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Revelation of God's Character of Love.
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Blessed Sabbath from Australia dear family. I will be doing a livestream tomorrow for those who are able to join.

Grace and peace to all the family of the Father of Love around this world. May the peace of heaven fill your hearts as we drink the precious wine that assures us we are sons and daughters of the Father through Christ Jesus. May the Father bless us with meekness, kindness, patience and love as enter into the double portion of the Spirit this Sabbath
From the Cross to the Most Holy Place.pptx
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A very important step forward in this presentation. My last several presentations have been preparing for this one today. What I love about it is that it really confirms our sonship and the Melchizedek framework. It puts the cup that Jesus drinks and His baptism in the new covenant
Which way do you look at things when reading Scripture and put all the texts together in the light?

Kevin's new book on who caused the flood. Very good read, great to share with friends who are wondering about EGW quote that "God drowned the whole world" - A note to all translators, please add to your list for translation. Thanks 😉

Just working on the transcript for Key the Locksmith Couldn't Copy and came to this statement:

In this transaction, [You are my beloved Son in Whom I delight] what are you required to believe? That as Christ is one of us, and the Father has spoken to Him, You are my beloved child. That by faith we believe that because we are related to him by humanity, that what God said to His Son, He through Him, says to us. So that the Sonship of Jesus Christ is the guarantee of our own sonship to God. And it is upon this point that I laid my ministerial crown on the altar and said, "This is eternal life. I'm going to follow the only begotten Son because His Sonship is the guarantee of my sonship. My assurance of eternal life is bound up in the truth of the begotten Son." Do you see that? It's not just that you believe that Jesus is the begotten Son. It's that you believe that His Sonship is the guarantee of your own sonship. And that's why I understood that understanding the Son of God correctly is the basis of righteousness by faith. The begotten Son, understood correctly, is righteousness by faith.
I am so completely captured by this truth. It thrills every fibre of my being. How I love God and His Son for this, more of the sermon...

Ellen White continues. "Beloved now are we the sons of God and it does not yet appear what we shall be. But we know that when He shall appear, we shall be like Him, for we shall see Him as He is. Do you see the correlation between what Ellen White talks about here, and we would say that this is character perfection, wouldn't we? That we shall be like Him, for we shall see Him as He is? The step between, the acceptance that we have with God and our perfection in Christ is only predicated on one point: that we believe that Jesus is the only begotten Son, that He is fully accepted by the Father, and that His acceptance with the Father is the basis of our acceptance with the Father. There's no discussion here about blood sacrifice. That's the point that I'm making! From God's perspective. There is no discussion of blood sacrifice in this process.

Two things: You must believe that Jesus is the only begotten Son, and you must believe on His name, His character. Sonship, character! If you believe these two things and you hold on to them, you shall receive eternal life. You will be like Him. By beholding, you become changed. As Jesus is, you see, He is the submissive, obedient Son, you will become the submissive, obedient son or daughter because you receive of that Spirit. And as you see that Jesus fully knows that He is loved of the Father as His Son, you will embrace that Spirit. That you are fully loved of the Father. Isn't that beautiful?
Just completed chapter 25. I have two planned chapters to go. Thanks everyone for your prayers on this book
This is a summary table in my new chapter comparing the ministration of death to the new and living way. Please share any thoughts you might have on this.
This quote defines the new and living way. It is the removal of the Satan's misrepresentations of God's character that leads us to speak our true relation to the Father. It is music in the ears of our Father. Such a beautiful quote:

In Christ’s day the religious leaders had so long presented human ideas before the people, that the teaching of Christ was in every way opposed to their theories and practice. His sermon on the mount virtually contradicted the doctrines of the self-righteous scribes and Pharisees. They had so misrepresented God that He was looked upon as a stern judge, incapable of compassion, mercy, and love. They presented to the people endless maxims and traditions as proceeding from God, when they had no “Thus saith the Lord” for their authority. Though they professed to know and to worship the true and living God, they wholly misrepresented Him; and the character of God, as represented by His Son, was as an original subject, a new gift to the world. Christ made every effort so to sweep away the misrepresentations of Satan, that the confidence of man in the love of God might be restored. He taught man to address the Supreme Ruler of the universe by the new name—“Our Father.” This name signifies His true relation to us, and when spoken in sincerity by human lips, it is music in the ears of God. Christ leads us to the throne of God by a new and living way, to present Him to us in His paternal love.—The Review and Herald, September 11, 1894.
I have updated the table to include the suggestions made. Thank you
I have just completed writing the final chapter and what a surprise I discovered in studying Laodicea and that it connects the entire book together. Thank you everyone for praying for me as I have written these things down. It has been a complete joy. I thank the Father and the Son that these truths are coming into the light of day and that we shall overcome the devil and his angels through the blood of Christ; the wine of sonship and daughtership to the Father through Christ.

I hope to have the book ready before the end of the year. I need to smooth out a number of places in the book and have it edited. But I trust it will be a blessing to all. 284 Pages in total.
Blessings everyone. This Sabbath afternoon and evening Sean and I will be continuing to share messages with Adventists here in Arkansas. We plan to record and upload the meetings.

I have rented a venue at a local community college in order to hold the meetings.

Please pray for open hearts and minds and for Sean and I to have the Spirit of Christ as we share our message and show that it is built upon the most precious message given by Jones and Waggoner from 1888 into the mid 1890s.
The new Sabbath School Quarterly is now ready.


I had a very blessed time with our Brisbane Family as we were studying the First lesson study guide together. The group in Brisbane don't try to get through one lesson on a Sabbath morning but discuss each point fully and completely sometimes taking a few weeks to study one lesson. They are a blessing to introduce the message to those who are new.
A big thankyou to all the writers, translators, editors and formatters who have helped us with books and translations for September. There are a number of others almost ready as well. May these books bring light to many.