Farsite - Announcements
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What we can tell for sure at the moment is that a number of Comets are fast approaching NIX and CETO constellations with extremely rare Minerals of some uncertain nature. Along with that, as the latest data shows - most travelers are not prepared to face any enemies, as many people reasonably equipped their Ships with mining Modules and Radars, completely losing sight of any arms for combats.

Scientists have decided to launch a production contest to motivate travelers to shift some of their manufacturing lines to weaponry suppling the market with attack Modules.

Those producers who will manufacture the most weapon-type – Artillery, Missile, Laser – Modules within the week starting October 24, will be rewarded with Alpha Crates, rare Module Blueprints, and precious Credits in various amounts.

Credits Cases prices in the Store will be increased today at 5 PM UTC.


It is better to be overprepared and underwhelmed than it is to be underprepared and overwhelmed.
Weapons Production Contest Begins

A series of Contests to be held in the Farsite Universe starting from the Weapons Production Contest this week.

For the last couple of months, the community of travelers has been focusing on equipping their Ships with the most cost-effective Modules, mostly ignoring defense systems. This state of affairs can possibly lead to some tragic scenarios, which are desired to be prevented.
To ensure the defense capabilities of the interstellar community and initiate the process of supplying the market with high-end ammunition, scientists are launching the first production contest.

Those producers, who will manufacture the most weapon-type – Artillery, Missile, Laser – Modules during the period from Oct 24 to Oct 31, will be rewarded according to the number of Contest points. Each Weapon Module of size S brings 1 point, and M-size brings 3.

Read more about the Contest and the rewards:

Good luck, travelers!
📡 Comets Discovered!

A number of Comets approaching our galaxies. Despite the rarity and potential risks, the amount of resources hidden under their surfaces makes it all worth it.

Prepare your best Radar Modules and get ready to start searching, unless you want to leave all those treasures on the table - the first Comets are expected to reach known galaxies of the Farsite Universe on November 1.
Modules Contest Results

The first round of strengthening the defense powers of the Farsite interstellar community is over! Producing high-tech weaponry for space fleets is not an easy task - it is a contest. And today we’re glad to announce the winners. Those travelers, who took the task which is not for the fainthearted, and successfully accomplished it.

During the last week, a total of 188 Weapon Modules have been produced. The whole Farsite community is grateful to you, you are the true masters of tech and steel. Apart from gratitude, you will be rewarded to the fullest as promised. The rewards will find their pilots within the next 10 days.

But there’s no time for long celebrations. Comets are approaching, who knows what mysteries and dangers they may conceal.
Comets Hunt Started

The universe is an ever-expanding and ever-changing thing. Human lifespans, centuries and millennia are just tiny moments of the history of the universe. Empires rise and fall, people are born and die, all under the same stars, which have their own timeframes, much greater than any human can even imagine.
Today we are reminded of this fact once again. Already now the first Asteroids and Comets can already be found within the explored part of the universe. Scientists report that huge amounts of resources could be found under the surfaces of said celestial bodies.

Asteroids are believed to be located near Planets, thanks to their gravitational field, while Comets move constantly through space. Comets are said to disappear forever after being exhausted, while Asteroids can reappear in the same spot within a certain period of time.

Fit your best Radar Modules and start searching, unless you want to leave all those treasures on the table.

Learn more: https://farsite.online/docs/asteroids
🪙 Buy Orders & Route Planner

It is hard to imagine an economy without a fully functional market - especially when it comes to trading resources from all over the Universe.

To make cooperation between travelers easier and more effective Market Orders will be introduced starting November, 28 - all the traders will be able to increase their margins by placing Buy and Sell orders on the in-game marketplace.
Pilots will be able to create Buy Orders with delivery to be accomplished by other travelers for a rewards in Credits. For example, one may ask to bring Resources or Components to a Station or a Sector. Mine it, buy it, make it - it is up to the player, the only requirement is to supply the goods in desired amount.

Moreover, the 28th of November is also said to be the date when the first version of the latest universal software for the Spaceships - Route Planner - becomes publicly available! It allows Pilots to get directions to faraway constellations as well as information on how much Credits and fuel are required to reach the destination.

Following the updated roadmap, the Farsite Beta, including crucial fight mechanics, market upgrades and more, is scheduled to see the light in early 2023, along with the FAR token mint and listing to be rescheduled for that date.

As our project strives for transparency and security in these turbulent times, we’re taking additional steps to ensure that the process of listing FAR will bring no inconvenience to our community in such a volatile period in the industry.
The Farsite Store has also changed to suit the requirements of many aspiring travelers and novice pilots. The entry-level Credit Cases have been introduced, along with the revised prices and Credits amounts for the more advanced packages.

The new software which allows pilots to get directions to faraway star systems, calculate fuel requirements, and choose between the fastest and the cheapest options - the Route Planner - is available for all travelers. Apart from this, the latest update includes certain UI improvements and bug fixes.

Open the hangar to test new features before the next contest, scheduled for December, 1 kicks off!

Read more about:
Market Orders - https://farsite.online/docs/market_orders
Journal - https://farsite.online/docs/journal
Route Planer - https://farsite.online/docs/routeplanner
V 3.25 Release Notes - https://farsite.online/docs/release_notes

Open the game:
Deliver Orders and Plan Your Routes

The Farsite Beta preparations are now officially taking off! From now on travelers are able to use Market Orders to have the desired goods delivered to any part of the galaxy, be it a Sector or a Station. This will drastically save time and effort for some players, at the same time giving others an opportunity to explore the galaxy and earn Credits, adding orders to their newly introduced Journals.
The Great Transfer Contest Started

Travelers, the scientists need your assistance! Due to a huge amount of research and development operations taking place in the labs, a substantial amount of resources is needed in certain locations to fuel the operations.

During the week starting December, 1 to December, 8, players can take part in the contest by completing Star Orders. These types of Orders will be highlighted in the list. Some of the players’ orders will be chosen to be Star Orders if they meet certain requirements.
The winners of the contest with the most Contest Points will be rewarded with valuable prizes:
1. Blueprint Cargo S
2. Blueprint T-35
3. Blueprint T-25
4. UA-40 CP ( 0 Collateral Credits )
5. UA-40 CP ( 0 Collateral Credits )
6.-15. TB-25 CP ( 0 Collateral Credits )
16.-25. Duralumin Container I ( 0 Collateral Credits )
26.-30. 1’000 Credits

The number of received Contest Points will depend on the locations and types of Resources delivered.

Read more: https://farsite.online/docs/contests
🏆 The Great Transfer Contest is over!

Congrats the winners!
The rewards were shipped - please check your Assets.
🌟 New year in a far-off galaxy

The start of a new year is always a special time, as we reflect on the accomplishments of the past year and look forward to the possibilities that the future holds.

Shall we say, 2022 has been unlike any other.

Thousands of Pilots ventured deep into the Farsite universe, traveling to places where no human had ever been before. They encountered all manner of dangers and obstacles on their journey, from treacherous asteroid fields to hostile hot stars. The Pilots were determined to succeed and they pushed on through every challenge.

The Farsite team has launched the Alpha and successfully accomplished everything scheduled on the roadmap, including but not limited to:
🔹 Stations
🔹 Components Market
🔹 Comets and Asteroids
🔹 Market Orders
🔹 Route Planner
🔹 Unique Series
🔹 Contests

Not to mention numerous visual upgrades and UX improvements. The only crucial things left to close the loop and launch Beta are Fights and Pilot Academies.
Looking ahead to 2023, there is so much to be excited about:
🔹 New in-game marketplace for Ships, Modules, Blueprints and Sectors
🔹 FAR mint and Credits bridge
🔹 Stations shuttle and Ships parking
🔹 Notifications management
🔹 On-boarding missions for new players
🔹 Autopilot

Also, starting this year, a series of unique Modules is available to be produced on Sectors' factories - starting with Velorium to utilize scarce EB102 Exotic Biomass that can be found on rare Comets for a limited time only. Once all the EB102 is found, there will hardly be any new reservoirs for exclusive material and only limited amounts of Velorium Modules could be created, ever.

