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الإمارات تشارك في الاجتماع الثالث لكبار المسؤولين الإنسانيين في أوروبا حول السودان…

MoFA وزارة الخارجية

Foreign Affairs on Telegram by @ForeignAffairsTelegram
A @grttme project - Other backups: @Hallotme
The Secretary-General, Ambassador Maria Laura da Rocha, received a visit from Séan Canney, Ireland’s Minister for International and Road Transport, Logistics, Rail and Ports, today on the occasion of St. Patrick's Day (17/3).

Itamaraty Brazil 🇧🇷

Foreign Affairs on Telegram by @ForeignAffairsTelegram
A @grttme project - Other backups: @Hallotme
RT @Antonio_Tajani: A #Charlevoix ho incontrato il Ministro degli Esteri giapponese Iwaya. La stabilità dell’Indo-Pacifico è al centro dell’agenda #G7. Ad aprile andrò ad #Osaka per inaugurare il Padiglione🇮🇹@ItalyExpo2025. Sarà occasione per consolidare ulteriormente l'eccellente partenariato strategico 🇮🇹🇯🇵 e lanciare nuove collaborazioni.

Farnesina 🇮🇹

Foreign Affairs on Telegram by @ForeignAffairsTelegram
A @grttme project - Other backups: @Hallotme
On Wednesday, March 19 at 4 pm ET, CSIS's @ACKisling moderates a conversation with Frank Lavin, who served as White House Director of Political Affairs under President Reagan, on his new book, "Inside the Reagan White House."



Foreign Affairs on Telegram by @ForeignAffairsTelegram
A @grttme project - Other backups: @Hallotme
On March 13 (local time), FM IWAYA, who is visiting #Charlevoix, #Canada to attend the #G7 Foreign Ministers' Meeting, participated in the G7 session on the Americas (the session was attended by the Foreign Ministers of the G7 countries and the High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy).… #G7Canada

MOFA of Japan

Foreign Affairs on Telegram by @ForeignAffairsTelegram
A @grttme project - Other backups: @Hallotme
In #Charlevoix Min @Antonio_Tajani with 🇯🇵Foreign Min Iwaya.🗣️"Indo-Pacific stability is at the heart of #G7 agenda. In April I will go to #Osaka to inaugurate🇮🇹Pavilion @ItalyExpo2025, an opportunity to further consolidate our excellent partnership and launch new collaborations"

A #Charlevoix ho incontrato il Ministro degli Esteri giapponese Iwaya. La stabilità dell’Indo-Pacifico è al centro dell’agenda #G7. Ad aprile andrò ad #Osaka per inaugurare il Padiglione🇮🇹@ItalyExpo2025. Sarà occasione per consolidare ulteriormente l'eccellente partenariato strategico 🇮🇹🇯🇵 e lanciare nuove collaborazioni. - Antonio Tajani

Italy MFA

Foreign Affairs on Telegram by @ForeignAffairsTelegram
A @grttme project - Other backups: @Hallotme
On March 13th (local time) in Charlevoix, Canada, FM IWAYA, who is visiting #Canada to attend the #G7 Foreign Ministers’ Meeting, held a meeting with the Rt Hon David LAMMY, Secretary of State for Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Affairs of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.… #UK #G7Canada #Charlevoix @DavidLammy

MOFA of Japan

Foreign Affairs on Telegram by @ForeignAffairsTelegram
A @grttme project - Other backups: @Hallotme
🇷🇺🇸🇦 13 марта состоялся телефонный разговор В.В.Путина с Наследным принцем, Председателем Совета министров Саудовской Аравии Мухаммедом Бен Сальманом Аль Саудом.

Обсуждены актуальные вопросы российско-саудовского взаимодействия в рамках «ОПЕК плюс».

