ELSA Lviv 💙
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European Law Student's Association – найбільша у світі незалежна асоціація студентів права.
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​​Щодня проводиш по кілька годин у social media? 🤔 Тоді давай робити це з користю!

Більше жодних аргументів про те, що в школі погано викладали англійську 🤓
Що гороскопи і зорі не радять вивчати іноземні мови, бо Лінивець в домі Ждуна, ретроградний Меркурій і регулярні магнітно-прокрастинаційні бурі 🦥🪐
Годі n-ий рік поспіль планувати похід на місячні курси і вірити, що англійська покращиться за помахом палички феї-чарівниці 🧚🏻

Настав час від мрії виглядати як юристи в американських фільмах переходити до її втілення 💥💥
Ми пропонуємо вам відправитись з нами у Legal English World! У регулярний процес навчання без виправдань, відкладання на наступне життя та аргументів "бо я не здібний до мов" 🙅🏻‍♀️

Блог юридичної англійської від ELSA Lviv це:
щосуботня підбірка інформації зі світу юридичної англійської
розбір сталих виразів, граматичних конструкцій та лексики
цікаві кейси та сцени із фільмів
Це і дещо більше ви отримаєте у новоствореному блозі від ELSA Lviv! Stay tuned! 💙

A cup of hot tea with fragrant honey. What can be better in such a cold season? 🥶🫖
But do we even know what we are eating? Expensive honey, which we love for taste and utility can be a sugar mixture or even include the residue of antibiotics.☢️

Today we will reveal a short version of a case about fraudsters illegally importing honey from China to the U.S.

The U.S. is one of the biggest producers of honey in the world.🇱🇷 Every year, bee populations are declining for a number of reasons: epidemics, crop failures, environmental changes ect. However, humans still consume honey 3 times more than it’s produced. The question: how? China found a solution in the production of honey. 🇨🇳

The Chinese dilute honey with rice syrup and sell it abroad at a price several times cheaper than natural honey from local producers.👩🏻‍🌾🧑🏻‍🌾 That is why the United States has imposed an anti-dumping policy in 2001 on honey from China to support the liquidity of its own production. However, Chinese honey still came to the American market from East Asia and ... not only.💡

Magnus von Buddenbrock and Stefanie Giesselbach are the first, who were formally accused of helping Alfred L Wolff Inc ™️ perpetuate a sprawling $80 million food fraud, the largest in U.S. history. ‼️

In their emails the letters about various shipments of honey were found. These letters mentioned falsifying reports from a German lab, creating fake documents for U.S. customs agents, finding new ways to pass Chinese honey through other countries.🚢

They shipped honey from China to India, Malaysia, Indonesia, Russia, South Korea, Mongolia, Thailand, Taiwan, and the Philippines. Export documents would be counterfeited in these countries and sent on to the U.S. Since then, the Chinese honey is called the "Korean White Honey" or "Polish Light Amber" etc.💵💵

Testing revealed one container was contaminated with chloramphenicol, an antibiotic the U.S. bans in food production. The infected container was bought by Honey Holding on December 14, 2006. 🔬🧪

Magnus von Buddenbrock and Stefanie Giesselbach were accused of conspiring to import honey into China that was incorrectly labeled and falsified. On Monday, June 2, agents also removed thousands of files from the ALW office. 📝📄

In the spring of 2012, they pleaded guilty. Giesselbach was imprisoned for 1 year and 1 day. On September 8, she was released and deported. Buddenbrock was placed under house arrest in Chicago for 6 months. 🍯🍯

Digging further Agents found out that this was not just ALW. In February 2013, the Department of Justice accused Honey Holding, as well as a company called Groeb Farms and several honey brokers, of evading $180 million in tariffs. Honey Holding said that it accepted full responsibility. The company, now called Honey Solutions, is paying its $1 million fine in installments. 👮🏻‍♀️
The honey business is just one example of an uncontrolled market. Be careful when choosing foods, including honey.☝🏻
​​Today, we recommend to you a fascinating American crime drama TV series called "Better Call Saul"⚖️. While watching this masterpiece, you will have a great time. Moreover, this TV series will help you to expand your legal vocabulary bank

