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Emiba is a venture engineering start-up.
The goal of the ICO stage: To scale the laboratory prototype of the Concentrator up and to obtain a diamond sample on the scaled installation.
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Greetings to all! We will conduct an online broadcast 17/03/19 at 19:00 (Moscow time).
We will tell you the news of Emiba project.

📲The broadcast will be available at the link:

Приветствуем всех! 17.03.19 в 19:00 (МСК), мы проведем онлайн-трансляцию.
Мы расскажем о текущих новостях проекта.

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Online broadcast is coming in several minutes at 09:15 PM Moscow time!

📲It is available at next link: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZU-Rap1fxfD3mKAkavhpww/live

Уже через несколько минут, в 19:15 (МСК), мы проведем онлайн-трансляцию!

📲Она будет доступна по ссылке:
✈️✈️✈️✈️Друзья и партнеры, всем добрый день! Команда проекта Emiba находится в командировке в г. Москва. Примерные даты 21 марта-25 марта. Если есть желание встретится с нами, пишите в личные сообщения.
✈️✈️✈️✈️Good afternoon, friends and partners! The team of the project Emiba is on a business trip to Moscow. Estimated dates March 21 - March 25. If you want to meet with us, write to private messages.
Greetings to all! We will conduct an online broadcast 03/23/19 at 15:00 (Moscow time) from Moscow Polytechnic University jointly with CTO Ivan Yurin.
We will tell you the news and plans of Emiba project.

📲The broadcast will be available at the link:

Приветствуем всех! 23.03.19 в 15:00 (МСК), мы проведем онлайн-трансляцию из Московского Политехнического Университета с участием Ивана Юрина.
Мы расскажем о текущих новостях и планах проекта.

📲Трансляция будет доступна по ссылке:
Друзья, по техническим причинам, переносим трансляцию на понедельник! Готовьте вопросы к руководству проекта Даниилу Волошину и Ивану Юрину! Дадим пост о точном времени чуть позже. Сегодня мы проведем рабочую встречу с Иваном Юриным!
Greetings to all! We will conduct an online broadcast 03/25/19 at 17:00 (Moscow time) from Moscow Polytechnic University jointly with CTO Ivan Yurin.
We will tell you the news and plans of Emiba project.

📲The broadcast will be available at the link:

Приветствуем всех! 25.03.19 в 17:00 (МСК), мы проведем онлайн-трансляцию из Московского Политехнического Университета с участием Ивана Юрина.
Мы расскажем о текущих новостях и планах проекта.

📲Трансляция будет доступна по ссылке:
👍👍👍😳😳😳!!!!The crystal specimen obtained at the EMIBA laboratory concentrator!!!!😳😳😳👍👍👍

🤩🤩🤩We are looking for partners who want to work with us and develop the EMIBA project! Write, we will answer any questions about the project. You can also find me in @AnutaVoloshina Telegram🤩🤩🤩

