روزهای سختی رو داریم میگذرونیم ولی میتونیم با تو #خونه موندن این روزهای #سخت رو کوتاهتر کنیم و بار سنگینی رو از رو دوش #دکتر ها و #پرستار ها برداریم. اونها روزها رو سختتر از ما میگذرونن پس باید به فکرشون باشیم، نهتنها به فکر اونها به فکر تمام اطرافیانمون به فکر تمام عزیزانمون ...
پس بیایم با هم تو خونههامون بمونیم.
❤️ We are social distancing and self isolating to protect our community and our #family. By staying at home you are protecting yourself from getting the virus and potentially passing it on to someone more vulnerable than you. So please, if you can, stay home.
And to all of the health care workers out there: I wish there was a better way to say thank you... thank you for everything you do, thank you for working hard to save lives ❤️
We are going to beat it, we're going to beat it together.
@feriz11 🌱
پس بیایم با هم تو خونههامون بمونیم.
❤️ We are social distancing and self isolating to protect our community and our #family. By staying at home you are protecting yourself from getting the virus and potentially passing it on to someone more vulnerable than you. So please, if you can, stay home.
And to all of the health care workers out there: I wish there was a better way to say thank you... thank you for everything you do, thank you for working hard to save lives ❤️
We are going to beat it, we're going to beat it together.
@feriz11 🌱