epoch, have a great five days!

*– Blocks are allocated randomly each epoch based upon total stake a pool has just like a lottery. Luck refers to how many blocks were allocated to a pool against the expected blocks that the pools should produce. Some epochs (5 day periods) you will be allocated more blocks and some less but over time it should even out.
Epoch 341
Contact -

Expected number of blocks : 4

Block Allocated : 8

Blocks Produced : 8

Luck* : 200%

Blocks Predicted for the Next Epoch: 9

Firstly apologies for no update for the last epoch that was due to some crazy issues and was not acceptable so we are back again for our weekly quick update.

We just had a great epoch with eight blocks and have another potentially great epoch with nine blocks coming up, things are looking good!

We still have issues running the predicted block generation script so this is being looked into but apart from this the pool continues to run smoothly although resources are tight - memory mainly. We continue with 16GB per machine for the future but we are monitoring the situation closely.

We have not seem]n much information on new software versions for the Cardano node which must be coming with the hard fork approaching and P2P which will help decentralise the eco system further so we await these eagerly.

Not much to report otherwise so we will return with a short update at the end of the next epoch.

*– Blocks are allocated randomly each epoch based upon total stake a pool has just like a lottery. Luck refers to how many blocks were allocated to a pool against the expected blocks that the pools should produce. Some epochs (5 day periods) you will be allocated more blocks and some less but over time it should even out.
Epoch 342
Contact -

Expected number of blocks (based on delegation): 4

Blocks Allocated : 9

Blocks Produced : 9

Luck* : 223%

Blocks Predicted for the Next Epoch: 7

Great epoch with nine blocks produced and we have an estimated seven for the next epoch which is again above what we expect so extra rewards coming to all delegators again this coming epoch.

We are super busy with a location change at present so please bear with our even less than descriptive epoch updates but we try the best we can to provide the basic information and of course we monitor the pool continuously.

Nothing to report of interest this epoch so we will hopefully have something regarding upcoming hard fork soon.

Have a great next epoch and we will return with a short update at the end of the epoch.

*– Blocks are allocated randomly each epoch based upon total stake a pool has just like a lottery. Luck refers to how many blocks were allocated to a pool against the expected blocks that the pools should produce. Some epochs (5 day periods) you will be allocated more blocks and some less but over time it should even out.