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We are pleased to announce the joining of the EU to the UN Common Pledge for Women’s participation in Peace Processes.

Read the full statement by EU Ambassador for Gender and Diversity, @StellaRonner here:!9HPrB9

European External Action Service - EEAS 🇪🇺

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🏆🇪🇺Parabéns à Europe XXI e ao projeto de Surf Inclusivo desta associação do Porto que ganhou o Prémio Carlos Magno da Juventude 2025 na Espanha. #ECYP2025

Sabe mais sobre o Prémio e descobre todos os projetos que ganharam a nível nacional. 🔎!cKWCB4

Parlamento Europeu em Portugal

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Underlining the close cooperation between 🇳🇴 and 🇪🇺 in foreign policy, colleagues from the MFA and our new Directorate for Export Control and Sanctions was in Brussels for our regular sanctions dialogue.

Thanks to EEAS Sanctions Division and DG FISMA for a useful exchange🤝

Mission of Norway to the EU

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🌳Our Walk in the Park for #IWD🌸A moment to come together to raise awareness of the importance of women’s rights and the need to #AccelerateAction towards gender equality.

UK Mission to the EU 🇬🇧🇪🇺

Europe / Europa News on Telegram by @EuropeUpdate
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RT @vonderleyen: Today we’re taking our trade and investment relations forward.

We’re launching talks on a next-generation trade deal.

A Clean Trade and Investment Partnership.

With a focus on strategic industries – and benefits for both sides ↓…

European Commission

Europe / Europa News on Telegram by @EuropeUpdate
A @grttme project - Other backups: @Hallotme
The 8th EU-South Africa Summit is taking place in Cape Town today, March 13.

A key moment to deepen our strategic partnership, boosting cooperation on trade, investment, critical raw materials and clean energy, with a new Global Gateway package.


European External Action Service - EEAS 🇪🇺

Europe / Europa News on Telegram by @EuropeUpdate
A @grttme project - Other backups: @Hallotme
🙏🏾 Thank you for the collaboration and the insightful webinar. Together we can continue to shape the future of open data and drive impactful change!

#ODD25 stats
🤗 189 events
🌐 57 countries
👅 15+ languages
🌍 75% of events in the Global Majority

🙏🏾 Thank you to the global #opendata community for another impactful and widespread #OpenDataDay.

👉🏾 Check out the impact and activities report:…
- Open Knowledge Foundation (@[email protected])

Europe / Europa News on Telegram by @EuropeUpdate
A @grttme project - Other backups: @Hallotme
👉El diálogo social es esencial para proteger y crear empleo de calidad en el marco de las transiciones verde y digital.

En una resolución aprobada hoy, la Cámara señala que, en caso de reestructuración, deben garantizarse los derechos fundamentales de los trabajadores.

Parlamento Europeo en España

Europe / Europa News on Telegram by @EuropeUpdate
A @grttme project - Other backups: @Hallotme
Le PE condamne la détention d'otages arméniens en Azerbaïdjan, exige leur libération, des sanctions, une enquête de la Cour pénale internationale sur les déplacements forcés et la suspension du mémorandum énergétique UE-Azerbaïdjan.

Parlement européen en France

Europe / Europa News on Telegram by @EuropeUpdate
A @grttme project - Other backups: @Hallotme
🇪🇺🇿🇦 – let’s write the future, together.

In Cape Town, President @vonderLeyen took part in the EU-South Africa Summit.

With an ambitious agenda, we’ve strengthened our strategic ties and joined forces to tackle defining challenges

Ready to bring our relations forward ↓

European Commission

Europe / Europa News on Telegram by @EuropeUpdate
A @grttme project - Other backups: @Hallotme
Parliament has adopted resolutions to address human rights breaches in Thailand, Sudan and Azerbaijan.


European Parliament

Europe / Europa News on Telegram by @EuropeUpdate
A @grttme project - Other backups: @Hallotme
🇪🇺'Europe is facing the most profound military threat to its territorial integrity since the end of the Cold War', say MEPs in a resolution approved on Wednesday, where the @Europarl_EN calls on the EU to act urgently and ensure its own security.!vH3Whk

Europarl UK

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Minister of Trade @CecilieMyrseth met with EVP @Teresaribera, Commissioner @MarosSefcovic & Commissioner @AndriusKubilius today to discuss 🇳🇴 close partnership with the 🇪🇺.

🇳🇴-🇪🇺 value chains are deeply integrated through more than 30 years as full members of the Single Market.

Mission of Norway to the EU

Europe / Europa News on Telegram by @EuropeUpdate
A @grttme project - Other backups: @Hallotme
RT @StefanishynaO: Internal market

Today we had 🇺🇦🇪🇺 screening meeting on company law. With this, we have completed all sessions within the 2nd negotiation cluster, “Internal Market.” We continue our efforts to successfully integrate 🇺🇦 businesses into 🇪🇺 market, attract investment, and ensure economic stability.

UKR Mission to the EU

Europe / Europa News on Telegram by @EuropeUpdate
A @grttme project - Other backups: @Hallotme
RT @EmmanuelMacron: Je salue l’annonce de la finalisation des négociations entre l’Arménie et l’Azerbaïdjan.

Plus rien ne s’oppose désormais à la signature d’un traité de paix entre l’Arménie et l’Azerbaïdjan, qui doit ouvrir la voie à une paix durable dans le Sud-Caucase.

La France dans l’UE 🇫🇷🇪🇺

Europe / Europa News on Telegram by @EuropeUpdate
A @grttme project - Other backups: @Hallotme
RT @KubiliusA: Good to meet Cecilie Myrseth, Norwegian Minister of Trade and Industry 🇳🇴

We discussed challenges and upcoming developments in the space sector.

Norway is a valued partner to the EU space programmes. I look forward to strengthening our cooperation.

Mission of Norway to the EU

Europe / Europa News on Telegram by @EuropeUpdate
A @grttme project - Other backups: @Hallotme