Galactic Astrology
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Julia loves sharing information in support of our evolutionary journey through cosmos. Learn the language of Astrology to read the stories written in heaven. For more information, please visit:
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Today the Sun is conjunct the Galactic Center and square Jupiter at 29 degrees of Pisces.

This cosmic portal will be open for several days. It is a great time to go within to easier connect with Source of your Being.

The activation of this portal allows us to more easily connect with the Divine Intelligence of the Unconditional Love of the Universe.

Open your heart and bathe in this Love. Know it is Love that is the heart of the Universe and of all Creation.

We are that Love and moments like this help us remember who we are and why we came.

We are also reminded that we are never alone and can ask for help when we need it.

Know that your prayers are always answered sometimes in very surprising ways! πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–

People with natal chart planets or calculated points at or around 29 degrees of Pisces will feel this conjunction with extra intensity.

Visit to book your Galactic Astro chart soul reading or start learning with us.

Inspired by our certified QSG Practitioner Sibyl Star post on her brilliant FB page called Star Nation Oracle. YT: @sibylstar8255
#galacticcenter #galactic #starseeds #galacticastrology #learnastrology #portal #cosmicconsciousness #higherconsciousness #cosmicdownloads #multidimensional #quantumleap #ascension #evolution #loveisthekey #unityconsciousness #sunconjunctgalacticcenter #sunportal #timetomeditate #gowithin
One of my favorite things to do is reading soul touching testimonials that clients of our certified QSG Practitioners send after their Galactic Astrology Soul Reading sessions.
I am going to start sharing some of these amazing reviews in my FB stories going forward as they are so brilliant. I read them and think WOW, people need to see this.
The stories that are being revealed when Astrology is combined with intuitive soul records reading and how they impact people's lives,... just mind blowing.
We really are living in the most extra-ordinary times and we are participating in divine intelligence orchestration of cosmic events of epic proportions.
I feel deeply humbled and inspired by the growing collective of wonderful souls who are being guided to this special service that supports evolution of human consciousness.
You can review the growing list of certified practitioners on my website (, including links to their websites and social media platforms. Get to know their amazing life stories by watching our Galactic Ambassadors Podcast and BOOK YOUR SESSION if you feel inspired by any of them.
#galacticastrology #quantumsoulguidance #starseeds #cosmicorigins #soulrecords
Happy New Moon in Capricorn

Today we would like to share a fantastic contemplation by one of our Certified Practitioner QSG - Julita Machalski, for the New Moon in Capricorn.

This is the 13th New Moon in this magical year 2022 (not every year has 13 new moon cycles). It is such a good opportunity to set our INTENTIONS for the New Year 2023. With this occasion, we wish you a Merry Christmas, wonderful time with families, friends and the love ones. #galacticastrology #newmoon
Happy New Moon in Capricorn
With the full moon in Cancer this weekend it is a perfect time for the Womb Healing experience that can help you resolve limiting conditioning your body & mind copied from your mother, grandmother, your ancestors. β€οΈβ€πŸ©Ή

A powerful healing that should not be taken lightly. Read the T&Cs.

You can access it on my website:

Part 1 and 3 are free, part 2 comes at a heavily reduced fee.

If any of you struggle financially, just email me at and I will help you access this guided healing session. πŸ’

#wombhealing #guidedhealing #ancestraltrauma #familytrauma #healyourself #healing #DNArepair #DNAupgrade
Media is too big
I look forward to presenting a class on the Galactic Center, Super GC, The Great Attractor and Shapley for the @astrology.hub INNER CIRCLE members in March 2023. ☸️

Enrolments should open soon on their website. 🎊

πŸ“In the meantime, I have posted a 10 minute-long video on the topic of SGC on YouTube yesterday. Check out the comments there too for some great Q&As. πŸ’–

πŸ“š Plenty more on the topic can be found inside the QSG Course on my website.

I hope you all got some rest during the retrogrades time and feeling the excitement picking up as the energies start moving again. 🐬🌟

#supergalacticcenter #galacticastrology #astrology #selfmastery #ascension #starseeds #quantumsoulguidance
This story was shared by one of our QSG course students about her experience with Alpha Centauri star system when she connected in meditation.

Alpha Centauri is our closest neighboring star, 'only' 4 light years away from us.

Let us know in the comment if you had a similar experience with this star system or other star systems.

