Poussières d'étoiles
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"De la réflexion à l'ascension il n'y a qu'un pas : l'éveil de la conscience."

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www.elixirsdesagesse.com 🕊
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"Humains de la Terre, voyez en vous-même la résurgence de vos origines. Réveillez en vous les mémoires de votre histoire.

Le début de votre vie n’a pas commencé sur cette planète mais sur VOTRE planète. Entendez par ceci un appel de votre Être Divin à vous reconnecter à votre espace galactique.

Entrez dans votre conscience et dévoilez l’aspect caché de votre nature stellaire. Ressentez-le, éveillez-le et portez-le jusqu’à votre conscience pour découvrir qui vous êtes.

Prenez le temps de le faire, vous êtes dans l’accomplissement de votre mission. Ressentez la vibration absolue de l’appel de votre planète, elle cherche à animer vos souvenirs. Laissez-vous guider, le secret de votre propre révélation est en vous. Découvrez-le et vous comprendrez par vous même ce qui vous anime, les choix que vous avez fait. Vous êtes maintenant face à votre destin, celui d’agir ou d’oublier. Le choix est vôtre."
Isis 🕊🌹🔥

"Humans of the Earth, see within yourselves the resurgence of your origins. Awaken the memories of your history.

The beginning of your life did not begin on this planet but on YOUR planet. Hear this as a call from your Divine Being to reconnect to your galactic space.

Step into your consciousness and unveil the hidden aspect of your stellar nature. Feel it, awaken it, and bring it into your consciousness to discover who you are.

Take the time to do this, you are in the process of fulfilling your mission. Feel the absolute vibration of your planet's call, it seeks to enliven your memories. Let yourself be guided, the secret of your own revelation is within you. Discover it and you will understand for yourself what drives you, the choices you have made. You are now facing your destiny, to act or to forget. The choice is yours."
Isis 🕊🌹🔥

#theGoddess #laDéesse


FR/ "Nous avons tous hâte de pouvoir échanger avec vous pour vous aider de la plus parfaite des manières et faire en sorte que vous puissiez enfin vivre ce que vie l’Univers, dans sa plus simple unité, afin d’évoluer de la meilleure des façons avec tout notre soutien. Pour nous, vous correspondez à un joyau de sagesse qui se révèle peu à peu et dont nous ne percevons ni la nature, ni la force."


GB/ "We're all looking forward to sharing our experiences with you so that we can help you in the most perfect way, so that you can finally experience what the Universe is all about, in its simplest unity, so that you can evolve in the best possible way, with our full support. For us, you are a jewel of wisdom that is being revealed little by little, the nature and strength of which we have no idea."

#Blog #laDéesse #theGoddess


A rose appears around you. Gently, its petals transform into aurora borealis, like veils that you pass through to integrate your Buddhist body. In this space of yours, the delicate fragrance of the roses permeates you completely; each atom of this fragrance is like a tiny rosebud. Each bud, which blossoms into a perfect flower, drives out the slightest darkness contained within you and around you, calming entropy. The purification is multidimensional; every plane, every body, is cleansed. Finally, the rose settles fully into the totality of your energetic being, the petals soft and gently vibrating.

My beloved," says the Goddess, "become the rose you have always been and become aware of the magnitude of what that represents, through every facet evoked by each of the petals. They are a part of myself, one of my representations. This whole forms the rose in your heart, which must now emanate to purify your entire being: your spirit, your soul, your consciousness and your heart.

Feel the presence of all the aspects of my Being through the gentle vibration of each petal. Just take the time to drift off to sleep, thanks to this enchanting fragrance that is nothing less than that of absolute love. This fragrance goes far beyond the physical sensation you can perceive, so project yourself into this beyond. See beyond your beyond. See your reality and pierce that indelicate veil; become those galactic beings filled with that perfect vibration of love, brought together by all those petals.

Every facet of myself interacts with you daily, feel this vibration. Hear the melody of the skies, the melody of the plants, the melody of the rocks, the melody of your heart that seeks to be in unison in the desire to communicate with this whole, which is nothing other than Gaia. Gaia's consciousness has heard you, and has integrated you into its permanent flow of Love, which is developing more and more, so return this love to her. Offer her, through your consciousness, the most perfect of vibrations. Try to synchronise with Gaia, who is gradually beginning to take her place in her optimal transformation. Associate yourself with her so that you can make the journey with her.

Just take the time to be in this present moment, this wonderful moment that is the space between each second, this space of eternity that allows you to communicate with your Brothers and Sisters from the stars. Take the time to welcome this space into your heart and your consciousness. Expand it, extend it to your soul so that you can see it, feel it and listen to it. