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To fight and conquer in all your battles is not supreme excellence; supreme excellence consists in breaking the enemy's resistance without fighting.
Sun Tzu, "The Art of War".
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Hey guys,
Practice on Sunday in the BX location @ NOON.
LMK if in attendance.
Sunday @NOON at the BX location.
Come out and play
Yours truly is out of town for business this weekend. Catch up class for regulars wednesday @ 6pm in the Bx locatiom.
See ya then.
Sunday @NOON at the BX location.
Come out and play.
Sunday Nov12th @NOON at the BX location.
Come out and play.
There are few spots left. Just FYI
Sunday Nov19th @NOON at the BX location.
Come and play.
Happy New Year friends.🍾

Resuming training tomorrow at 6:30 at BX location.
Come out and play.
Affray (def.) Black's law 2nd Ed. (Jan 6, 2021?)
Something to consider:

Each person is inherently informationally ambiguous, constantly generating two streams of "news." One stream comprises "WORDS," representing their perspective and goal-setting. This viewpoint is ever-changing, dependent on the context, the individuals they communicate with, and the purpose of the communication.

The second flow of information is the person's BEHAVIOR itself, encompassing choices in clothing, methods of information presentation, tone, and everything occurring beyond conscious control from the cortex.

The first flow is inherently opportunistic. In contrast, the second reflects the core essence of an individual. Occasionally, these flows align, indicating a highly integrated person whose words and actions are cohesive and "monolithic." However, such individuals are rare, and there is often a dissonance between how a person presents themselves and their true nature. This disjunction is particularly evident to those with management skills acquired through our training system.

In the realm of motor skills, a parallel dynamic unfolds. If you choose to strike someone in the face, their perception of the act is shaped by their past experiences. Furthermore, all of the opponent's prior experiences contribute to your advantage, as their survival hinges on that accumulated knowledge.

Now, onto the crucial point: your ability to keep your adversary focused on the task and to push their body to the extreme degree of vulnerability—resulting in the loss of the ability to move—is paramount.
Everyone who has been and is involved in this system, this behavioral model, believes that it is merely a form of combat, akin to various martial arts schools around the world. However, this perspective is incorrect. Our approach is universal; it makes no difference what type of physique the operator possesses or what their internal temperament is. There is no dependence on the presence of special qualities and skills. In martial arts, individuals typically leverage the innate resources provided to them by birth. This resource is referred to as the "ATTENTION RESOURCE." We, on the other hand, assert that the focal point of attack is precisely the ability to possess and execute one's plans.

The control subject implements the process using the same resource, and it is this resource that we aim to preserve in order to utilize it effectively when needed. Preserving a resource equates to the ability to think and act.

A common mistake made by the majority is viewing exercises as mere techniques, solely a means to achieve victory. In reality, throughout one's life, a person does not repeat a single movement. All movements are crafted anew, much like circumstances—they are not replicated, only potentially similar.


Re-read the last paragraph until you comprehend its essence.
Tuesday 6:00 p @ BX location.
Come and play.
Tomorrow, Sunday 21st @ BX location, 6pm
Come out and learn.
Tuesday, 6pm @ BX location.
See you there.
I know everybody's schedules are tight. So is mine.
But there's an additional opportunity to practice tomorrow @ 6m at the BX location.
If you can make it - fantastic.
See you tomorrow.
Practice tomorrow, Sunday 4th @ 6pm at BX location.
DM if you will join.
Superbowl Sunday, I know, i know!
But if you KNOW, that your own training is, yeah, important and are inclined so, there is going to be a practice session on Sunday @noon. BX location.
Practice tomorrow @noon, BX location
UPDATE! Some technical issues- we shall start at 1pm.
1 pm, please.