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Emiba is a venture engineering start-up.
The goal of the ICO stage: To scale the laboratory prototype of the Concentrator up and to obtain a diamond sample on the scaled installation.
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Greetings to all! We will conduct an online broadcast 22/04/19 at 18:30 (Moscow time).
We will tell you the news of Emiba project.

📲The broadcast will be available at the link:

Приветствуем всех! 22.04.19 в 18:30 (МСК), мы проведем онлайн-трансляцию.
Мы расскажем о текущих новостях проекта.

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Friends, we want to share with you how else you can use our installation.(Concentrator EMIBA)
Under the conditions, the diamond is synthesized, hexagonal boron nitride was found. The result is a cubic analog called "borazon". It has all the "diamond" properties, but also high heat resistance. Therefore, grinding wheels made of borazon are more efficient diamond than ten times.

Crystals with semiconductor properties are scarce among natural diamonds. They are of great interest for the technology since they retain their parameters unchanged at high temperatures - up to 1000 K. But they can be found very rarely in diamond deposits. It is quite possible to synthesize such crystals in the right quantities.

With the help of overpressure, one can significantly expand the class of superconducting substances. Under "pressure" superconductivity becomes selenium and tellurium, silicon, germanium, phosphorus, bismuth, antimony, arsenic.
Where does any business start? The correct answer is to analyze the market and market potential. We knew that the diamond market had significant growth, but that in an exponential progression ... from almost zero to unprecedented sizes. Check out the charts and reports on the diamond market until 2050 by Frost and Sullivan.
Greetings to all! We will conduct an online broadcast 05/03/19 at 14:00 (Moscow time) from EMIBA's office with CTO Ivan Yurin jointly.
We will tell you the news and plans of Emiba project.
The broadcast will be available at the link:


Приветствуем всех! 03.05.19 в 14:00 (МСК), мы проведем вебинар с участием Ивана Юрина.
Мы расскажем о текущих новостях и планах проекта.
Трансляция будет доступна по ссылке:

Hi everyone. It has been ended a long weekend in Russia finally. So we can work adequately. The EMIBA project team did not stop work even on holidays. Today some parts of the Concentrator's technical layout have been received. There are a lot of plans and a lot of work for the summer. If you have partners from other countries, you to connect us. There are exciting suggestions for leaders. Even if you do not live in that country, you can be a Curator and have preferences from the company. Write questions, and we are glad to answer.
Hello, Friends !!! The EMIBA Project has started the production of the Technical layout of the Concentrator.
Friends, today we will talk about the benefits of rough diamonds in medicine.
Magnetic resonance imaging is one of the most effective ways to diagnose various diseases as it allows to obtain a layer-by-layer image of the internal organs.
However, because expensive superconducting magnets are used in MRI devices, this procedure is not for everyone, as many clinics cannot afford to purchase such equipment. The handling of diamonds in medicine will solve not only the problem of accessibility but many others. Such a solution is presented by American experts from the National Academy of Lawrence in Berkeley who conducted a series of experiments.
How do gem-based technologies work in medicine?
Scientists decided to use tiny crystals in MRI devices, through which the green light of a laser beam transmitted and the minerals exposed to a weak magnetic field at the same time. Thanks to this approach, it was possible to increase the polarization of the spins hundreds of times and thus improve the quality of the resulting image.
The team leader noted that no one had previously achieved such results to confirms the revolutionism of the invention. Scientific language discovery is called the effect of the hyperinflation of nano and microscale diamonds. In the future, it can transform the market of not only magnetic resonance but also nuclear tomographs.
What practical advantages does the invention have?
The scientific component is essential, but technology in medicine can bring practical benefits. If we talk about the use of diamonds in MRI, they provide:
• cost reduction; expensive superconducting magnets are not used;
• increase the accuracy of diagnosis; able to create the most detailed image of the internal organs;
• downsizing is especially vital as modern MRI devices occupy entire rooms.
The procedure will become more accessible and accurate, which will contribute to improving the level of medical care.
Learn more about the EMIBA project - Highly profitable diamond production and its widespread use in microelectronics on our website: https://emiba.global
The EMIBA project team is pleased to announce that from May 21, 2019, we have launched the option to pay with bank cards on our website. We draw your attention to the fact that the payment system has set a limit on payment with bank cards of $ 1000 for a one-time payment. If you want to pay for a package of more than 1000 tokens and to increase the card limit, please write a request indicating the required limit for technical support mail at support@emiba.global. We work for you and make your Account convenient for work.
Greetings to all! We will conduct an online broadcast 26/05/19 at 18:30 (Moscow time).
We will tell you the news of Emiba project.