Read more about Unique Series: https://farsite.online/docs/series

With new year come new opportunities, and as we move forward together, we can be confident that there will be many more achievements and breakthroughs to come.

Happy new year, Pilots!
Farsite Progress Report

The wait was long. It's undeniable, the anticipation during the game's transition to its next development stage can be frustrating.

Yet, behind the scenes, the Farsite team has been tirelessly building, coding and crafting. During these seemingly silent times, what's being forged is nothing short of extraordinary.

Have to admit, the changing market landscape required us to adapt and make some strategic shifts. Nevertheless, we remain steadfast in our mission to deliver the architectural marvel that will soon unfold.

The Alpha phase offered merely a glimpse into the Farsite mechanics, showcasing the potential of a purely decentralized, immersive universe. It is you, the players, the community, who put the model to a rigorous test, assisted us in refining the complex mechanics and generously shared invaluable insights so we could evaluate what truly has the potential to revolutionize the next epoch of gaming.
What’s in works for Beta:

🔹 Starting with the Modules, the building blocks of power, the focus of all crafting endeavours. In Farsite Beta, all types of Modules will be made accessible to use and craft, contributing not only within the realms of action-packed combat but also infusing the thrill of precise management into daily tasks. Modules Grades 1, 2, and 3 currently held by players will evolve into 2, 3, and 4. A starter module, Grade 1, will become the stepping stone, while the exalted Grade 5 will only be available through the tenacity of players hunting rare materials from Comets.

🔹 Secondly, the fight model – a ballet of strategy and skill is on the brink of completion, that players will soon experience firsthand.

🔹 The tutorial, meticulously through-out to become a portal into the Web3 universe for masses that will allow for no-wallet on-boarding, welcoming and educating players about the autonomous world of Farsite in a gamified manner.

🔹 Midrange space vessels, once distant dreams, will finally become a reality. No longer relegated to any Packs, these vessels will be produced by the hands of players on their Sectors’ facilities.

🔹 An integrated token exchange will allow for a seamless pathway to swap any currency with FAR tokens right inside in-game Profile, eliminating the need for external registrations or transfer to exchanges.

With the ability to run all the experiences inside any browser, requiring no heavy downloads or installations, Farsite will emerge not just as a game, but as a bridge to an entirely new universe, that's as limitless as your aspirations.

As we stand on the precipice of impending breakthroughs, we can say with certainty that the wait is totally worth it. During the next months we will share more details on what’s coming for Beta, describing each aspect in detail.
Unveiling the Depths of Battle Mechanics

It brings us great joy to finally present an in-depth guide that explores the mechanics of Farsite battles for the Beta release, revealing essential insights into how Modules will be utilized during combat scenarios.

These may well be the final peaceful days when you can securely transport valuable resources to construction sites and fulfill the orders on Station and Sectors.

The Farsite combat system represents a distinctive risk protocol, offering players the choice to either proceed cautiously, avoiding danger at every turn or to take risks to make a fortune in the blink of an eye with high-stakes encounters.
At the heart of Farsite battles are Modules, with almost all of them set to play a crucial role in the Beta phase. With a myriad of Module configuration options and Energy management tactics a staggering number of potential battle scenarios available, ensuring that no two battles are ever the same.

As we continue to refine mechanics, we invite you to join discussions on how opponents will access and loot cargo from defeated ships. Your input is invaluable in shaping the Farsite development process.

Read all the details in the Guidelines:

The battle for supremacy in deep space promises to be fierce!