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Eloquent (Adjective)

Example sentences:
1: The politician delivered an eloquent speech that captivated the audience and swayed their opinions. (這位政治家發表了一個能言善道的演講,吸引了觀眾並改變了他們的觀點。)

2: The writer's eloquent prose painted a vivid picture of the protagonist's struggles and emotions. (這位作家雄辯的散文描繪了主人公的掙扎和情感,栩栩如生。)

3: The lawyer presented an eloquent argument that convinced the jury of his client's innocence. (這位律師提出了一個有說服力的論點,使陪審團相信他的客戶是無辜的。)

Verb: Eloquently
Noun: Eloquence
Adverb: Eloquently


Articulate, fluent, silver-tongued, persuasive, expressive, articulate, fluent, convincing,
Discernible (adjective)


Example sentences:
1: The sound of footsteps was barely discernible in the quiet room. (在安靜的房間裡,腳步聲幾乎不可察覺。)
2: There was a discernible change in her attitude after the incident. (在事件發生後,她的態度有了明顯的變化。)

Adverb: Discernibly

Perceptible, noticeable, detectable, observable, apparent
今日個post嚟教下點樣用if not 係句子入面,話說小弟前幾日同人一齊溫dse 英文作文嘅時候,發覺if not 好似係一個好難get 嘅concept 嚟,所以今日就嚟講下if not 係咩東東嚟,食得嘅? (誤

通常if not 係有呢7種嘅用法,如果有錯漏咗可以留言到同我講返


第一個用法: 去提出一個alternative(替代) 嘅結果或者係可能性:

我用space Introduction to Political Science 入面presentation 題目去寫 : Do you believe that the rise of China could prompt a shift from a multipolar world back to a bipolar one in the near future? (您是否認為中國的崛起​​會在不久的將來促使世界從多極轉向兩極?)

如果用if not 去改呢句句子,佢就會變成: Do you believe that the rise of China could potentially lead to a shift from a multipolar world to, if not a bipolar one, at least a more prominently bipolar one in the near future? (您是否認為中國的崛起​​有可能在不久的將來導致世界多極世界轉變為雙極世界,就算唔係完全雙極世界的話,至少是一個更明顯嘅雙極世界?)

if not a bipolar one 指緊嘅就係另一個可能性, 係細啲機會率會發生,然後逗號後面就會寫一個大啲機會率發生嘅野


第二個用法: 強調相反意見嘅存在:

例子: The incumbent government has made progress in implementing social policies, if not to the extent desired by opposition parties." (執政政府在推行社會政策方面取得了進展,雖然未達到反對黨期望的程度。)

佢另外一個寫法係: The incumbent government has made progress in implementing social policies, yet it is not to the extent desired by opposition parties.

但上面嘅用法會睇落positive 好多,如果你睇執政黨佢哋嘅用詞,一定係用上面,而yet 會係反對黨用

btw to the extent 好好用,可以用多啲


第三個用法: 表達不確定性或懷疑:

例子: The proposed policy measures could potentially address income inequality, if not hindered by political resistance and vested interests. (所提出的政策措施有可能解決收入不平等問題,但如果受到政治阻力和既得利益的干擾,可能會受阻。)

呢句野見到could, 就知佢係表達緊一啲不確定嘅事,提出的政策措施可能面臨阻礙,令政策難以實施

佢用另外一個字法會係: The proposed policy measures could potentially address income inequality, unless they face political resistance and vested interests.


第四個用法: 提出更極端或意外的可能性:

例子: In the context of resource scarcity, if not properly managed, conflicts over access to natural resources could escalate into full-scale regional wars." (在資源短缺的背景下,如果沒有適當地處理,自然資源的爭端可能升為全面性的區域戰爭。)

佢呢句 if not properly managed 可以理解如果呢樣野做唔好,後果會係咩,而呢個後果多數會係更壞嘅情況


第五個用法: 提出讓步或承認限制:

例子: The electoral system promotes democratic representation, if not without certain challenges, such as potential gerrymandering. (選舉制度促進民主代表性,但仍然存在一些挑戰,例如可能存在選區劃分的問題。)

通常呢類句子會見到 if not without 意思嘅字,後面會有example


第六個用法: 表達最低的期望或要求

Politicians should uphold the principles of transparency if not exceed public expectations in their financial disclosures. (政治人物應該在財務披露方面遵守透明原則,如果能超出公眾對其的期望,那就更好了。)

通常呢類句子會見到should 呢啲表達obligation 嘅字眼


第七個用法: 提及後果:

例子: If not holding Trump accountable for his inciting language, the continuous effort of Trump's incitement can potentially encourage and incite the public to distrust and question the legitimacy of the U.S. political system. (如果不追究令特朗普煽動性言論,他的行為有可能會鼓勵並煽動公眾對美國政治體系的合法性產生不信任和質疑。)

呢類就最易睇得明,都係普通if 嘅用法嚟

比多一個practice 大家,你哋估下 Therefore, it is my unwavering belief that the installation of monitoring apps will have detrimental, if not irrevocable, effects on the personal growth of children. 係屬於邊一類,同唔用if not 可以點寫?

"In Hot Water" 通常用來形容某人或某情況陷入困境或遭遇麻煩。意思是某人或某事物處於困難或危險的狀態,可能因為他們的行為、決策或局勢的不利變化而造成。


After the company's financial scandal was exposed, the CEO found himself in hot water.(在公司財務醜聞曝光後,CEO發現自己陷入困境。)
The politician is in hot water after making an offensive comment.(這位政治家因發表冒犯性言論而陷入困境。)
The team is in hot water because they failed to meet their targets.(由於未能達到目標,團隊陷入困境。)
【龍馬精神 🐲


Dragon's breath:

The dragon released its fiery breath, engulfing the entire village in flames.
The magician's spell created an illusion of dragon's breath, filling the stage with smoke and fire.

