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💥 BOOOM - Der globale STURM nimmt fahrt auf💥
‼️🇺🇸 Abgeordneter McCarthy bezeichnet Pelosis Reaktion auf Trump-Coronavirus-Diagnose als "ekelhaft" und
die Bekanntgabe der Hochverräter Clinton, Obama, CIA Dir. Brennan und FBI Dir. Comey durch freigegebene Dokumente‼️
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Nr 178 - BOOM 💥 Trump hat alles im Griff - NESARA/ GESARA kommt unaufhaltsam - Deep State am Ende

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Nr 196 💥💥💥Popcorn Time - Der Sturm ist über uns 💥💥💥

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Nr 212 💥💥💥 B O O M 💥💥💥 Update Nesara/ GESARA - Jetzt steht Europa vor der endgültigen Befreiung

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Nr 247 💥💥💥Endgame - Massnahmen werden gerichtlich angegangen - Einzelhandel, Gastronomie und Hotels klagen - Watch the Water💥💥💥

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Nr 391 💥💥💥BOOM - Michael Flynn bringt Licht in das Dunkel und versengt US-Regierungen - Obama‘s tiefer Fall - Assange frei?!? - Deutschland zuletzt befreit💥💥💥

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Nr 602 💥💥💥Benjamin Fulford Bericht: Weltweite Verhaftungen und Hinrichtungen im Zuge der Zerschlagung der khasarischen Mafia - 25.10.2021💥💥💥

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Nr 982 💥💥💥B O O M 💥💥💥 Wahl 2020 offiziell für ungültig erklärt - Obama Administration angeklagt - John Durham im Prozess gegen Hillary Clinton - Auswahl Geschworene in Sussmann Prozess heute - MSM weltweit in Schockstarre💥💥💥

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#SussmannTrial Day 4: Proceedings in former #Clinton attorney Michael Sussmann’s trial are set to begin Thursday at 9 a.m. in the E. Barnett Prettyman US District Courthouse in Washington DC where they ended Wednesday with former FBI general counsel James Baker on the stand.

Judge Cooper has denied the motion for mistrial but has agreed to strike Elias' "nonresponsive" testimony. Berkowitz said Sussmann has not decided yet if he will testify in the trial.

#SussmannTrialCourt is in brief recess with Baker still on the stand describing his meeting with Sussmann on Sept. 19, 2016, after arranging it the night before in a text to his personal phone regarding something "time-sensitive (and sensitive)." #SussmannTrial

Sussmann already had an FBI security badge that allowed him access to FBI HQ. Baker said he “had a vibrant national security practice that had contact with the FBI a lot.” #SussmannTrial

In that Sunday night text before the Monday afternoon meeting at FBI HQ, Sussmann told Baker he was "not representing any clients" and wanted to convey information to "help the bureau." #SussmannTrial

Baker said he agreed immediately to meet with Sussmann. “First of all, I know Michael and had high regard for him. I thought it seems urgent, I think I should try to meet with him as soon as possible." #SussmannTrial

Baker: Sussman made the statement right at the beginning. “It was part of his introduction to the meeting, ‘I’m not here on behalf of any particular client.’ I’m 100 percent confident that he said that.” #SussmanTrial

Baker: "Michael started to explain why he was there, He said he was not appearing ... on behalf of any particular client and that he had information of concern regarding a surreptitious communication channel between Alfa Bank and some servers in the United States." #SussmannTrial

Judge Cooper has denied the request by prosecutors to remove Juror #5 from the panel because her daughter and Sussmann's daughter are on the same crew team. #SussmannTrial
Nr 1145💥💥💥FBI durchsucht Trumps Anwesen - Wurden ihm falsche Beweise untergejubelt - Richter in Verbindung mit Epstein und Obama 💥💥💥

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