Have you ever witnessed and sensed loving and supportive energy coming to earth from any of the stars? ❀️
Very last minute but still relevant, I just received the link to share with you my presentation for the Astrology Hub Inner Circle members on this Virgo Full Moon and Astro forecast until the 20th of March.🎊

I included information on the three Liliths as they aspect this full moon and can reveal interesting dynamics in your own life. πŸ“

And here are the free resources links mentioned at the end:

πŸŒ• toxic-relationships-4174665


πŸŒ• EricBergDC


I hope you will find this valuable.πŸ’™
I am experimenting with daily Astro Updates on my Patreon ( this week. Shared a few already and the feedback is great.πŸ™
Astrology Hub asked me to create these for my Lunar month and in the process I realized
I quite enjoy reviewing daily transits, tuning into their energy and then creating the highlights. 🐣
I will share some of them here time to time.
Let me know if you find my updates helpful. Today's Astro Update will be shared in the next post. ❀️
Astro Highlight ~ March 11th 2023

Venus in Aries sextile Mars in Gemini both at 23Β°34’ at 3.04pm GMT

Great time for socializing if the opportunity is there. It may be easier for you to be considerate and kind.
You may feel confident and assertive in following your dreams and desires without being forceful.
You will want to spend your free time meaningfully, focusing on your creative self expression, and going through the day in a relaxed manner.

Although Moon entering Scorpio today may add passion, intense feelings and a desire to connect more deeply to your dearest one(s).
With Mars also squaring Neptune in Pisces (within 1.22') watch out for unrealistic expectations in your relationships that may cause your disappointment.

Instead, focus on what is worth celebrating in your relationships and communicate your appreciation to your loved ones today. It will pay off. πŸ’—
You can access full post with more details about today's transit on my Patreon FOR FREE today here:
In case you feel some tension in your relationships, you may find some guidance in Astrology. Full details in all tiers Patreons post of today: πŸ’—
Full Astro Highlight article, including the fixed star Scheat in Pegasus info as it is conjunct the Sun, is available to all Patreons❀️ I hope the image highlight of the highlight πŸ˜„ will be of some help too. A blessed Equinox time to you all. πŸ’™ πŸ•Š
Retrograding (dwarf planet) Ceres spends her last day in the zero degree of Libra today and moves backwards to the 29th degree of Virgo, while in a tight conjunction to the Super Galactic Center and opposing the Sun in the early Aries. This transit will last several days.

This can create a much stronger desire for us to form deeper relationships with others. We will feel naturally more generous with our ability to care for and nurture others and ourselves. This will create attractive energy that people will be drawn to.
We will feel more in tune with the virtues that are foundational for healthy relationships and we will want to embody them.

But with the Sun opposing Ceres, we might feel in conflict with the above due to a strong desire to be perceived as strong and independent, not needing help from anyone. This is false conditioning that we can dismantle during this powerful transit.

Rest of the article available to all my Patreons:
Much love to you all. ❀️
Time to bring structure and importance to creating something you are passionate about. Don't let the burdens of your past stop you, but use courage to express yourself in a new way. πŸ’–

This transit is valid for 7-10 days.

Water trine between Mars in Cancer, Saturn in Pisces and South Node in Scorpio. Mars and Saturn also form a sextile to the North Node.

⭐️Mars is also conjunct fixed star Tejat Posterior.

⭐️Saturn is also conjunct Royal star Fomalhaut.

⭐️South node is also conjunct star Syrma.

More on all that and the full Astro forecast available to all my Patreons:

Do you feel called to create or restructure something you are passionate about? ✍️
#astrohighlight #galacticastrology
The full moon that occurs on the 6th of April 2023 at 16 degrees 07 minutes of Libra is the last of seven full moons in a row that occurred at 16th degree of a zodiac sign. In Tarot, we have The Tower card holding the number 16.
The Tower Tarot card represents the purifying power of fire. It comes with a bolt of lightning that will destroy old habits and ideas. Considering everything that has been happening in the world and our personal lives in the last 6 months, you can see the significance of this rare occurrence. Transformational times.
This full moon is also opposing Chiron in Aries, so the need to release old wounding related to our sense of self, our identity issues will be stronger than ever.
This Full moon is also conjunct Seginus star in Bootes Const. and the Sun is conjunct Alpheratz star in Andromeda. More on that, as well as other planets aspects impact review is available to my GA Patreons:
With Moon conjunct Saturn in Pisces transit this weekend it can be quite challenging to deal with painful emotions that may come up but thank heavens Fomalhaut star is there to guide us to healing, compassion and higher perspective that are meant to shift our life path trajectory towards a higher ideal. Be gentle with yourself and others this weekend. ❀️ Full forecast with many more key details is available to my GA Patreons. ❀️