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Revelation of God's Character of Love.
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Sabbath Live Stream. Are you ready for the next step in the journey? Pray for Eye Salve, Pray for light, believe you will receive it.

Today I spoke with the police officer who found Adam Pearce. They almost left as Adam was in his room. But this office who sense something was not right. So they had him moved to the hospital. I spoke to the ICU nurse yesterday. Adam has had his left leg removed from below the knee due to sepsis. He also had a form of pneumonia. There will be another operation on Tuesday. I spoke to Adam also but without his hearing aids it was very hard to communicate. I will speak to the doctors early this week and plan to go visit him to assist in whatever way I can. Please keep Adam in prayer. It is going to be a long road for him.
Yesterday as I was pondering the content of my new book, I felt overwhelmed with its complexity and I felt my great lack in being able to express that which was revealed to my mind. I prayed and trusted the Lord would deliver me from my struggle and let my fingers on my keyboard flow freely once again. Today during the New Moon, the thoughts flow once again, the language and illustrations are beautiful, I sit at the feet of Jesus and He shows me precious light, and I can only stand in awe and know He is willing to show me these things because I am His son and He delights in me. His judgment of me triumphs over my own and I am at rest. I am excited to show you the things I am writing. Maybe in a month or so we will see something. Blessed New Moon dear family
For those who would like to prepare for our presentation in about 2 hours I recommend this landmark presentation - The Atonement and the Demands of Justice.

Here is the link for tonight's presentation

The teaching of the judgment of the living was once like devouring fire, but now it is transformed into the most beautiful revelation of the Father's character. It is the cry of freedom from false justice. Rejoice with me oh daughters of Jerusalem, the darkness is being stripped away and Christ and Him Crucified is being lifted up from the earth and all men will be drawn to Him.
Found this little gem as Sabbath begins for us in Australia

There are many who are not Bible Christians. They follow a standard of their own devising. If they would see their defective, distorted characters as they are accurately reflected in the mirror of God’s Word, they would be so alarmed that they would fall upon their faces before God in contrition of soul, and tear away the rags of their self-righteousness. { RH December 15, 1904, par. 12 }

How are our defective, distorted character accurately reflected in God's Word?

By viewing God in any other way than the life of Jesus revealed on earth.
The Sabbath has come and my thoughts turn to our beloved Father and His Son. I am filled with love for their great sacrifice. Their present cross makes me stand in awe of their patient endurance for the sake of love. I want always the think on the cross, the cross of self-denial. I trust to receive the anointing of this Spirit that I might be like them. I rest in the arms of love and I worship Father and Son, and give thanks to know them as revealed through Jesus our Lord.
I have now completed 13 chapters of my new book called One Mediator. Feeling very blessed on how it is coming together. Thank you all for your prayers for this project.
Live Stream tomorrow. We look forward to seeing you online if you can join us.

I wish to give thanks to our Lord Jesus this Sabbath for the light streaming down upon us in such beauty. Even as I was presenting today truths were connecting together in my mind and locking down in the framework of truth. This presentation - The Blood of New Covenant, takes another step forward in linking the drink offerings of the typical sacrifices to the New Covenant and the blessing - you are my beloved. The two covenants are coming clearer into focus and putting this all together within the 2300 year prophecy and the cleansing of the Sanctuary. I was so moved the other day when all of a sudden a stream of thought came to me. I felt overwhelmed with gratitude. This came after I told Jesus I felt so sad for Him that our SDA movement rejected Him in 1888. I just wanted to be with Him and encourage Him in whatever way possible and then He poured a bucket of light all over me. Thank you Lord Jesus, You are precious.
Brethren, let the latter rain into you hearts. Embrace it, and give thanks that finally the truth is coming out. God has chosen us to be His beloved children forever. Let us drink this wine with delight. Our sins are forgiven - freely - through the infinite mercy of God. All the world must hear this message. Let us vibrate with the ring of heaven and may the light go everywhere. We can overcome all sin - the root of all sin is false justice. Let us uproot it from our lives through the grace of Jesus. Now we are called to shine as lights in the world. The latter rain is here once again. Hallelujah
Jesus Christ came off conqueror in the wilderness of temptation. And when upon Jordan’s banks, He offered such a prayer to heaven as heaven had never listened to before. His prayer penetrated through [the] darkness around him and reached the highest heavens. The heavens were opened and a dove, in appearance like burnished gold, [descended upon Him,] and from the lips of the Infinite One was heard these words, “This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased.” [Matthew 3:16, 17.] We have not understood how much this was saying to us. “You are accepted in the Beloved.” [See Ephesians 1:6.] His prayer ascended to the highest heavens. There [our] petitions will be heard. Jesus Christ, [our] Intercessor, will give [ear] to the [petitioner], and he will have grace [and] power through the Substitute, and surety that his petitions shall be honored in the highest heavens. How precious to every son and daughter of God, to every father and every mother who stands with burdens of responsibility to their children. 8LtMs, Ms 16, 1893 par. 5
Been going through 1888 Re-Examined by Robert Wieland, and was struck once again by this quote - the magnitude of Ellen White's endorsement of EJ Waggoner. We really believe that our work is a continuation of his, to God's glory:

I have had the question asked, "What do you think of this light that these men [Jones and Waggoner] are presenting?" Why, I have been presenting it to you for the last 45 years—the matchless charms of Christ. This is what I have been trying to present before your minds. When Brother Waggoner brought out these ideas in Minneapolis, it was the first clear teaching on this subject from any human lips I had heard, excepting the conversations between myself and my husband. I have said to myself, It is because God has presented it to me in vision that I see it so clearly, and they cannot see it because they have never had it presented to them as I have. And when another presented it, every fiber of my heart said, Amen. 1888 348.4

See all material we have by Waggoner here: