#uxtree #portforlio #design #startup #people UXTree 的创办者 Hamza 的 portfolio,提到 UXTree 的初衷,同时他也有开一门课讲 iOS 的 prototype design,很值得看,月底就关闭了,挺可惜 http://hamzasiddiqui.com/uxtree.html
https://centerforjobs.org/califormers Califormers, from California to all the other regions #Austin #Startup #Califormer
Center for Jobs 50 States
CaliFormers: Shaping California’s Post-COVID Economic Recovery - Center for Jobs 50 States
California is facing a new reality. Companies are leaving the state and relocating, redistributing, or centralizing operations and jobs through business centers in other states. For the past two decades, California’s economic growth has been dominated by…
https://reincubate.com/camo 研究了一下午 remote conferencing 的 setup,买了麦克风,看了简单的布光和视频流,然后折腾了好久把 Sony A7 变成 webcam,最后还想到了一个 1 million idea 把 iPhone 摄像头当 webcam。果不其然被人做了,而且完成度专业度之高!令人钦佩!伦敦的一个很厉害的团队! #idea #Startup
Camo - Great video made easy
Camo enables the camera you already own to produce incredible video, whether you’re meeting, streaming, or recording. Start creating great video today.
https://rocicorp.dev/ Interesting small group of people who created https://replicache.dev/ and https://reflect.net/. #people #company #startup
Rocicorp, LLC
Rocicorp is a small, independent, distributed software company. We make tools that help programmers make better software. We met in Silicon Valley, where we worked together for fifteen years on projects like Google Chrome, Gmail, and Twitter.