f2pool Announcements
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f2pool Announcements pinned «Upcoming BCH halving The Bitcoin Cash (BCH) block reward halving will occur at block height 840,000 on approximately 2024-04-05. The block reward will decrease from 6.25 BCH to 3.125 BCH. Please take this into consideration when planning your mining activities…»
IRON mining algorithm set to change to FishHash
The Iron Fish (IRON) mainnet will perform a hard fork upgrade at block height 503,338, expected to take place on 2024-04-02. As a result, the IRON mining algorithm will shift from Blake3 to FishHash. This new FishHash algorithm supports GPU mining and requires a memory of at least 5GB.

The f2pool IRON mining pool will support this network upgrade. During the upgrade, we will temporarily suspend the payouts of IRON mining payouts until the network is stable. Please note that the existing configurations will not support mining activities after the algorithm change. Therefore, we advise you to update your mining software configuration promptly after the upgrade to avoid any issues. Stay tuned for subsequent tutorial updates for detailed configuration instructions.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us at support@f2pool.com or open a support ticket.


Iron Fish(IRON)主网将于区块高度503,338处进行 硬分叉升级,预计发生时间为2024年04月02日,届时,IRON挖矿算法将由Blake3更改为FishHash。新算法FishHash支持GPU挖矿,要求显存不低于5GB。

f2pool IRON矿池将支持此次网络升级。升级期间,我们将暂停IRON挖矿收益支付,待网络稳定运行后恢复支付。我们提醒广大用户,变更算法后原配置无法继续挖矿,请您在升级后及时更新挖矿软件配置,避免出现挖矿异常。详细配置请您关注后续教程更新。


f2pool Announcements pinned «IRON mining algorithm set to change to FishHash The Iron Fish (IRON) mainnet will perform a hard fork upgrade at block height 503,338, expected to take place on 2024-04-02. As a result, the IRON mining algorithm will shift from Blake3 to FishHash. This new…»
Closing MEER and DGB mining pools
We have decided to close our MEER and DGB mining pools on 2024-03-25 00:00 UTC. The remaining balances will be paid out within a week after pool closure. The mining revenue query of MEER and DGB will still be available until 2024-04-25. If you have any questions, please contact us at support@f2pool.com or open a support ticket.

f2pool将于2024年03月25日00:00 UTC停止提供MEER、DGB币种的挖矿服务,并在随后1周内完成矿池帐户余额支付。挖矿收益查询将继续保留至2024年04月25日,敬请知晓。如有其他疑问,请及时通过f2pool 客服渠道 进行反馈。


f2pool Announcements pinned «Closing MEER and DGB mining pools We have decided to close our MEER and DGB mining pools on 2024-03-25 00:00 UTC. The remaining balances will be paid out within a week after pool closure. The mining revenue query of MEER and DGB will still be available until…»
Resumption of HTR pool
Our HTR pool (merged mining currency with BTC) has resumed mining on 2024-03-25. The HTR payouts will recommence the following day, 2024-03-26, with a threshold of 0.5 HTR. Please ensure your HTR payout address is functioning correctly to avoid any loss due to failure in receiving rewards. For more information on merged mining and how to set it up, please read this post.
If you have any questions, please contact us at support@f2pool.com or open a support ticket.

BTC合并挖矿币种HTR已于2024年03月25日恢复挖矿,HTR收益支付将于2024年03月26日恢复,起付额为0.5 HTR。请及时确认您的HTR收益地址正常,避免因收益无法到帐而造成损失。
关于合并挖矿及设置,请点击 这里

f2pool Announcements pinned «Resumption of HTR pool Our HTR pool (merged mining currency with BTC) has resumed mining on 2024-03-25. The HTR payouts will recommence the following day, 2024-03-26, with a threshold of 0.5 HTR. Please ensure your HTR payout address is functioning correctly…»
IRON mining algorithm set to change to FishHash
The Iron Fish (IRON) mainnet will perform a hard fork upgrade at block height 503,338, expected to take place on 2024-04-02. As a result, the IRON mining algorithm will shift from Blake3 to FishHash. This new FishHash algorithm supports GPU mining and requires a memory of at least 5GB.

The f2pool IRON mining pool will support this network upgrade. During the upgrade, we will temporarily suspend the payouts of IRON mining payouts until the network is stable. Please note that the existing configurations will not support mining activities after the algorithm change. Therefore, we advise you to update your mining software configuration promptly after the upgrade to avoid any issues. Stay tuned for subsequent tutorial updates for detailed configuration instructions.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us at support@f2pool.com or open a support ticket.