To help you understand why this show is pretty useful, we are going to consider a few scenes from it🔻

In the first scene under consideration, James McGill (Saul Goodman), who is a lawyer, is defending a man accused of robbery at trial💼. At first, the victim identifies the defendant and testifies. After that, Saul takes the floor to clarify the victim's testimony. After a few minutes of questioning, the victim claims that Saul's client, who's sitting right in front of him is certainly the one who has robbed him. Then, it turns out that the defendant present in court is false and Saul's real client is in the back of the courtroom. Therefore, the victim has identified the wrong man without even realizing it😂.

The next scene involves a disciplinary hearing, where Saul may be disbarred. His brother, Chuck, is testifying against him since Saul has compromised him before. During his testimony, he appears not to have any corroborating evidence, so he just speculates with Saul's motives. That's why Saul's attorney says: "Objection"👋. It means that, in his opinion, the witness has violated the procedure. After that, the judge has two options: to sustain (to agree with) or to overrule (to disagree with) an objection. This decision affects which testimony will be considered while reaching a verdict.☝️

In the last scene, a man called Huell accidentally bumps into Chuck in the stairway in the courthouse🏛. Since here he makes physical contact, this may be considered assault or battery. In criminal law, the battery is a physical act that results in harmful or offensive contact with another person without that person's consent❗️. However, it depends on circumstances whether such contact may cause any damage to a person.

That's all for today!👌 Watch the best movies and study English with ELSA💙

​​💥 The story of the lawsuits from the Apple Corporation against the Indie film Apple-Man

Apple 🍏 has initiated a lawsuit in the United States against the Ukrainian film 🎞️ Apple-Man and presented its arguments on as many as 467 pages. The company insists on abandoning the legal registration of the film in the United States. The company may ban the use of the word "Apple-Man" in movie titles, comics, and merchandise. 🙊

Apple is registered in the United States as a trademark for products and services related to video content creation. Therefore, they have a monopoly on the use of the word Apple for such goods and services (including cinematographic 🎥). Despite the fact that the film is about ordinary apple fruits, not technology, Apple believes that the film may damage its reputation. 👀

According to the plot, Apple-Man appeared as a result of a secret experiment of a supersoldier creation. Together with the Cherry-Girl 🍒, he assembled a team of superheroes, which included Captain Cabbage, a Carrot-Dog, and a Pepper-Man. They are opposed by a supervillain named Dr. Burgerman, who intends to destroy humanity and use the Earth to create the Cheeseburger of the Apocalypse. 🤯

On January 12, 2022, Vasyl Moskalenko👤 , the film director, sent the motion to extend the time for 50 days to the US patent and trademark office. 👩‍⚖️ The applicant’s current counsel does not have the resources for litigation and time is needed to secure the services of a litigation firm if negotiations fail.

™️ So, how are the trademarks registered and kept in the US? Upon receipt of the registration certificate, the trademark owner becomes the owner of the registered intellectual property object - the trademark and has the right to dispose of it at its discretion, as well as to allow and prohibit the use of the mark to third parties 👥

Also in the United States 🇺🇸, there is a requirement to use the trademark for all goods and/or services for which the mark has been registered. Thus, in the fifth year of the trademark, a declaration 📃 of proof of use of the trademark (Declaration of Use) or an explanation indicating a valid reason for non-use (Excusable Nonuse) must be submitted.

☝️We encourage you to stay tuned for updates. It is possible that the company will calm down and the director will not need to change the name of the film to launch in the US market. In the meantime, we advise you to listen 🎧 to the soundtrack to the film from the talented Jerry Heil 🎶
