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Как всегда, с уважением к вам, Удутов Сергей (Аналитик FREEDOM INSIDER GROUP)
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As always, with respect to you, Sergey Udutov (Analyst at FREEDOM INSIDER GROUP)
Hello everyone: Freedom insider is an ecosystem project supported by top brokers.
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Here are our projects: - News - Analytics and Signals

As always, with respect to you, Sergey Udutov (Analyst at FREEDOM INSIDER GROUP)
Forwarded from Serg Udutov

UK consumer inflation data came out today with +10.1% (previous +9.4%) = a record since 1981. [infographic attached]

Inflation continues to grow against the backdrop of a severe shortage of energy resources and the use of reserve volumes. Britain and Europe continue to suffer because of their unreasonable but inevitable (for political reasons) sanctions against the Russian Federation.
However, the Anglo-Saxons are doing a little better than their neighbors in the west (which is obviously not in vain was BREXIT), because they still have the opportunity to milk their other colonies: Britain began to import LNG from Australia in the face of a shortage of energy resources in the European market.

There is no doubt that the people there, accustomed to comfort, will soon begin to take to the streets of the cities, fueling their last hope in ephemeral liberalism and desiring help from their governments. But, in Britain, in all European countries, clowns sit in governments, which are completely controlled by American capital. Therefore, the flow of capital from the western part of the mainland to America for their new local wars is still very far from its apogee.

Now from the lyrics to the pound technique: there is a high uncertainty on the pair due to the lack of a trend movement, and there is no desire to trade "twitching". However, two equally likely magnets pass through the red and blue corners highlighted in the graph. To enter one of the sides, I want to see another small trade.

*This post is not an investment or trading recommendation

Euro parity again.

The infographic that I am attaching to the quotes shows that the main reason for high inflation in Europe is high energy prices (black line), which is why consumer prices subsequently rise (blue line).
Soon the ECB will raise its key rate, thus demonstrating its intention to fight the already almost double-digit inflation.
However, any competent economist understands that this will only push Europe into recession (decline in consumer demand) and lead to the collapse of the Eurozone, since the energy problem is primarily a political aspect, not a monetary one.
The countdown for old Europe is already underway, and the clowns in the governing bodies of the ECB and EU parliaments are only accelerating this process.

Technically, today we again saw the parity of the dollar and the euro. Locally, it is possible that a double bottom is formed on the pair from the global Gann angle.
The magnet in the red zone ~ 1.04000 is quite strong, so there is a rather big chance to see an increase to these levels.
Otherwise, I am still an apologist for the departure of the euro well below parity in the medium term.
The first medium-term target zone is the blue Gann angle ~ 0.97000
After that, I assume that the actual collapse of the Eurozone will begin and acceleration will go to levels much lower. Next - the splitting of the euro as a currency.

*This post is not an investment or trading recommendation

В конце апреля предполагал, что канадский доллар должен протестировать уровень 1.32000.
Бычий тест данного уровня на пересечении углов Ганна состоялся.

На текущий момент, по технике отчетливо прослеживается экспоненциальный канал (желтый) в сторону роста.
Зона проторговки 1.22800 - 1.30500, длящаяся уже более года, выглядит довольно внушительной (крупный рейндж).
Вероятно, что выход из этой зоны будет не менее исполинским.
Для подтверждения этого движения вверх нужно закрепляться выше выделенного красного угла, и тогда первой целью будет выступать уровень 1.36500.

*Данный пост‏ ‎не ‎является‏ ‎инвестиционной‏ и торговой ‎рекомендацией.

Евро не удаётся пробить угол, а растущая годовая инфляция усугубляет положение для ЕС.

Сегодня вышли данные по инфляции в Еврозоне - она ускорилась до рекордных 9,1% с 8,9% месяцем ранее.

Этот экономический и политический блок продолжает пребывать в положения цугцванга:
Такой дикий разгон инфляции вынуждает ЕЦБ уже скоро повысить ставку, но закредитованность Испании, Португалии, Италии и других южных стран Европы не позволяет её поднимать из-за зашкаливающего риска дефолта в таком случае.
У меня нет сомнений уже давно, Евросоюз скоро распадётся. И уйдет на это не так много времени, как кажется.

Технически, евро после двойного дна не может пробить красный угол Ганна. Мы наблюдаем как пара несколько раз его тестировала, после чего сползала вниз.
Вероятно, что EURUSD стремится к своему глобальному магниту на уровне 0.97000

*Данный пост‏ ‎не ‎является‏ ‎инвестиционной‏ и торговой ‎рекомендацией.
Forwarded from Serg Udutov

The euro is failing to break the corner and rising annual inflation is making matters worse for the EU.

Today released data on inflation in the Eurozone - it accelerated to a record 9.1% from 8.9% a month earlier.

This economic and political bloc continues to be in a zugzwang position: Such a wild acceleration of inflation forces the ECB to raise the rate soon, but the debt load of Spain, Portugal, Italy and other southern European countries does not allow it to be raised due to the overwhelming risk of default in this case.
I have no doubts for a long time, the European Union will soon disintegrate. And it won't take as long as it seems.

Technically, the euro can't break the Gann red corner after a double bottom. We watch as the couple tested it several times, after which they slid down.
It is likely that EURUSD is heading towards its global magnet at 0.97000

*This post is not an investment recommendation or a trading recommendation.