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Mushtariybonu Rasulova or Emily Watson
- Japan 🇯🇵 |📍Tokyo 💫
- Academic and Life Blog
- Hobbies: singin', dancin', rappin', drawin')
- Instagram: http://ig.me/em1ly_watson
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Yer qimirlavotti, hamma kanaliga yoziw bilan band
Совершенно не понимаю зачем разжигать панику: было землятресение, мы это поняли, в каждом канале, группе, чате написано об этом с вопросом живы ли мы. С такими темпами мы не от землятресения, а от паники и страха умрём. Ребят, давайте не преувеличивать и просто принимать меры предосторожности. Без паники, всякое бывает, а истерики сейчас никому не нужны

+тщательно сортируйте информацию и верьте только проверенным источникам. Не распространяйте фейк!

Берегите себя и своих близких❤️🫶🏻
Winning the MEXT (Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology) scholarship can be highly competitive, but with the right preparation and strategy, you can increase your chances of success.
Here are some tips on how to win the MEXT scholarship:

Understand the Eligibility Criteria: Make sure you are eligible to apply for the scholarship. The MEXT scholarship is typically available for undergraduate, graduate, and research students. The scholarship is awarded based on academic merit, and you need to have a strong academic record to be considered.

Research the universities in Japan: Identify the universities in Japan that offer the course or program you want to study. Research their requirements, admissions process and academic calendars. It's important to understand the culture, values and traditions of the university.

Contact universities or professors: Reach out to universities or professors affiliated with your preferred field of research. Communicate your interest, academic achievements, and research work, and find out about their projects, academic requirements, and expectations. Involving professors can be useful as they can provide reference letters, which can increase your chances of success.

Prepare a Strong Application: Take the time to prepare a strong and comprehensive application that is error-free and showcases your achievements, academic records, and research work. Provide clear reasons for choosing a specific university and program, and make sure your application stands out in terms of content and design.

Take Language Proficiency Tests: The MEXT scholarship requires applicants to have a strong proficiency in Japanese or English, depending on the program. Take the necessary language proficiency tests, such as the JLPT or TOEFL, and aim for high scores.

Be Authentic: Be honest in your application and showcase your genuine interest and passion for the subject. Be engaging and personal in your motivation letter and highlight any achievements, volunteer work, or leadership experience you have.

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