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Wir für Hongkong
立即聯署,促請德國政府制裁中國:Link in Bio(附聯署教學及聯署內容全文)⠀ ———————————————————⠀ 【又聯署?簽完咪又係咁?】:⠀ 【德國線今次聯署究竟有乜特別?】:⠀ 【成日話夠五萬就上到國會,係咪氹我架咋】:⠀ ⠀ #wirfuerHKpetition #wirfuerhk #germanystandswithhk #nsl #signforhk…
Forwarded from 國際文宣組 IFC
#HongKong has long been mocked as a cultural desert, but IT IS NOT! After the turmoil of last year, we will never be the same, our art will never be the same.
Please let us know if you want to read more about #HongKongArt!
#hk #art #artnet #viviennechow #nsl #nationalsecuritylaw #ccp #china #english #diyms
Please let us know if you want to read more about #HongKongArt!
#hk #art #artnet #viviennechow #nsl #nationalsecuritylaw #ccp #china #english #diyms
Forwarded from 777文宣傳播稿件大合集
The Value of Truth
In Hong Kong, telling the truth is a crime.
#國安法 #洗腦教育 #國家安全教育 #國民教育 #楊潤雄 #EducationBureau #NationalSecurityLaw #NSL #Brainwashing #Indoctrination #Snitching #港共落地獄 #Whitewashing #TamperingHistory #Censoship #PoliticalCorrectness #SpeechFreedom
The Value of Truth
In Hong Kong, telling the truth is a crime.
#國安法 #洗腦教育 #國家安全教育 #國民教育 #楊潤雄 #EducationBureau #NationalSecurityLaw #NSL #Brainwashing #Indoctrination #Snitching #港共落地獄 #Whitewashing #TamperingHistory #Censoship #PoliticalCorrectness #SpeechFreedom