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Don't make a person your world.

Kimnidir dunyoyinga aylantirma.

(Reaksiya qoldiring 🥰)
To the people in my life who make me smile, support me, and bring me joy; a big thank you.

Hayotimda meni kuldiradigan, qo'llab-quvvatlaydigan va menga quvonch keltiradigan odamlarga katta rahmat.

(Reaksiya qoldiring 🥰)

Bu test sizning xarakteringizni 92% aniqlik bilan aytib beradi

Rasmda birinchi bo'lib nimani ko'rdingiz
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Leave everything in the care of Allah.

Hamma narsani Allohning irodasiga topshiring
@English_Status ✈️🍏

(Reaksiya qoldiring 🥰)
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Shadowing 🔥

Text: Having lived through it, I can now say this to you with a bit more certainty than when death was a useful but purely intellectual concept. No one wants to die. Even people who want to go to heaven don't want to die to get there. And yet, death is the destination we all share. No one has ever escaped it. And that is as it should be, because death is very likely the single best invention of life. It's life's change agent. It clears out the old to make way for the new. Right now, the new is you. But someday, not too long from now, you will gradually become the old and be cleared away. Sorry to be so dramatic..

-What is a prayer?
-Prayer is the meeting of two hearts between one palm

- Duo nima?
- Duo bu ikki qalbning bir kaft orasidagi uchrashuvi


Bend - burilish, qayrilish
• Don't drive too fast, there is a sudden bend in the road

Highway - katta yo'l, katta trassa
• People usually drive fast on the highway

Walk along - bo'ylab, yoqalab, yonidan bormoq/yurmoq
Walk along the main road!

Opposite - qarama qarshi tomonda
• The school is on the opposite side of the school

Adjacent to - yonida, yaqinida
• My apartment is adjacent to the airport

Across from - nargi tomonida, qarama qarshisida
• The restaurant is located just across from the school

Traffic lights - svetafor
• Traffic lights are not working well.

Go past - yonidan o'tib ketmoq
• Go past the school

Go straight on - to'g'riga qarab bormoq
Please go straight on

Junction/ intersection/crossroads - chorraxa, yo'l kesishgan joy
• Turn left at the next crossroads

Sometimes we comfort people with the words we want to hear...

Bazan biz o'zimiz eshitishni xohlagan so'zlar bilan insonlarga tasalli beramiz...
Shadowing 🔥

Text: Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life. Don't be trapped by dogma, which is living with the results of other people's thinking. Don't let the noise of others' opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary. When I was young, there was an amazing publication called the Whole Earth Catalog.

It may be that you dream for a star and Allah wrote for you the Moon

Sen yulduzlarni orzu qilasan, Alloh bo'lsa sen uchun Oyni yozib qo'ygan bo'ladi
Shopping related vocabulary

🛍️ Go shopping - bozorlik qilmoq

🛍️ A sales assistant - yordamchi sotuvchi

🛍️ Spend money extravagantly - pulni behuda sarflang

🛍️ A good deal - Yaxshi kelishuv

🛍️ Window shopping - sotib olmasdan shunchaki tomosha qilishlik

🛍️ On sale - skidkada, chegirmada

🛍️ For sale - sotuvda

🛍️ By cash - naqd pulda

🛍️ Shop around - aylanib narxlarni taqqoslamoq

🛍️ Get a refund - to'lovni qaytarib olmoq

🛍️ Demand a replacement - O'zgartirishni/ almashtirib berishini talab qilmoq

Trusting Allah will not make the mountain smaller,but will make climbing easier

Allohga bo'lgan ishonch tog'ni kichraytirib qo'ymaydi lekin unga chiqishni osonlashtiradi

⚡️ Advanced vocabulary related to personality traits

⚡️ Shaxsiy xususiyatlar bilan bog'liq lug'at

⭐️Greedy B2 (ɡriː.di) - ochko’z

⭐️Arrogant B1 (‘erəɡnt) - kibrli, kekkaygan

⭐️Envious B2 (ˈenviəs) - hasadgo’y

⭐️Jealous (ˈjels) - rashkchi

⭐️Touchy C1 (tachi) - tez xafa bo’ladigan

⭐️Stubborn (ˈstʌbrn) - qaysar, o’jar

⭐️Obedient C1 (oʊˈbiː.di.ənt) - gapga kiradigan

⭐️Caring B2 (keyring) - g’amxo’r, mehribon

⭐️Humble C2 (hambl) - kamtar

⭐️High value man - qadri baland kishi

Distance doesn't matter, people always love and miss the one in their heart...

Masofalarning ahamiyati yo'q, odamlar doim qalbidagini sevadi, sog'inadi...

©️Najib Fazil‎

The next chapter of your life is going to be amazing

Hayotingizning keyingi qismi ajoyib bo'ladi
@English_Status 🔰⬇️

(Reaksiya qoldiring 🥰)
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🏆 Olimpiada boshlandi❗️

🤖 BOTGA yuborishga har bir fan uchun test kodlari👇

🛎 MATEMATIKA  ( 13691 )

🛎 O'.TARIXI ( 13692 )

🛎 ONA TILI ( 13690 )

🥇🥈🥉Tengdoshlaringiz bilan biliminglarni sinab ko'ringlar, Kim kuchli ekan 😊🏆

Sertifikat hammaga beriladi, 5 - Iyul, soat 22 00 gacha @Online_Olimpiadalari_bot ga javoblaringizni yuborishingiz mumkin 🤓

❗️Javoblarni aynan
@Online_Olimpiadalari_bot ga quyidagicha yuboring:
     👉 abcdac... (10 ta)

♻️ Do'stlarga yuboramiz ♻️
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Happiness is not in the number of roses given, but in the person who gives them.

Baxt berilgan atirgullar sonida emas, uni bergan odamdadir‌.
