非常简洁同时重要的介绍,golang array 是 values, slices 是 reference #golang
Go Design Patterns
Arrays vs Slices
Go Design Patterns is a website for developers who wish to better understand the Go programming language. The tutorials here emphasize proper code design and project maintainability. Lodash for golang? Without using reflect. #golang
The benefits of using Lodash in the Go language without reflection
by Tal Kol The benefits of using Lodash in the Go language without reflectionWorking with Node.js, I’ve grown to rely on Lodash as an invaluable tool. It completes the JavaScript standard library with a set of handy functional operators over collections.… Debugging by Pretty Printing for implementing Raft #raft #golang #distributedsystem
Debugging by Pretty Printing
Debugging distributed systems is a hard task. We can make this task easier by making use of good logging practices and taking advantage of Terminal User Interface tools, making parsing distributed logs effortless. This talk is pretty cool! #JavaScript #runtime #golang #proxy #CDN
Building a JavaScript Runtime
Kurt explores why a developer would want build an open source JavaScript runtime, how to go about it, and the interesting problems you can solve once you get the basics right. Devs who are never going to build a runtime will learn a bit about how they work…