Iron Fish(IRON)主网将于区块高度503,338处进行 硬分叉升级,预计发生时间为2024年04月02日,届时,IRON挖矿算法将由Blake3更改为FishHash。新算法FishHash支持GPU挖矿,要求显存不低于5GB。

f2pool IRON矿池将支持此次网络升级。升级期间,我们将暂停IRON挖矿收益支付,待网络稳定运行后恢复支付。我们提醒广大用户,变更算法后原配置无法继续挖矿,请您在升级后及时更新挖矿软件配置,避免出现挖矿异常。详细配置请您关注后续教程更新。


f2pool Announcements pinned «IRON mining algorithm set to change to FishHash The Iron Fish (IRON) mainnet will perform a hard fork upgrade at block height 503,338, expected to take place on 2024-04-02. As a result, the IRON mining algorithm will shift from Blake3 to FishHash. This new…»
IRON mining algorithm set to change to FishHash
The Iron Fish (IRON) mainnet will perform a hard fork upgrade at block height 503,338, expected to take place on 2024-04-02. As a result, the IRON mining algorithm will shift from Blake3 to FishHash. Click here for details.

IRON FISH主网将于区块高度503,338处进行硬分叉升级,预计发生时间为2024年04月02日,届时IRON挖矿算法将由Blake3切换至FishHash。详细内容请点击这里
IRON mining algorithm set to change to FishHash
The Iron Fish (IRON) mainnet will perform a hard fork upgrade at block height 503,338, expected to take place on 2024-04-02. As a result, the IRON mining algorithm will shift from Blake3 to FishHash. This new FishHash algorithm supports GPU mining and requires a memory of at least 5GB.

The f2pool IRON mining pool will support this network upgrade. During the upgrade, we will temporarily suspend the payouts of IRON mining payouts until the network is stable. Please note that the existing configurations will not support mining activities after the algorithm change. Therefore, we advise you to update your mining software configuration promptly after the upgrade to avoid any issues. Stay tuned for subsequent tutorial updates for detailed configuration instructions.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us at support@f2pool.com or open a support ticket.


Iron Fish(IRON)主网将于区块高度503,338处进行 硬分叉升级,预计发生时间为2024年04月02日,届时,IRON挖矿算法将由Blake3更改为FishHash。新算法FishHash支持GPU挖矿,要求显存不低于5GB。

f2pool IRON矿池将支持此次网络升级。升级期间,我们将暂停IRON挖矿收益支付,待网络稳定运行后恢复支付。我们提醒广大用户,变更算法后原配置无法继续挖矿,请您在升级后及时更新挖矿软件配置,避免出现挖矿异常。详细配置请您关注后续教程更新。

f2pool Announcements pinned «IRON mining algorithm set to change to FishHash The Iron Fish (IRON) mainnet will perform a hard fork upgrade at block height 503,338, expected to take place on 2024-04-02. As a result, the IRON mining algorithm will shift from Blake3 to FishHash. This new…»
IRON 预计还有2个小时硬分叉升级,升级后挖矿算法更新为Fishhash。使用旧算法挖矿将得不到挖矿收益。新算法的挖矿设置方法参考教程:https://f2pool.zendesk.com/hc/zh-cn/articles/30125732895641

The IRON network is expected to undergo a hard fork upgrade in 2 hours, after which the mining algorithm will be updated to Fishhash. Miners still using the old algorithm after the hard fork will not get mining rewards.
Instructions for setting up mining with the new algorithm can be found in the tutorial: https://f2pool.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/22893962747289-How-to-mine-Iron-Fish
Upcoming BCH halving
The Bitcoin Cash (BCH) block reward halving will occur at block height 840,000 on approximately 2024-04-04. The block reward will decrease from 6.25 BCH to 3.125 BCH. Please take this into consideration when planning your mining activities as your revenues from mining BCH will be reduced. Please refer to f2pool halvings page for more information.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us at support@f2pool.com or open a support ticket.

Bitcoin Cash(BCH)将于840,000区块高度减半,预计发生时间约为2024年04月04日,单个区块奖励将由6.25 BCH减少为3.125 BCH。届时您的挖矿收益将会受到影响,敬请知晓。关于BCH减产详细信息,您可以参考f2pool减产倒计时


