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The React Handbook - Famous 80/20 approach

#react #javascript

The react handbook tries to cover 80% of a topic in 20% of the time. It is a comprehensive study material for those who wants to learn react in depth

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VscodeCanDoThat - A List of Things That You Probably Did Not Know, Vscode Can Do.
[site, tricks]

#vscode #tricks

This site lists all the best things about Visual Studio Code that nobody ever bothered to tell you

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Roadmap to becoming a web developer in 2019
[roadmap, repo]

#roadmap #developer

Here you can find set of charts demonstrating the paths that you can take and the technologies that you would want to adopt in order to become a frontend/backend developer or a devops.

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Detailed Programming Languages Comparison for 2019

#programming #infographics

This post gives a very detailed study about almost all major programming languages, including
- When they came out
- Difficulty and Popularity
- Who are the major employer
- Average Salary

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Evolution of Rust Programmer
[fun with code]

#rust #programming

Evolution of Rust Programmer is a fun post about how different people can use Rust in different ways. It gives you code samples for each type of programmer from beginner to senior, for a very simple program.

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JWT Authentication: When and How to Use It
[blog post, 5 min]

#jwt #authentication #security

JWT i.e. JSON Web Tokens is a controversial technology that has seen equal fame and obscurity. Here is a simple blog post by Flavio Copes that shades some light on where it's appropriate to use JWT and how it helps

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micro-frontends - extending the microservice idea to frontend development

#frontend #react #vue

micro-frontends is an amazing strategy to develop front-end with any framework of your choice, it claims to give faster loading time than SPAs. It's also more modular, and less error prone than SPA

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Infinite Currying in JavaScript
[blog post, 2 min]

#javascript #currying

Javascript is an interesting language with a lot of quirks. Although currying isn’t a concept tied to Javascript in any way, it allows for you to implement it in some clean and concise ways.

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Telegram android and iOS apps latest versions are now open-sourced

#telegram #source

Telegram android and iOS apps source code is made public yesterday, to let user evaluate the official API fully. The open source apps now includes official android, iOS apps, Telegram Database Library, As well as Telegram Desktop for OSX, Windows and Linux

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GraphQL Subscriptions vs. Live Queries
[blog post, 4 min]


Learn the differences between Subscriptions and Live Queries, when you should use one or the other, with examples.

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Sorry for the inactivity from past week. The maintainers were facing crisis :P. The channel will try to be active again from now on. Hope you don't mind :D
React v16.8 is out with Stable Hooks API
[post, 8 min]

#react #hooks

Most awaited feature of react in 2018 i.e. React Hooks is now available to use in Stable release. This post explains more about the changelog and other features out with this release

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Two factor (2FA) SSH with Google Authenticator
[post, 5 min]

#ssh #2fa

Configuring two factor authentication on SSH is actually quite straightforward. Using Google Authenticator we can get setup and running in about 8 minutes.

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Essential Math for Data Science
[post, 8 min]
#datascience #maths

This post explains about most important and basic topics from Maths required for Data Science studies

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Machine Learning for Everyone
[post, 18 min]

#machinelearning #article

Machine Learning is like sex in high school. Everyone is talking about it, a few know what to do, and only your teacher is doing it. This article tries to simplify the concepts in Machine Learning

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Learn Computer Graphics From Scratch!
[series of tutorials]

#graphics #tutorials

32 lessons, 166 chapters, 450,000 words, C++ source code, all at one place

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have to keep channel active otherwise durov will steal this as well