Silence DoGood, MBA
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God. Jesus. Holy Spirit. Family. Country. Silver Standard Supporter, Truth, Freedom, Father of 5, Blessed by God 🙏🏻🙌🏻
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Inflation is NOT transitory 🚫.

But the talking heads will play along with the theme, while they try to hedge their portfolio against inflation.

Precious Metals will eventually be the only place to truly hide, but by then for many of them it will be too late as we have been trained to #HODL!

And all of the people that have been hunkering down in the past year, using their excess cash to trade stocks, cryptocurrencies or simply hoard it, will start to find themselves wanting to spend this money, especially as they start to see the shelves slowly go bare (and restocked less frequently) as the monthly stimulus checks being sent to tens of millions of Americans families every month with kids start buying all kinds of things, right around the same time that China flat lines and eventually decreases their shipments to the US in a trade war of sorts (my prediction for the summer/fall is that China will get more brazen now that Trump is out of the picture at least in their world).
This is becoming more and more of a well defined trend - try to smash the price before the market opens, and then you get a rip rally at or after the market open. These traders think their old tricks still work. I would not be one bit surprised if they attempt to push the paper price down another 5-10% (they double down, and dig themselves a bigger hole), while steady hands are holding all the Silver, and eventually they realize they are simply pushing paper around! Wait until the miners start holding their Silver or selling to private investors (including PSLV) for a much higher price! #HODL
Forwarded from Silence DoGood, MBA
This is becoming more and more of a well defined trend - try to smash the price before the market opens, and then you get a rip rally at or after the market open. These traders think their old tricks still work. I would not be one bit surprised if they attempt to push the paper price down another 5-10% (they double down, and dig themselves a bigger hole), while steady hands are holding all the Silver, and eventually they realize they are simply pushing paper around! Wait until the miners start holding their Silver or selling to private investors (including PSLV) for a much higher price! #HODL
Bitcoin crashing this morning, under $30k. Going to be a rough 2021 for all crypto holders. I'm just sitting back and eating my 🍿🍿. My Silver is #HODL.
Silver won't be staying around $26 much longer. If you look at the correction that happened last September, paper Silver went down over $4 in a little over a week. This most recent correction from June 11 to June 21, they could only push the price of paper Silver down $2 in 10 days. We also stayed between $26 and $28 for nearly 2 months, a much longer period of time then the August 2020 peak & February 2021 peak. This massive accumulation by Patriots of physical Silver has created a significant floor, that if tested and broken through again, Patriots are ready to clean up whatever leftover stockpile the world has remaining. Best of all, most of America has not even woken up to the fact of how undervalued Silver is. When the world is ready to diversify into Precious Metals, particularly Silver, it will not be held at the big Bullion Banks ready to manipulate at a moment's notice, but it will have to be pried out of the hands of Patriots at significantly higher prices! #HODL @SantaSurfing @WallStreetSilver
Paper Silver breaking out this morning. Expect physical premiums to increase! #HODL! Remember what happened to Silver in June & July 2020...
Markets tanking across the globe due to the Feds lack of anything. Wait till the people wake up to the gorilla in the room. That the system has been on life support since 2008. Their Hail Mary was to launch their cryptocurrency scheme to try to take over the world. It is failing. We The People are waking up to these monsters. So many millions of people are conditioned in the crypto markets much like the mania of the late 90s was to that generation with stocks. People always love a good under dog story, and we love hearing stories about people acquiring wealth. But time & time again, we see those most vulnerable - those who cannot afford to take much risk, go all in right at the peak. Every freaking time. The American middle class has been dragged through the mud since 2001. Endless rises in home price would be the next ticket out said 2005. Endless rises in cryptocurrency would be the next ticket out said 2021.

People like you and me? We hold physical Gold & Silver, we are the ultimate #HODL players.
Elon's in the bullpen warming up for his next act on how to buy every ounce of Silver he can get his hands on without blowing up derivatives markets, which would be left for politicians to deal with (and undoubtedly many would be booted out of office after that kind of calamity). Silver at $25, $30, $40+++, all those ounces are a deal when one man's value of all of his businesses could buy most Gold and Silver mines in North America, not even counting all of the many global businesses that will require massive amounts of the Precious metal in the decades ahead with their never ending crazy projects! Silver is a win-win proposition, either for "pork-orate" energy systems via "scam-lar" and "dud-turbines" through nefarious governments with $30T+ National debt and growing, and $100T+ of unfunded liabilities that cannot be inflated away like the massive hydra known as MEDICARE (unless the big pharma evil is uprooted from its deepest roots and burned at the stake)! The debt, and pain on the people between the haves and the have nots will continue to grow like spreading cancer until whatever the "reset" looks like in that "moment" (unknowable when or how except for a few people)! So secure yours and your families future with physical assets. Keep in your back pocket to know that Keith Neumeyer has relocated families to his Silver and Gold projects in Canada when they have found a big enough strike! He is also working on mines in the United States and Mexico too. You and your family will be better prepared than most, filled with Faith, Prayer, and blessings of discernment to listen to these words - but we all know people who will have it very rough in the months and years ahead with the next round of calamitous events, and might be looking for a job and a relocation from the city to very rural parts! #HODL

Forwarded from Silence DoGood, MBA
Nice mix on AG/AU! Mine is 80% Ag / 15% Au / 5% Pt. When it comes to stocks, don't invest in any stocks where you're not willing to lose access to it, for a period of time. You may not lose the shares necessarily in price; I'll pose the question: what happens if your broker dealer goes under and you are not the beneficial shareholder on record? You become part of any bankruptcy proceeding. Everyone has been participating in this hypothecary system, where just like a bank deposit becomes a liability to the bank, a deposit of cash to buy stocks at any financial broker institution is generally in their name, not your name, as they are the beneficial shareholder on record and who receives the dividend and then applies it to your "ledger account" at "the company". No wonder few, if any brokers want to offer crypto (because most cryptos are frauds, but any that might be legitimate, they lose access to lending out those shares, which is essentially pure profit for them to participate in this easy scheme). If you must hold stocks during this transition, I recommend looking into holding physical certificates either in person, or at a Stock Depository (Computershare comes to mind, but there are others, so do your due diligence). Current broker dealers may offer physical certificate options, but they make it very costly, almost prohibitively expensive unless you are wealthy and have lots of shares to make it worthwhile. I laugh how the same people who crap on crypto will also participate in a very similar looking scheme within the stock world, and are screaming #HODL! 😂 Can't you see them manipulating all of the shares?

The paper slam down continues. #HODL! #StackOn!

If you wanted to make a purchase this morning, it looks even better now! Email to purchase Gold and Silver!
