Fly Mir Consulting
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🌍 Образование по всему миру
🔎 Найдем для Вас лучший ВУЗ
🎯 Языковые курсы ☀️ Бакалавриат
☀️Магистратура ☀️Ph.D


☎️: +998742244424
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🇬🇧Would you like to go London ?

🇺🇿Londonga borishni xohlaysizmi ?

@flymir #UK #Spring
#UK #Fall_Semester

Do you want to study in the University of Roehampton in London City with 25% scholarships for 4 years ?

You can accomplish your goals with us!

@flymir #London #Roehampton
#News #UK #FlyMir_Student

- Angilyada o'qimoqchimisiz ?

- Angilyada o'qish uchun grantlar haqida bilmoqchimisiz ?

- Angilya Musulmonlar uchun qanday davlatligiga qiziqasizmi ?

Angilyaning Newcastle Shahrida joylashgan Northumbria Universitetida o'qiyotgan talabamiz - Marufov Ruzimukhammad Universitet bo'ylab ajoyib foydali videosini tomosha qiling.

@flymir #UK

Londondagi O'zbekistonlik ko'p bo'lgan Universitetlar haqida ma'lumot.

1 Oyda Xalqaro Talabalar qancha pul topishlik va sarflash haqida ma'lumot.

Agarda siz ham Londonda o'qimoqchi bo'lsangiz, bizga murojat qiling Kuzgi Semesterga qabul ketmoqda.

Eslatma: IELTS Sertifikati bo'lmasa ham ichki imtihon orqali borish imkoniyati mavjud. Biz orqali maqsadizga erishing.

@flymir #UK #London

Angilyaning Solent Universiteti Talabasi Maftuna o'z YouTube kanalida Angilyadagi Hayotini yoritib boradi.

Qiziqarli va Foydali Kanal. Angilyada o'qimoqchi bo'lsangiz ko'rishni tavsiya etamiz.

@flymir #UK
UK Visa Application Centre is now open for appointments, from the 2nd of September. Please visit the following website for more information:

Buyuk Britaniyaning viza markazi 2-sentabrdan arizalar qabul qilish uchun ochilmoqda. Qo'shimcha ma'lumot uchun quyidagi veb-saytga tashrif buyuring:

Визовый центр Великобритании открыт для записи на прием документов со 2 сентября. Для получения дополнительной информации посетите сайт визового центра:

@flymir #UK
‼️Visa Update for potential students‼️

If you are looking to study in the UK🇬🇧 next year, you may need to apply through the UK’s new points-based immigration system. The new and improved Student route and Child Student route (if you’re under 18), which replaces the previous Tier 4 visa, will be open to all international students from across the globe on 5 October 2020.

⚠️All students applying through the new Student route will need to demonstrate they meet the required 70 points. They will achieve the required points if they can demonstrate that they have an offer from an approved educational institution, speak English and are able to support themselves during their studies in the UK.

Further guidance can be found here👉


‼️Tanlab olinadigan talabalar uchun Visa yangiliklari‼️

Agar siz kelgusi yilda Buyuk Britaniyada🇬🇧 tahsil olishni rejalashtirayotgan bo’lsangiz, ballarga asoslanuvchi yangi immigratsion tizimi orqali hujjat topshirishingiz kerak bo’ladi. Avvalgi Tier 4 viza’si o’rniga joriy etilgan yangi va takomillashtirilgan Student route va 18 yoshdan kichik bo’lganlar uchun Child Student route 2020 yilning 5-oktabridan xalqaro talabalari uchun ochiladi.

⚠️Yangi Student route orqali murojaat qiluvchi barcha talabalar qo’yilgan talablarga javob berib, 70 ball yig’ishlari kerak. Talabalar e’tirof etilgan ta’lim muassasasining o’qishga qabul to’g’risidagi taklifiga ega bo’lib, ingliz tilida muloqot qila olsalar va ta’lim davomida o’zlarini moddiy jihatdan ta’minlasalar, talab etilayotgan ballga ega bo’lishlari mumkin.

