πŸ”₯Embers from Ash🌻
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Poetry β€’ Prose β€’ Art β€’ Random sparks in the dark πŸ”₯πŸŒ»πŸ’«
Owned and operated by Ash aka @ashtruthwarrior

Channel formerly called The Warrior Mom - this is a new chapter.
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From North Texas (not mine)
Central TX (not mine)
In the last 24 hours alone we've had another 2 X flares...the most recent was the highest I think I've seen at X5.7 🀯🀯🀯🀯. Wat.
Forwarded from TruthRascalHQ (TruthRascal)
What if the more the β€œfuture proves past” and people see β€œcoincidences” happening all over the place is because it’s a reflection of how many people have been introduced to the drops? Or at least the concepts and data in them? What if it’s an indicator of the state of the Collective Consciousness?

What happens in the world at large is a manifestation of the combined energies of the Whole after all. And I’ve always said that coincidences aren’t actually coincidences because YOU are doing it.

How long till that becomes common knowledge and people start actually getting serious about what they’re Creating? πŸ’«πŸ’•πŸ’«

Forwarded from TruthRascalHQ (TruthRascal)
Biological Quantum Computer at work.

Forwarded from πŸ”₯Embers from Ash🌻 (Ash)
Some people really wrestle with the "no one is coming to save you" concept and I felt like adding my own ✌️ cents.

To me this solely relates to our healing and expansion of self awareness/consciousness. Because healing is so interwoven with our awareness. Because our trauma is exactly what is allowing us to become more aware.

We each took a walk into darkness because darkness actually holds the totality of information. There is information that only exists because of that pain, that tension, that chaos. There are lessons of strength and growth and aptitude in that darkness.

But no one can retrieve that information for you. You may have people pull you out from time to time...but you went there for a purpose, and you are on a mission to obtain those lessons, that information, that awareness and so often times when people try to do what is seen as "spiritual bypassing", those lessons tend to come back in the form of more and more challenging situations until they are finally transmuted into the information they carry. Hence the "no one is coming to save you". We each have to learn our own lessons. And we have so many ways, so many teachers, so many places to help point us in the right direction.

At least that's how I choose to interpret it!

_January 30, 2024_
Forwarded from πŸ”₯Embers from Ash🌻 (Ash)
Pre-forgive yourself!

How many times have you not done something because you weren't sure it was the right way to "go about it"?

Or how about you didn't try something because you worried about "what they thought"?

Have you ever wanted to start something new, but then think about everything that would go into it and stop yourself because you aren't sure you're that invested? Or that you have the time? Or the skill? Or the resources to accomplish?

Let me ask you a serious question next....

Why are you stopping yourself from growth?

Would you agree that even if you failed, even if it doesn't turn out the best, even if they judge you -- that you'll probably come out learning something you didn't know before?

What would happen if you decided right here and right now to pre-forgive yourself if you fail or you drop the ball or if it doesn't turn out the way you want it to?

Here's to choosing to allow ourselves the grace in this season, in this now time, to make mistakes, to get messy and to figure it out as we go each step of the way.

Forwarded from πŸ”₯Embers from Ash🌻 (Ash)
As destruction enfolds within itself
Everything seems to melt
You can't fully believe all that you see
Only what can be felt
As you feel your way through the fire
Your whole being is put to test
Don't stop even if you tire
You're needed to clean up this mess
Ashes to ashes
Dust to dust
Let everything you knew fall away
Because in those ashes a phoenix will rise
Bringing with it a whole new day

- Ashley Zanella
The act of creation always looks like chaos to the outsider... Until the vision is realized.

If you can see it...you can build it. Trust yourself.

Have you ever considered that maybe you have dreamt your "impossible" dreams because God has seen the timeline and circumstances where it does become possible through the variable that is you?

April 8, 2023


H/T Mindy M
Forwarded from My Mothers Savage Daughter
We think of you every day Bloom and send an abundant amount of love and strength to you.
There's a lot going around about HAARP also inducing a project creating a sky glow last night. And I believe that is probably true.

But it's another pattern I've noticed.

Most are quick to assume the government is staging sky events when they can see tangible things like HAARP actually announcing this.

But what if that's kind of the point?

To give the rational mind, the one that cries out in dissonance -- a logical, rational explanation?

It allows those who put their proofs on a pedestal their "security blanket" to explain away all the "woo-woo" they aren't ready to face yet.

It allows those who are awakening a balm to ease their rising dissonance.

Remember who you are. You are sovereign. Can both events not be true? Which came first - the flares, the auroras or HAARP? Which was visible? Does the illusion cancel out the intuition?

We could really benefit from finding comfort in mysteries.

In the unknown.

Because it is in the unknown that we can begin to tap into what we feel.

So if you feel like something in you is changing...who cares what anyone else thinks?

If you saw the lights last night and it made you feel connected on deeper unspoken levels....who cares about dissecting the cause?

And if you are of the belief that they were fake - how does it affect you if others found mystery and magic in it?

Lean into the creation.

Lean into whatever it is you are feeling.

What is being born?

Let the rational mind muse it's way through the mystery while you actually live it.

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See y'all in a while 🫢🏼🌻✌🏼