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تلفن دفتر انجمن فرویدی: ۰۲۱۲۲۰۲۵۹۳۷
آدرس:جردن-نبش خیابان عاطفی غربی-برج صبا-واحد ۶۳
Website: freudianassociation.org
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دهم اردیبهشت روز ملی «شاخاب پارس» خجسته باد

روز ملی خلیج فارس گرامی باد
۱۰ اردیبهشت روزی افتخارآمیزی در تاریخ ایرانیان است . روزی که یادآور ازخودگذشتگی های ملت سرافراز ایران و بیرون راندن اشغال‌گران پرتقالی بعد از ۱۱۷ سال تسلط جابرانه‌ برسواحل جنوبی کشور (۲۱ آوریل ۱۶۲۲ میلادی) در پی رشادت‌های دلاوران ایرانی به رهبری امام قلی‌خان می باشد. شاه عباس کبیر صفوی در این روز در سال ۱۶۲۱ میلادی توانست هرمز را از چنگ پرتقالی ها درآورد و باردیگر سیادت دریایی ایران را بر این منطقه احیا نماید، گرچه متاسفانه پس از گذشت ۵۰۰ سال از آزادی جزیره هرمز هنوز این جزیره در محرومیت و فقر مطلق است‌ و از ناکارآمدی مسئولین وقت کشوری رنج میبرد.


#افتخار #تاریخ
#عشق #خلیج_فارس

عکس های ما در گوگل مپس بیش از ۲۵۰ هزار بازدید داشته اند!

From: Google Maps <google-maps-noreply@google.com>
Date: Tue, Oct 4, 2022 at 10:48 AM
Subject: A lot of people are seeing your photos on Google Maps!
To: <freudianassociation@gmail.com>


#روانکاوی #روانكاو
#ایرانشهر #ایران_بزرگ
#فرهنگ #تاریخ #تمدن

مکان هائی را که ما به گوگل مپس افزوده ایم ده هزار بازدید داشته اند!

From: Google Maps <google-maps-noreply @ google .com>
Date: Tue, Oct 25, 2022 at 10:31 AM
Subject: The places you added have reached a new record on Google Maps!
To: <freudianassociation @ gmail. com>


#روانکاوی #روانكاو
#ایرانشهر #ایران_بزرگ
#فرهنگ #تاریخ #تمدن

Open Letter -Part two: Kurdistan belongs to the Kurds

Respected Head of the Judiciary,
With all due respect and greetings once again,
I find myself compelled to bring to your attention a truly perplexing incident, one that has led to the detainment of six highly educated and specialized women since September 8. The nature of this incident is such that its decryption necessitates divulging details that may initially prove distressing. This narrative appears so incredible that when a dozen other members of our association endeavored to secure their release and approached provincial authorities, they too were deeply taken aback. These officials include the Governor’s office, the representative of the jurisprudent in the province, the Intelligence Division of the IRGC, and more...



Open Letter – Part three: Mazandaran belongs to the Mazandaranis

Esteemed Chief Justice,
Greetings and respect.
Allow me to take you back from the summer of 1359 to the summer of 1402, to the 17th of Shahrivar, 1402. The members of the Freudian Association, who, alongside their other endeavors, conduct extensive research in the field of cultural heritage, had returned to the village of Amre in Sari County to pursue their research. It’s worth mentioning that before Mazandaran Province, they had conducted research in 9 other provinces...



Open letter- Part four: The Repetitive Tale of “I Myself Am the Order”

Honorable Chief Justice,
Greetings and respect,
It is self-evident that these six women requested that the 16 men provide a judicial warrant for their arrest. Among them, a stout, middle-aged man of average height proclaimed himself as “the prosecutor of Sari and the judge himself.” To this, one of the women retorted, “Yes, there was another individual who held the title of judge. He truly was a prosecutor, but he no longer is and now operates solely as a lawyer...



Open Letter – Part Five: Psychoanalysis is, first and foremost, a research method

Honorable Chief Justice
Greetings and respect
I learned from the news yesterday that you paid a visit to the National Museum and held a joint meeting with the Honorable Minister of Cultural Heritage. There is no news more delightful for enthusiasts of cultural heritage. As far as I can recall, you are the first head of our judiciary to undertake such an endeavor. You likely know very well that the condition of cultural heritage, as well as the state of tourism in Iran, is beyond lamentable. However, I am quite certain that even you may not be aware of the extent to which these two matters are grievous and dreadful in Mazandaran province...


#treasur #Burial

Open Letter – Part Six: A Grave Without a Corpse

Honorable Chief Justice
Greetings and respect
In the fourth section of my statement, I addressed the fact that the antique smuggling ring made a grave mistake by wrongly incarcerating the researchers from the Freudian Society. This error was significant because the key to unraveling this enigma lay within those prison walls. I further mentioned the villagers of Agh Mashhad, who asserted that the activities related to treasure hunting and the illicit trade in antiquities were being conducted with the collaboration of corrupt elements within the police force and the Intelligence office of the province...


#treasur #Burial

جشن سده ثبت جهانی شد... ولی اگر گذاشتند در ایران برگزار کنیم!

یونسکو، سازمان آموزشی، علمی و فرهنگی سازمان ملل متحد، روز چهارشنبه ۱۵ آذر گزارش داد که جشن سده را که هر سال در دهم بهمن (سی‌ام ژانویه) برگزار می‌شود، به درخواست ایران و تاجیکستان به ثبت جهانی رسانده است.
همچنین هنر تذهیب که زراندود یا طلاکاری نیز نامیده می‌شود، به درخواست ایران، جمهوری آذربایجان، تاجیکستان، ترکیه و ازبکستان به ثبت جهانی رسیده است...


#ایران #ایران_بزرگ