Batafsil 👉


‼️Обновленные данные по визе для студентов‼️

Если вы планируете учиться в Великобритании🇬🇧 в следующем году, вам потребуется подавать заявление через новую миграционную систему Великобритании, основанную на баллах. Заявки на новые студенческие визы Student route и Child Student route (если вам меньше 18 лет), которые заменяют предыдущую студенческую визу Tier 4, будут открыты для всех иностранных студентов 5 октября 2020 года.

⚠️Всем студентам, подающим заявку на новую студенческую визу, необходимо будет продемонстрировать, что они отвечают требованиям по набору 70 баллов. Необходимые баллы можно получить, если вы предоставите письмо-приглашение от вашего учебного заведения, продемонстрируете знания английского языка, а также подтвердите возможность содержать себя во время учебы в Великобритании.

Подробнее здесь 👉

@flymir #UK
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#UK #Solent

🔥Now you have a super and cheapest chance to study in the UK.

You can apply for Solent University in Southampton January Intake Now.

📌 Scholarship: £2000
📌 Tuition fee : £10500 per a year without scholarship.
📌Payment: £3000 first payment🤗
📌Visa: 99% guaranteed.

You will study in the UK if you have £4000 and have an intermediate English level.

📌 Average time between Southampton and London is 2 hours.

* IELTS is not required.
* Bank statement is not required.
* Sponsor income is not required.

1. College or High School diploma
2. Photo 3&4
3. Passports
4. IELTS if available otherwise, you will take English Language entry exam of the University.

Contact Us
📍Andijan City
🖥 @flymirteam

#flymir #UK
#UK #Solent

Solent Universiteti talabasi Maftuna Angilyada talaba sifatida ishlash, oylik maoshlar va qanday qilib ish topish yo'llari haqida ma'lumot bergan.

Siz ham Angilyada o'qimoqchi bo'lsangiz bizga murojaat qiling. Hozirda 2021 Yanvar qabul davom etmoqda.

☎️ +998901731700
📍 Andijon Shahar, Yangi bozor hududi
🖥 @flymirteam online murojaat uchun

@flymir #UK
Fly Mir Consulting
🔥 Bahorgi Semesterga topshirmoqchi bo'lganlar Yanvar oxirigacha IELTS topshirsangiz bo'ladi. Shuning uchun imkoniyatizdan foydalaning.

Yanvarda IELTS topshirib, Koreya, Yaponiya, Angilya va Polshada Bahordan o'qishingiz mumkin.

Savollar mavjud bo'lsa : Consultant

Fly Mir Team
#flymir #andijan #tashkent #khorezm #vodiy #korea #japan #uk #poland #ielts #spring2021
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🇬🇧London is the capital of the United Kingdom.

☀️Do you want to study in London ?
☀️April and Fall intake is open now.

Roehampton University
Ulster University
Solent University
Northumbria University

Good grade
IELTS 5.5+
International Passport

Scholarships: £5000

Contact us for further process

#flymir #London #UK #April #fall2021
Media is too big
👨‍🎓Ruzimukhammad Marufov is our student at Northumbria University in the UK. He got 50% scholarship with IELTS 7.0

☀️Thank you for trusting us.

☀️Welcome to our office if you want to study in the UK.

☀️Currently, April and September Intake is going on.

☀️Contact us for further process.

Phone: +998901731700
Online Consultation: @flymirteam
@flymiruz #uk #flymir #scholarship
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Our students arrived at London Heathrow Airport.

They will stay 10 days quarantine period.

We wish them good luck in their studies in the UK.

If you want to study in the UK, Contact us now.

☎️ +998742244424 / +998901731700
👨‍💻 @flymirteam online consultation

Fly Mir Team
🔥🔥 Do you want to start your degree in the UK from January ? Apply Now!!

Entry requirements: Good High School Grades, or equivalent

English language requirements: IELTS minimum 5.5 overall with a minimum of 5.5 in each individual component from a UKVI Approved Centre or have intermediate level.

Minimum age: 17 years old - you must turn 18 within the first 6 months of your programme

2021/22 tuition fee: £13,275

Starts: January 2022

Contact Us
+998901731700 / +998742244424
@flymirteam online consultation

Location: Andijan City

@flymir #UK #Scholarship #Solent