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Danish doctor Jeanne A. Rungby notes that not a single Dane has been able to make decisions based on informed consent when offered to inject themselves with covid "vaccine". Based on the summary of product characteristics and the instructions given, the health authorities seem to have failed to inform the regions and thus pharmacists, doctors and nurses who vaccinate against COVID-19 of the following regarding the COVID-19 "vaccines":

1. that the vaccines have not prevented the spread of infection. This should be clearly stated in the instructions to the vaccinator, as the Danish Health Authority stated in its invitation letters that participation in the vaccination helped to protect others, which is not correct. For many people, this desire not to infect others was the main motivation for vaccination.

2. that the vaccinations cause long-term damage to the immune system - the more vaccinations given, the worse the damage becomes. Several scientific studies have documented that the immune system's ability to fight both COVID-19 and other infections weakens over time and with repeated injections. The first study on the adverse effects of the vaccine was published by the Serum Institute in Dec 2021, by which time alarm bells should have rung and vaccination should have been stopped, before the booster vaccine was offered.

3. that the risk of contracting covid increases with each injection given. A study from Cleveland was groundbreaking. This large and well-conducted study of 52,000 healthcare workers clearly showed that the risk of contracting COVID-19 increased with each injection given. The unvaccinated had the lowest risk.

4. the risk of permanent damage to the heart is so high that it is disproportionate to the severity of the disease

5. that there are other antivirals to treat covid.

6. that the risk of serious side effects - Alzheimer's, disability and fatal outcomes for children & adults - with the vaccine was greater than the risk of them becoming seriously ill from covid, which was already known to the authorities in Jan 2021, when the risk of death among people <70 years due to covid-19 was 0.05%, according to a study commissioned by the WHO.

7. that studies suggest that the incidence and severity of cancer increases with each injection

8. that the study on which the administration of these vaccines to pregnant and lactating women was based was carried out on 44 rats and did not include studies on the germ cells of the baby rats or studies on DNA integration. The rats were killed quickly, so long-term effects were not studied. The authors were employed by Pfizer. There are now statistics on pregnancy complications, abortions and stillbirths, which represent an unacceptable risk.

9. the very frequent occurrence of menstrual disorders after vaccination may indicate that the vaccination had a negative impact on fertility

10. that sperm quality deteriorated with each injection

11. that several population studies have shown significant (non-random) associations between these vaccines and excess mortality

12. that the manufacturers changed the production method after the conditional authorisation and that no randomised clinical trials were conducted based on this production process 2.

The above review shows that very important information is missing from both the summary of product characteristics and the staff instructions, preventing vaccinators from giving proper informed consent as required by law. In Denmark, vaccination against "seasonal" COVID and flu is planned for Sep & Oct. Will the vaccinators inform about all of the above?

The article contains 40 references to the 12 points.
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Forwarded from SARS-CoV-STAT-DK
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Så er vi klar med et nyt studie. Reports of Batch-Dependent Suspected Adverse Events of the BNT162b2 mRNA COVID-19 Vaccine: Comparison of Results from Denmark and Sweden.

Denne gang er det gået ud over de Svenske bivirkningstal, som vi har sammenlignet med de Danske bivirkningsdata. Studiet viser, ikke overraskende, tilsvarende mønstre i Sverige. Der er enkelte afvigelser, men overordnet ser vi samme bilede.

Det at vi kan finde sammenlignelige resultater i et andet land understøtter kraftigt, at de mønstre vi ser ikke er afhængige af tiltag i de enkelte lande, men at mønstret er generelt.

Studiet er open access, takket være donationer, og må deles så meget man vil😊. Vi sender også pressemeddelelse via Ritzau, så hvis I ser nogen artikler om det i pressen, så smid endelig et link i kommentarerne.😊

Læs, Gem og Del
Max Schmeling