discuss.pixls.us - Postagens mais recentes
Sugestões de melhoria
2025-03-13 21:14:18 +00: 00
Sugestões de melhoria
2025-03-13 21:14:18 +00: 00
Improvement Suggestions
@fdw I think there are a few differences between what you do and what darktable does. I’d assume that if you’re being paid to do something that changes the objective of what you’re doing. It’s always awesome to hear someone getting a full-time, living wage…
discuss.pixls.us - Postagens mais recentes
Censorizar o módulo cria bordas escuras
2025-03-13 21:23:10 +00: 00
Censorizar o módulo cria bordas escuras
2025-03-13 21:23:10 +00: 00
Censorize module creates dark borders
I continued playing with “round” images and how censorize module could be used to give a hint of the environment. I created an inverted circular mask, and blurred the surroundings. The censorize module creates darker artefactes on the image border. They cannot…
discuss.pixls.us - Postagens mais recentes
Blender Agx em DarkTable (prova de conceito)
2025-03-13 21:33:27 +00: 00
Blender Agx em DarkTable (prova de conceito)
2025-03-13 21:33:27 +00: 00
Blender AgX in darktable (proof of concept)
I have often also for fun tried the basecurve on playraw images and within the contraints mentioned by @kofa it actually does a nice job…I think in the legacy module order it was a true display referred pipeline because the basecurve I believe was in front…
discuss.pixls.us - Postagens mais recentes
Alterar o módulo de efeito definido no layout do módulo de fluxo de trabalho referido de cena?
2025-03-13 21:39:39 +00: 00
Alterar o módulo de efeito definido no layout do módulo de fluxo de trabalho referido de cena?
2025-03-13 21:39:39 +00: 00
Amend effect module set in scene-referred workflow module lay-out?
From time to time questions are posted here as to how to obtain a certain image result, where the answer is to use the colorize module. The colorize module has, however, been left out from the modules lists as presented with the preset “workflow: scene-referred”.…
discuss.pixls.us - Postagens mais recentes
[Playraw] Dornbusch Lighthouse - um desafio de emulação de filme
2025-03-13 21:52:25 +00: 00
[Playraw] Dornbusch Lighthouse - um desafio de emulação de filme
2025-03-13 21:52:25 +00: 00
[PlayRaw] Dornbusch Lighthouse -- A Film Emulation Challenge
My editing style is entirely inspired by film. My favorites being Kodak Portra in varying speeds and the Fuji Pro film series. For that reason, I usually stay in the “Negative New” tab in the film emulation presets (thank you again, @patdavid) in G’MIC and…
discuss.pixls.us - Postagens mais recentes
Alterar o módulo de efeito definido no layout do módulo de fluxo de trabalho referido de cena?
2025-03-13 21:52:39 +00: 00
Alterar o módulo de efeito definido no layout do módulo de fluxo de trabalho referido de cena?
2025-03-13 21:52:39 +00: 00
Amend effect module set in scene-referred workflow module lay-out?
From time to time questions are posted here as to how to obtain a certain image result, where the answer is to use the colorize module. The colorize module has, however, been left out from the modules lists as presented with the preset “workflow: scene-referred”.…
discuss.pixls.us - Postagens mais recentes
Blender Agx em DarkTable (prova de conceito)
2025-03-13 21:57:39 +00: 00
Blender Agx em DarkTable (prova de conceito)
2025-03-13 21:57:39 +00: 00
Blender AgX in darktable (proof of concept)
I have often also for fun tried the basecurve on playraw images and within the contraints mentioned by @kofa it actually does a nice job…I think in the legacy module order it was a true display referred pipeline because the basecurve I believe was in front…
discuss.pixls.us - Postagens mais recentes
Sugestões de melhoria
2025-03-13 22:08:06 +00: 00
Sugestões de melhoria
2025-03-13 22:08:06 +00: 00
Improvement Suggestions
@fdw I think there are a few differences between what you do and what darktable does. I’d assume that if you’re being paid to do something that changes the objective of what you’re doing. It’s always awesome to hear someone getting a full-time, living wage…
discuss.pixls.us - Postagens mais recentes
[Capture Challenge] Carregue sua bateria e tire algumas fotos
2025-03-13 22:16:45 +00: 00
[Capture Challenge] Carregue sua bateria e tire algumas fotos
2025-03-13 22:16:45 +00: 00
[Capture Challenge] Charge your battery and take some photos
Is it? 😆 The chrome bar on the side looked different in the pictures I found
discuss.pixls.us - Postagens mais recentes
Pergunta de multiplicadores da UNIWB
2025-03-13 22:22:27 +00: 00
Pergunta de multiplicadores da UNIWB
2025-03-13 22:22:27 +00: 00
uniwb multipliers question
following quick read… don’t get too tangled up with magenta things… as I recall Canon DSLRs will take an over exposed image of say a white sheet of paper as the custom W.B. reference image. Then when you shoot and check the multipliers, they are near…
discuss.pixls.us - Postagens mais recentes
Alterar o módulo de efeito definido no layout do módulo de fluxo de trabalho referido de cena?