f2pool Announcements pinned «Upcoming BCH halving The Bitcoin Cash (BCH) block reward halving will occur at block height 840,000 on approximately 2024-04-04. The block reward will decrease from 6.25 BCH to 3.125 BCH. Please take this into consideration when planning your mining activities…»
f2pool Announcements pinned «Upcoming BCH halving The Bitcoin Cash (BCH) block reward halving will occur at block height 840,000 on approximately 2024-04-04. The block reward will decrease from 6.25 BCH to 3.125 BCH. Please take this into consideration when planning your mining activities…»
Participate in Iron Fish mining contest at f2pool, for a chance to win a share of 5,000 IRON!
As Iron Fish transitions to FishHash, we are thrilled to announce our IRON mining contest. We invite GPU miners to compete based on their hashrate and potentially win a portion of the 5,000 IRON total prize.
The contest will run for two weeks, from 2024-04-12 00:00 to 2024-04-25 23:29 UTC. The top 50 miners will share the prize.
During this competition, the top 50 miners by daily average IRON hashrate at f2pool will receive rewards in proportion to their hashrate contribution from the total prize pool of 5,000 IRON.
Please note that cloud mining is excluded from this contest, and f2pool reserves the right to provide the final interpretation for this event.
Iron Fish (IRON) is a Proof-of-Work blockchain for a privacy platform for web3 using ZKPs. it has transitioned to FishHash as its new mining algorithm, which supports mining by GPUs (memory of at least 5GB). Popular mining software such as Rigel, lolMiner, and SRBMiners support it. You can use our updated mining guides for configuration.
f2pool reserves the right to make the final decision for this event and cloud mining is not included in this contest.
We eagerly anticipate your participation in the contest. Don’t miss this opportunity to win your share of the prize. Happy mining at f2pool!

参与f2pool Iron Fish挖矿竞赛,瓜分5000 IRON总奖池!
随着Iron Fish网络成功切换至新算法FishHash,f2pool的IRON挖矿竞赛也即将开始!我们邀请GPU矿工朋友们共同参与f2pool IRON矿池挖矿,获胜者可瓜分5000 IRON总奖池。
此次比赛将持续2周,赛期为2024年04月12日00:00至2024年04月25日23:59 UTC,将产生50名胜出者。竞赛期间,在f2pool日均IRON算力排名前50的矿工将根据算力占比瓜分5,000 IRON总奖池。请注意,云算力不参与此次挖矿竞赛活动。f2pool保留此次竞赛的最终解释权。
Iron Fish(代币IRON)是采用PoW共识的去中心化区块链网络。网络运用零知识证明,构建Web3世界的隐私平台。新算法FishHash支持GPU挖矿,要求显存不低于5GB。Rigel、lolMiner、SRBMiners等挖矿软件支持IRON挖矿。了解详细配置,请查看最新的 IRON挖矿教程

f2pool Announcements pinned «Participate in Iron Fish mining contest at f2pool, for a chance to win a share of 5,000 IRON! As Iron Fish transitions to FishHash, we are thrilled to announce our IRON mining contest. We invite GPU miners to compete based on their hashrate and potentially…»
Participate in Iron Fish mining contest at f2pool, for a chance to win a share of 5,000 IRON!
As Iron Fish transitions to FishHash, we are thrilled to announce our IRON mining contest. We invite GPU miners to compete based on their hashrate and potentially win a portion of the 5,000 IRON total prize.
The contest will run for two weeks, from 2024-04-12 00:00 to 2024-04-25 23:29 UTC. The top 50 miners will share the prize.
During this competition, the top 50 miners by daily average IRON hashrate at f2pool will receive rewards in proportion to their hashrate contribution from the total prize pool of 5,000 IRON.
Please note that cloud mining is excluded from this contest, and f2pool reserves the right to provide the final interpretation for this event.
Iron Fish (IRON) is a Proof-of-Work blockchain for a privacy platform for web3 using ZKPs. it has transitioned to FishHash as its new mining algorithm, which supports mining by GPUs (memory of at least 5GB). Popular mining software such as Rigel, lolMiner, and SRBMiners support it. You can use our updated mining guides for configuration.
f2pool reserves the right to make the final decision for this event and cloud mining is not included in this contest.
We eagerly anticipate your participation in the contest. Don’t miss this opportunity to win your share of the prize. Happy mining at f2pool!

参与f2pool Iron Fish挖矿竞赛,瓜分5000 IRON总奖池!
随着Iron Fish网络成功切换至新算法FishHash,f2pool的IRON挖矿竞赛也即将开始!我们邀请GPU矿工朋友们共同参与f2pool IRON矿池挖矿,获胜者可瓜分5000 IRON总奖池。
此次比赛将持续2周,赛期为2024年04月12日00:00至2024年04月25日23:59 UTC,将产生50名胜出者。竞赛期间,在f2pool日均IRON算力排名前50的矿工将根据算力占比瓜分5,000 IRON总奖池。请注意,云算力不参与此次挖矿竞赛活动。f2pool保留此次竞赛的最终解释权。
Iron Fish(代币IRON)是采用PoW共识的去中心化区块链网络。网络运用零知识证明,构建Web3世界的隐私平台。新算法FishHash支持GPU挖矿,要求显存不低于5GB。Rigel、lolMiner、SRBMiners等挖矿软件支持IRON挖矿。了解详细配置,请查看最新的 IRON挖矿教程
f2pool Announcements pinned «Participate in Iron Fish mining contest at f2pool, for a chance to win a share of 5,000 IRON! As Iron Fish transitions to FishHash, we are thrilled to announce our IRON mining contest. We invite GPU miners to compete based on their hashrate and potentially…»