Slaying the dragon:

After years of hard work and determination, she finally slayed the dragon of self-doubt and achieved her dreams.
The team worked together to slay the dragon of corruption in their organization, bringing about positive change.


The CEO's management style was dragon-like, as she was fierce and assertive in making tough decisions.
The car's design had dragon-like features, with sharp edges and a sleek, aerodynamic shape.
Benign (adjective)

1: 良性的,無害的
2: 和藹可親的,溫和的

Example sentences:
1: The doctor confirmed that the tumor was benign and did not pose a threat to the patient's health. (醫生確認腫瘤是良性的,對患者的健康不構成威脅。)
2: Despite his intimidating appearance, the security guard had a benign demeanor and was always friendly to visitors. (儘管他外表嚇人,但這位保安態度和藹可親,對訪客總是友好的。)

Harmless, noncancerous, nonthreatening, innocuous

Kind, gentle, amiable, friendly
Rivalry (noun)

1: 敵對,競爭
2: 競爭對手關係,對抗關係

Example sentences:
1: The intense rivalry between the two soccer teams led to fierce competition on the field. (兩支足球隊之間激烈的敵對關係導致場上的激烈競爭。)
2: The rivalry between the two companies resulted in constant innovation and improvement as they tried to outperform each other. (這兩家公司之間的競爭關係促使他們不斷創新和改善,試圖超越對方。)

Competition, contest, conflict, strife

Rivalry, competition, opposition, antagonism
Incumbent (noun/adjective)

1: 現任者,在職者
2: 現行的,現有的

Example sentences:
1: The incumbent president is seeking re-election for a second term. (現任總統正在尋求連任第二個任期。)
2: The incumbent CEO has been leading the company for the past five years. (現任的首席執行官已經領導該公司五年了。)

Officeholder, occupant, holder, representative

Current, existing, present, prevailing
Myopic (adjective)

1: 近視的
2: 目光短淺的,缺乏遠見的

Example sentences:
1: The young boy struggled to read the blackboard in class because of his myopic vision. (這位年輕男孩因為近視而在課堂上難以看清黑板。)
2: The company's myopic approach to business focused only on short-term profits, ignoring long-term sustainability. (該公司目光短淺,只關注短期利潤,忽視了長期可持續性。)

Nearsighted, shortsighted

Shortsighted, narrow-minded, limited, tunnel-visioned

Tragic - 他父母突然去世是一個悲劇性的事件,讓他感到心碎。(Tragic - It was a tragic event for his parents to pass away suddenly, leaving him heartbroken.)

Devastating - 那場颶風對沿海城鎮造成了毀滅性的破壞,讓許多人無家可歸。(Devastating - The hurricane caused devastating damage to the coastal town, leaving many homeless.)

Heartbreaking - 看到孩子們生活在貧困中,艱難度日,讓人心碎。(Heartbreaking - It is heartbreaking to see children living in poverty, struggling to get by.)

Catastrophic - 火山爆發導致了嚴重的生命損失和周圍地區的破壞。(Catastrophic - The volcanic eruption resulted in catastrophic loss of life and destruction of the surrounding area.)

Unfortunate - 她錯過了飛機,無法參加重要的會議,這真是個不幸的事情。(Unfortunate - It was unfortunate that she missed her flight and couldn't attend the important meeting.)

Grievous - 這名士兵在戰鬥中遭受了嚴重的傷勢,無法繼續服役。(Grievous - The soldier suffered grievous injuries during combat and was unable to continue serving.)

Harrowing - 飛機失事倖存者講述了他們被困荒野的可怕經歷。(Harrowing - The survivors of the plane crash recounted their harrowing experience of being stranded in the wilderness.)

Wretched - 這個無家可歸的人在街頭過著悲慘的生活,無法獲得基本生活必需品。(Wretched - The homeless man lived a wretched life on the streets, unable to access basic necessities.)

Desperate - 這個家庭陷入了絕望的境地,無力負擔食物和住所。(Desperate - The family was in a desperate situation, unable to afford food and shelter.)

Miserable - 持續的雨使得他們的露營之旅變得悲慘不堪,一切都濕透且不舒適。(Miserable - The constant rain made their camping trip miserable, with everything getting wet and uncomfortable.)

Incapable:這個詞形容無法完成特定任務或缺乏所需能力的無助感。例如:He felt incapable of solving the complex math problem.(他覺得自己無法解決這個複雜的數學問題。)

Powerless:這個詞表示缺乏能力或控制力。例如:He felt powerless to change the situation.(他感到無能為力,無法改變這種局面。)

Hopeless:這個詞指的是對於達成目標或解決問題感到絕望。例如:She was in a hopeless situation with no way out.(她處於絕望的境地,無路可走。)

Desperate:這個詞描述迫切需要幫助或解決問題的無助感。例如:He was desperate for a solution to his financial troubles.(他迫切需要解決他的財務困境。)

Dependent:這個詞表示依賴他人或外部支援的無助狀態。例如:The elderly woman was dependent on her children for daily care.(這位老太太在日常生活中依賴她的子女。)
聽日考DSE 嘅大家加油呀
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大家係咪都完sem 了?我會慢慢執返上個sem 同今個sem A range 嘅文上嚟🫡 同埋英文份dse 卷
第一份, EAP 1 嘅 Assignment 3
Sociology 嘅 assignment 係最高分嘅文嚟,但某啲個人原因我覺得公開出嚟會唔太好,所以應該得佢個好朋友 Social Problems。可惜我做唔到Maximum ,不過都係差3-4分,到時會send 出嚟
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