2025-03-13 22:28:09 +00: 00
Alterar o módulo de efeito definido no layout do módulo de fluxo de trabalho referido de cena?
2025-03-13 22:28:09 +00: 00
Amend effect module set in scene-referred workflow module lay-out?
From time to time questions are posted here as to how to obtain a certain image result, where the answer is to use the colorize module. The colorize module has, however, been left out from the modules lists as presented with the preset “workflow: scene-referred”.…
discuss.pixls.us - Postagens mais recentes
[Playraw] Dornbusch Lighthouse - um desafio de emulação de filme
2025-03-13 22:33:43 +00: 00
[Playraw] Dornbusch Lighthouse - um desafio de emulação de filme
2025-03-13 22:33:43 +00: 00
[PlayRaw] Dornbusch Lighthouse -- A Film Emulation Challenge
My editing style is entirely inspired by film. My favorites being Kodak Portra in varying speeds and the Fuji Pro film series. For that reason, I usually stay in the “Negative New” tab in the film emulation presets (thank you again, @patdavid) in G’MIC and…
Questões de GIMP
`Cairo` Módulo não disponível em Python para Appimage
2025-03-13 22:31:27 +00: 00
`Cairo` Módulo não disponível em Python para Appimage
2025-03-13 22:31:27 +00: 00
`cairo` module not available in Python for AppImage (#13105) · Issues · GNOME / GIMP · GitLab
Environment/Versions GIMP version: 3.0.0-RC3 Package: AppImage from gimp.org Operating System: Linux (tested on Ubuntu 23.10 and Fedora...
discuss.pixls.us - Postagens mais recentes
Alterar o módulo de efeito definido no layout do módulo de fluxo de trabalho referido de cena?
2025-03-13 22:35:26 +00: 00
Alterar o módulo de efeito definido no layout do módulo de fluxo de trabalho referido de cena?
2025-03-13 22:35:26 +00: 00
Amend effect module set in scene-referred workflow module lay-out?
From time to time questions are posted here as to how to obtain a certain image result, where the answer is to use the colorize module. The colorize module has, however, been left out from the modules lists as presented with the preset “workflow: scene-referred”.…
discuss.pixls.us - Postagens mais recentes
Alterar o módulo de efeito definido no layout do módulo de fluxo de trabalho referido de cena?
2025-03-13 22:40:49 +00: 00
Alterar o módulo de efeito definido no layout do módulo de fluxo de trabalho referido de cena?
2025-03-13 22:40:49 +00: 00
Amend effect module set in scene-referred workflow module lay-out?
From time to time questions are posted here as to how to obtain a certain image result, where the answer is to use the colorize module. The colorize module has, however, been left out from the modules lists as presented with the preset “workflow: scene-referred”.…
Questões de GIMP
Chamando `gimp.param_spec*` funções em python falham no appimage
2025-03-13 22:43:46 +00: 00
Chamando `gimp.param_spec*` funções em python falham no appimage
2025-03-13 22:43:46 +00: 00
Calling `Gimp.param_spec*` functions in Python fails for AppImage (#13106) · Issues · GNOME / GIMP · GitLab
Environment/Versions GIMP version: 3.0.0-RC3 Package: AppImage from gimp.org Operating System: Linux (tested on Ubuntu 23.10 and Fedora...
discuss.pixls.us - Latest posts
Amend effect module set in scene-referred workflow module lay-out?
2025-03-13 22:47:19 +00:00
Amend effect module set in scene-referred workflow module lay-out?
2025-03-13 22:47:19 +00:00
discuss.pixls.us - Postagens mais recentes
Alterar o módulo de efeito definido no layout do módulo de fluxo de trabalho referido de cena?
2025-03-13 22:49:50 +00: 00
Alterar o módulo de efeito definido no layout do módulo de fluxo de trabalho referido de cena?
2025-03-13 22:49:50 +00: 00
Amend effect module set in scene-referred workflow module lay-out?
From time to time questions are posted here as to how to obtain a certain image result, where the answer is to use the colorize module. The colorize module has, however, been left out from the modules lists as presented with the preset “workflow: scene-referred”.…
Questões de GIMP
Exportar imagem em escala de cinza com alfa para o DDS falha em abrir depois
2025-03-13 22:49:10 +00: 00
Exportar imagem em escala de cinza com alfa para o DDS falha em abrir depois
2025-03-13 22:49:10 +00: 00
Exporting grayscale image with alpha to DDS fails to open afterwards (#13107) · Issues · GNOME / GIMP · GitLab
Environment/Versions GIMP version: GIMP 3.0 test flatpak Package: Flatpak and built from source Operating System: Linux (Debian...