discuss.pixls.us - Postagens mais recentes
Como filtrar por um mês?
2025-02-06 21:38:05 +00: 00
Como filtrar por um mês?
2025-02-06 21:38:05 +00: 00
How to filter for a month?
I would like to filter my images for a month of any year. For example all the pictures from february of all the photos I have ever taken.
discuss.pixls.us - Postagens mais recentes
Os ajustes da máscara no equalizador de tom devem melhorar
2025-02-06 21:55:26 +00: 00
Os ajustes da máscara no equalizador de tom devem melhorar
2025-02-06 21:55:26 +00: 00
Should the mask adjustments in tone equalizer be improved
I think looking at the image is more important than how a curve looks.
Produção Digital 369
Introdução ao GIMP 3: Ferramentas Essenciais! Mini Curso AULA 2 - 2025
Introdução ao GIMP 3: Ferramentas Essenciais! Mini Curso AULA 2 - 2025
Introdução ao GIMP 3: Ferramentas Essenciais! Mini Curso AULA 2 - 2025
Amigas e amigos, este é o segundo vídeo do nosso minicurso.
Neste segundo vídeo, vamos explorar as ferramentas essenciais do GIMP!
Você aprenderá sobre seleções, transformações, pintura e camadas, tudo com exemplos práticos.
Assista e comece a criar no…
Neste segundo vídeo, vamos explorar as ferramentas essenciais do GIMP!
Você aprenderá sobre seleções, transformações, pintura e camadas, tudo com exemplos práticos.
Assista e comece a criar no…
discuss.pixls.us - Postagens mais recentes
Lutando com uma edição consistente de fotos - algum conselho?
2025-02-06 22:09:50 +00: 00
Lutando com uma edição consistente de fotos - algum conselho?
2025-02-06 22:09:50 +00: 00
Struggling with consistent photo editing – any advice?
I have an issue when editing a larger collection of photos, for example, from holidays. I edit photos one by one, and of course, at the end, I end up with a mix of different ‘styles.’ What is your way to solve this issue? How do you edit photos so that they…
discuss.pixls.us - Postagens mais recentes
Os ajustes da máscara no equalizador de tom devem melhorar
2025-02-06 22:10:02 +00: 00
Os ajustes da máscara no equalizador de tom devem melhorar
2025-02-06 22:10:02 +00: 00
Should the mask adjustments in tone equalizer be improved
I think looking at the image is more important than how a curve looks.
discuss.pixls.us - Postagens mais recentes
Um lugar chamado Riaño.
2025-02-06 22:14:25 +00: 00
Um lugar chamado Riaño.
2025-02-06 22:14:25 +00: 00
A place called Riaño.
@Tim said he would like to play with this photograph. Thank you for always being so generous. Thank you for asking to play with the photo. 20230409_0109.CR2 (22,5 MB) 20230409_0109.CR2.xmp (13,2 KB) This file is licensed Creative Commons, By-Attribution…
discuss.pixls.us - Postagens mais recentes
Bem -vindo a PIXLS.US discussão
2025-02-06 22:16:08 +00: 00
Bem -vindo a PIXLS.US discussão
2025-02-06 22:16:08 +00: 00
Welcome to PIXLS.US Discussion
Thank you. Maybe I clicked it by mistake, before.
discuss.pixls.us - Postagens mais recentes
Bem -vindo a PIXLS.US discussão
2025-02-06 22:18:16 +00: 00
Bem -vindo a PIXLS.US discussão
2025-02-06 22:18:16 +00: 00
Welcome to PIXLS.US Discussion
Thank you. Maybe I clicked it by mistake, before.
discuss.pixls.us - Postagens mais recentes
Um lugar chamado Riaño.
2025-02-06 22:21:34 +00: 00
Um lugar chamado Riaño.
2025-02-06 22:21:34 +00: 00
A place called Riaño.
@Tim said he would like to play with this photograph. Thank you for always being so generous. Thank you for asking to play with the photo. 20230409_0109.CR2 (22,5 MB) 20230409_0109.CR2.xmp (13,2 KB) This file is licensed Creative Commons, By-Attribution…
discuss.pixls.us - Postagens mais recentes
Um lugar chamado Riaño.
2025-02-06 22:38:59 +00: 00
Um lugar chamado Riaño.
2025-02-06 22:38:59 +00: 00
A place called Riaño.
@Tim said he would like to play with this photograph. Thank you for always being so generous. Thank you for asking to play with the photo. 20230409_0109.CR2 (22,5 MB) 20230409_0109.CR2.xmp (13,2 KB) This file is licensed Creative Commons, By-Attribution…
discuss.pixls.us - Postagens mais recentes
Um lugar chamado Riaño.