МИД России 🇷🇺

Foreign Affairs on Telegram by @ForeignAffairsTelegram
A @grttme project - Other backups: @Hallotme
شخبوط بن نهيان يلتقي رئيس الكونغو…

MoFA وزارة الخارجية

Foreign Affairs on Telegram by @ForeignAffairsTelegram
A @grttme project - Other backups: @Hallotme
شخبوط بن نهيان يلتقي رئيس موزمبيق…

MoFA وزارة الخارجية

Foreign Affairs on Telegram by @ForeignAffairsTelegram
A @grttme project - Other backups: @Hallotme
💬 #Zajárova: Todos los procedimientos necesarios para la inauguración de la Embajada de Rusia en la República Dominicana se han completado.

🇷🇺🇩🇴 La próxima apertura de la Embajada ayudará a ampliar las oportunidades para fortalecer la cooperación integral entre nuestros países.

Cancillería de Rusia 🇷🇺

Foreign Affairs on Telegram by @ForeignAffairsTelegram
A @grttme project - Other backups: @Hallotme
President Trump’s repeated comments about acquiring Greenland have fueled its push for greater autonomy and independence from Denmark.

Here's what to know about the island's recent elections and conversations about independence:…

Council on Foreign Relations

Foreign Affairs on Telegram by @ForeignAffairsTelegram
A @grttme project - Other backups: @Hallotme
Embassy's Comment on 🇨🇦 GAC's post:

As part of a G7 commitment, Canada is sending $5 billion to Ukraine.
This loan will be repaid using revenue from frozen Russian sovereign assets.

☝️Amid countless unresolved domestic 🇨🇦problems, Trudeau’s outgoing cabinet continues to waste Canadian taxpayers' money on futile ventures.
🎙 Брифинг официального представителя @MID_RF М.В.Захаровой (13 марта 2025 года)

🇷🇺 #КрымЭтоРоссия 🇷🇺
🔹 #ПреступленияКиевскогоРежима
🔹 #ИнсценировкаВБуче
🔹 #США #ЕС #Украина
🔹 #НАТО #БиГ
🔹 #Пакистан #терроризм


МИД России 🇷🇺

Foreign Affairs on Telegram by @ForeignAffairsTelegram
A @grttme project - Other backups: @Hallotme
現地時間3月13日(日本時間14日)、#G7外相 会合に参加するため #カナダ#シャルルボワ を訪問中の #岩屋外務大臣 は、中東情勢に関するセッションに参加しました(G7各国外相及びEU上級代表が参加)。…#G7Canada


Foreign Affairs on Telegram by @ForeignAffairsTelegram
A @grttme project - Other backups: @Hallotme
Statement | Qatar Welcomes the Signing of Border Demarcation Agreement between Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan #MOFAQatar

Ministry of Foreign Affairs - Qatar

Foreign Affairs on Telegram by @ForeignAffairsTelegram
A @grttme project - Other backups: @Hallotme
現地時間3月13日(日本時間14日)、#G7外相 会合に参加するため #カナダ・ #シャルルボワ を訪問中の #岩屋外務大臣 は、海洋安全保障及び繁栄に関するセッションに参加しました(G7各国外相及びEU上級代表が参加)。… #G7Canada


Foreign Affairs on Telegram by @ForeignAffairsTelegram
A @grttme project - Other backups: @Hallotme
現地時間3月13日(日本時間14日)、#G7外相 会合に参加するため #カナダ#シャルルボワ を訪問中の #岩屋外務大臣 は、中東情勢に関するセッションに参加しました(#G7 各国外相及びEU上級代表が参加)。…#G7Canada


Foreign Affairs on Telegram by @ForeignAffairsTelegram
A @grttme project - Other backups: @Hallotme
現地時間3月13日(日本時間14日)、#G7外相 会合に参加するため #カナダ・ #シャルルボワ を訪問中の #岩屋外務大臣 は、海洋安全保障及び繁栄に関するセッションに参加しました(#G7 各国外相及びEU上級代表が参加)。… #G7Canada



Foreign Affairs on Telegram by @ForeignAffairsTelegram
A @grttme project - Other backups: @Hallotme