The prospect of diamond synthesis!!
Modern technologies for creating diamonds in laboratories make it possible to obtain large and flawless stones in their characteristics. At the same time, their cost is much lower than natural minerals. This raises the question of what awaits the market for synthetic diamonds in the future.
Experts are confident this area will continue to develop in the future. After all, synthetic crystals have already taken their place in various industries as science and industry.
Even conservative jewelry brands began to take synthetic diamonds to create their products. Stones of natural origin cannot compete with them. Synthetic diamonds are identical to natural ones by their physical and chemical properties. Moreover, due to their low cost, they will successfully displace crystals of natural origin in the future.
The use of diamonds is in demand in such areas:
• jewelry industry;
• manufacturing industry;
• mining;
• electrical engineering;
• nanotechnology.
Those diamonds that don't cut and framed in precious metal also known as technical stones use to be to the manufacture of industrial tools. The demand for industrial diamonds is high; therefore deposits are being developed, and technologies will improve for the obtaining of synthetic crystals. These ways can cover the needs of the industry.
The manufacturing industry uses mainly the hardness of the element. Different types of work such as drilling or cutting pass quickly and without the formation of microcracks on the surface of the material. Metal turning occurs with the help of diamonds. The drills used in oil wells also have a mineral crumb coating.
It has high wear resistance to allow to cover any tools with diamond dust. This extends their lifespan and increases productivity. For example, there are more than 1,200 diamond coated chips in Russia:
• drill;
• mills;
• glass cutters;
• scissors for metal and stone;
• grinding tools.
🚀Emiba website: https://emiba.global/
The advantages of using diamonds in construction:
• the accuracy of work, filigree;
• speed;
• low process noise.
There are several types of diamond cutting using borax or dry diamond cutting. Of course, diamond-coated dusting tools are more expensive than ordinary ones, but their cost pays off with the quality of the process. For example, the cost of cutting concrete with diamonds is fully justifying. And from the employee when using special equipment does not require much physical effort.
Drilling wells with diamonds, especially if the diameter should be small. Now there is a branch in construction called diamond cutting. When drilling, for example, concrete, there is no vibration, dust. Diamond drilling will make holes for the following communications:
• water supply, air conditioning, sewage and sewage pipelines;
• Internet and other data transmission channels;
• taking actual samples on monolithic rock structures.
But diamond cutting is also relevant, since it leaves behind a perfect cut after it, without chipping or cracking the material. The discs on which there is a diamond coating withstand high temperatures and pressure drops.
Diamonds are used in the space industry to cover instruments and improve their strength. And on the ground, a stone is used for work, for example, laying tunnels in hazardous areas.
In medicine, the use of diamond coatings, especially in surgical instruments, is also encouraged, such as medical scalpels, dental equipment, scissors, and clamps. The crystals of an advanced medical laser will have a diamond coating, and the mineral acts as a conductor.
The use of diamond is also justified in telecommunications and electronics. Crystals are used to transmit signals through cables. Of course, such technologies require real investments, but the corresponding cables can withstand temperature drops. And diamonds are not afraid of power surges. Apply the mineral together with ruby and in the manufacture of supersensitive elements.
There is diamond used in optics for astronomers. Experiments from the field of physics and chemistry require the use of diamonds for the invention of new optics, the improvement of laser technology, and space exploration. Crystal act as a protective element that cannot damage hydrofluoric acid.
Good afternoon friends! We do not stop our work, and one crucial aspect is the safety of the technology. In the framework of the working meeting with colleagues, Ivan Yurin visited the Federal State Budget Institution Federal Institution for Industrial Property and the Chamber of Patent Disputes. During the meeting, there was an official discussion on patent security issues at the local and international level. But most importantly, the necessary consultations were held at an unofficial level, which will help the EMIBA project to protect itself and all investments in the project. As you understand, all global issues are resolved “on the golf course,” and the meeting that took place is part of the previous great work and future achievements.
Friends, today is the International Day of Astronautics! The team of EMIBA project congratulates you on holiday! Diamonds are widely used in the space industry, and we also see this area as a market for the realization of our future products. And one of the materials used in the space industry is the boron compound obtained using ultrahigh pressures. This fact is another possible use of our device "Concentrator."
Друзья, очень интересная статья! Это еще раз доказывает, что мы идем правильным путем! Главная цель проекта Emiba, это снизить стоимость алмазного сырья!
«Еще во времена моей студенческой молодости были разговоры о скором конце эпохи кремния и переходе на другие полупроводники, например структуры A3B5 (аресенид галлия, фосфид галлия или нитрид галлия), карбид кремния, алмаз, графен и пр. У них выше эффективная подвижность электронов и дырок, ниже температурная зависимость, выше теплопроводность. Кроме того есть возможность создавать гетеропереходы. Это когда области внутри транзистора отличаются не только типом проводимости, но и физической структурой, что дает дополнительные возможности. При прочих равных микросхемы на нитриде галлия могут работать на более высокой частоте, устойчивы к высокой температуре, и обеспечивают лучший теплоотвод. Но пока эти материалы используются лишь для дискретных элементов и небольших микросхем. Для больших микросхем сложность технологии делает ее цену на порядки выше кремниевой. Да и «прочих равных» пока не получается. Поэтому альтернативные некремниевые микросхемы имеют узкую специализацию. В массовой микроэлектронике царствует кремний.» далее читайте в статье: https://aftershock.news/?q=node/745507
Friends, very interesting article! This proves once again that we are going the right way! The main goal of the Emiba project is to reduce the cost of rough diamonds! Article only in Russian! Use the translator, if necessary! «Back in my student days, there was talk about the imminent end of the silicon era and the transition to other semiconductors such as the A3B5 structures (gallium arsenide, gallium phosphide or gallium nitride), silicon carbide, diamond, graphene, etc., with lower temperature dependence, higher thermal conductivity. In addition, it is possible to create heterojunctions. This is when the areas inside the transistor differ not only in the type of conductivity but also in their physical structure which gives additional possibilities. Microcircuits based on gallium nitride can operate at a higher frequency, are resistant to high temperatures, and provide better heat dissipation with other things being equal. But while these materials are used only for discrete elements and small circuits. For large microchips, the complexity of the technology makes price worth up to orders of magnitude higher than silicon. Yes, and "other things equal" does not work. Therefore, alternative non-silicon chips have a narrow specialization. Silicon reigns in mass microelectronics....».