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🇺🇸/🌎 Brighteon Broadcast News, Sep 7, 2023 - RED ALERT: Bioweaponized mosquitos DROPPED on migrant invasion camps in Panama as DISEASE VECTOR DELIVERY SYSTEM targeting USA

- Liberty safe commits corporate suicide by colluding with FBI against its own customers
- The FBI is a TERRORIST organization carrying out POLITICAL persecutions across America
- BOYCOTT #LibertySafe and never buy their products again
- #RFK Jr. says the CIA runs Rolling Stone, Daily Beast, Wash Post and other controlled media
- Courageous woman blasts #transgender CULTISTS with the truth about "trans women," child mutilations and more
- Bioweaponized mosquitoes are being dropped on migrant camps in #Panama
- Malaria + Encephalitis (brain swelling) are current symptoms
- Treasonous Alejandro Mayorkas FUNDED the migration invasion camps in #Darien Gap
- Migrant INVADERS are being sickened before they make their way to the United States
- Human vessels / carriers for the next round of biological warfare against the American people before 2024 election
- USDA and FDA placing heavy new restrictions on food imports to worsen #famine and #starvation
- Former Malaysian PM warns of the West's global #depopulation scheme, involving coercion, invasions, revolutions
- The #dollar will collapse into hyperinflation as the Fed must print currency to buy up US #debt
- Expect food prices to nearly DOUBLE in the next 12 months
- One likely scenario is the collapse of the United States' centralized D.C. government
- Regional nation states will rise up and self-organize
- Those holding dollars will lose everything; those holding #gold or #silver will preserve their assets
- Full interview with Josh Yoder from US Freedom Flyers, about commercial air pilots vs. #vaccine mandates

Rumble | Odysee
🇺🇸/🌎 Brighteon Broadcast News, Oct 30, 2023 - WAR is the cover story for what they REALLY want to do to us all!

- Never forget: Globalists want to destroy America

- They need WAR to achieve gun confiscation, cancel elections and find a scapegoat for financial collapse

- War in the Middle East is being intentionally ramped up to create a bigger CRISIS

- This war is pushed no matter what "red lines" have to be crossed

- Spanish official calls for Netanyahu to be arrested and charged with WAR CRIMES

- New GOP House Speaker Mike Johnson declares loyalty to #Israel, NOT America

- Jewish TV personality calls for "annihilation" of all Palestinians

- Scott Ritter reveals why Israel has LOST the moral high ground

- Why Israel isn't ready for a war with #Hamas

- Full interview with Prof Valentina Zharkova on global #famine and the Grand Solar Minimum

Rumble | Odysee