📲The broadcast will be available at the link:

Приветствуем всех! 26.05.19 в 18:30 (МСК), мы проведем онлайн-трансляцию.
Мы расскажем о текущих новостях проекта.

📲Трансляция будет доступна по ссылке:
* who invests in $ will receive an additional bonus (% of the bonus will be calculated on 05/27/2019 as the difference between the dollar rate of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation on 05/28/2019 and our internal rate in the Personal Area).
The special offer is held from 05/28/2019 to 05/31/2019. The total cost of all packages with a single one-time purchase should not exceed $ 4,999.
We will talk about the physical properties of diamond today.
Let's start with the most popular physical properties since it allowed this stone to gain such popularity. Consider the following of its "professional" qualities.
Everyone knows that such a mineral as a diamond is the hardest known stone in the world. What is the reason for this? The specific crystal lattice of the stone. The bonds between carbon atoms are solid.
There is the Mohs scale, which is known and accepted throughout the world to assess the relative values of the hardness of minerals. As the basis is the scratching one mineral relative to other reference ones. For example, a diamond piece can “scratch” all minerals and its practically nothing. That's the whole principle that helps to simplify life significantly.
Diamond leads with a substantial advantage and has a rating of 10. For example, the closest to the hardest mineral on Earth is corundum. It also evaluated on this scale, and it has a rating of 9. That is, its value is 150 times less!
It only bases on these numbers that one can imagine a significant advantage of the hardest known mineral. One of the most striking examples is glass cutting with a diamond-tipped glass cutter. It is only necessary to hold a straight line with a hand, slightly press on the other end of the glass - and that's it. It is difficult to achieve with the help of different elements and minerals.
Also noteworthy is the use of diamond hardness when digging and digging mines, underground recesses, new subway tunnels and underwater channels with the help of a proper installation, the tips of which consist of diamonds and make it possible to cut even the most complex iron-granite rock.
Although this unit is expensive, it pays off compared with payments to workers who would make the same amount. Especially in terms of time, the installation significantly benefits. If you have not yet presented how it can look and work, then you can read the author Jules Verne or watch the film “Expedition to the Underworld” of 2005.
The unique characteristic of the stone is thermal conductivity.
• The thermal conductivity of diamond is the largest among the known solid bodies and is of the order of 0.9-2.3 kW / (m * K). As a result, diamond is an excellent semiconductor, since the most well-known silicon semiconductor elements operate up to temperatures of around 100 degrees Celsius.
Semiconductor technology on diamond elements allows you to work at much higher temperatures, but most often it is an unjustified luxury given the high cost. There is also a replacement that makes sense for them - synthetic diamond semiconductor elements with the same high thermal conductivity as natural stones, but cost much less.
Other significant properties
• Diamond has a lot of other equally important and useful criteria in addition to the above properties. One of these properties is that a diamond is a dielectric. This mineral does not conduct electricity.
This property is essential in electronics, semiconductor, medical and laser technology. This feature allows you to simultaneously not conduct electricity (thereby not causing a short circuit and a breakdown in the system) and transmit a massive flow of powerful energy (for example, laser systems) without losing any of their qualities, or their characteristics, or weight. Another unique feature of the diamond.
• It is a low coefficient of friction on metal in the presence of air.
It is due to the formation of a thin film when exposed to heat. This film plays the role of a unique material that lubricates the two surfaces. Maybe you noticed, diamond discs designed for a tool that can cut concrete slabs and foundations, thick-walled metal and at the same time serve for a long time in the shops of construction subjects? Here, please, you visual application of this property dramatically simplifies life.
Короткое сообщение / Short announcement
Друзья, обращаем Ваше внимание! На серверах платежной системы 8 и 9 июня 2019 года будет проводится техническое обслуживание. Просьба это учесть, и оповещать партнеров. С 10 июня все будет работать в обычном режиме. Просим воспользоваться альтернативными способами оплаты в Личном кабинете в период технического обслуживания.
We draw your attention, friends! Maintenance will be carried out on the servers of the payment system on June 8 and 9, 2019. Please take this into your focus and notify your partners. It will back work as usual from June 10th. Please use alternative payment methods in the Personal Account during the maintenance period.
Friends, we want to bring to your attention a brief video review about the business trip of the EMIBA project team in Dubai, UAE (June 2019).
There were essential meetings with partners and investors during the trip. The team has visited the innovation center of Dubai "IN5", where the negotiations with the management of the center have held about mutually beneficial cooperation