2025-02-06 23:54:34 +00: 00
Um lugar chamado Riaño.
2025-02-06 23:54:34 +00: 00
A place called Riaño.
@Tim said he would like to play with this photograph. Thank you for always being so generous. Thank you for asking to play with the photo. 20230409_0109.CR2 (22,5 MB) 20230409_0109.CR2.xmp (13,2 KB) This file is licensed Creative Commons, By-Attribution…
discuss.pixls.us - Tópicos mais recentes
Escala 22x: Workshop DarkTable
2025-02-07 00:40:03 +00: 00
Escala 22x: Workshop DarkTable
2025-02-07 00:40:03 +00: 00
SCaLE 22x: darktable workshop
Hey all, I’ll be doing a workshop on darktable at the Southern California Linux Expo, Sunday, March 9, 2025 - 13:30 to 15:00. Why yes, that is the last talk of the day, but at least it is on a weekend this time! I hope to see some of you there! Let me…
discuss.pixls.us - Postagens mais recentes
Escala 22x: Workshop DarkTable
2025-02-07 00:40:03 +00: 00
Escala 22x: Workshop DarkTable
2025-02-07 00:40:03 +00: 00
SCaLE 22x: darktable workshop
Hey all, I’ll be doing a workshop on darktable at the Southern California Linux Expo, Sunday, March 9, 2025 - 13:30 to 15:00. Why yes, that is the last talk of the day, but at least it is on a weekend this time! I hope to see some of you there! Let me…
discuss.pixls.us - Tópicos mais recentes
Lado escuro do ganso
2025-02-07 00:49:33 +00: 00
Lado escuro do ganso
2025-02-07 00:49:33 +00: 00
Dark Side of the Goose
This started off as a throw away shot in flat and cloudy lighting with a busy background. I’ve been experimenting with low key effects so I brought down the background and attempted to bring out the bird’s details with it’s muddy face. It turned out to…
discuss.pixls.us - Postagens mais recentes
Lado escuro do ganso
2025-02-07 00:49:33 +00: 00
Lado escuro do ganso
2025-02-07 00:49:33 +00: 00
Dark Side of the Goose
This started off as a throw away shot in flat and cloudy lighting with a busy background. I’ve been experimenting with low key effects so I brought down the background and attempted to bring out the bird’s details with it’s muddy face. It turned out to…
discuss.pixls.us - Postagens mais recentes
Lado escuro do ganso
2025-02-07 00:57:17 +00: 00
Lado escuro do ganso
2025-02-07 00:57:17 +00: 00
Dark Side of the Goose
This started off as a throw away shot in flat and cloudy lighting with a busy background. I’ve been experimenting with low key effects so I brought down the background and attempted to bring out the bird’s details with it’s muddy face. It turned out to…
discuss.pixls.us - Postagens mais recentes
Lado escuro do ganso
2025-02-07 01:10:17 +00: 00
Lado escuro do ganso
2025-02-07 01:10:17 +00: 00
Dark Side of the Goose
This started off as a throw away shot in flat and cloudy lighting with a busy background. I’ve been experimenting with low key effects so I brought down the background and attempted to bring out the bird’s details with it’s muddy face. It turned out to…
discuss.pixls.us - Postagens mais recentes
Lado escuro do ganso
2025-02-07 02:45:49 +00: 00
Lado escuro do ganso
2025-02-07 02:45:49 +00: 00
Dark Side of the Goose
This started off as a throw away shot in flat and cloudy lighting with a busy background. I’ve been experimenting with low key effects so I brought down the background and attempted to bring out the bird’s details with it’s muddy face. It turned out to…
discuss.pixls.us - Tópicos mais recentes
Recriando o filtro de gotas aquáticas do IBIS com GMIC
2025-02-07 03:50:13 +00: 00
Recriando o filtro de gotas aquáticas do IBIS com GMIC
2025-02-07 03:50:13 +00: 00
Recreating the Ibis Waterdrop filter with GMIC
Introduce The waterdrop filter in ibispainting is commonly used to simulate the look of droplets on glass. This effect is often applied to create embossed textures for watermarks and glass-like surfaces. From my perspective, the filter appears to combine…
discuss.pixls.us - Postagens mais recentes
Recriando o filtro de gotas aquáticas do IBIS com GMIC
2025-02-07 03:50:13 +00: 00
Recriando o filtro de gotas aquáticas do IBIS com GMIC
2025-02-07 03:50:13 +00: 00
Recreating the Ibis Waterdrop filter with GMIC
Introduce The waterdrop filter in ibispainting is commonly used to simulate the look of droplets on glass. This effect is often applied to create embossed textures for watermarks and glass-like surfaces. From my perspective, the filter appears to combine…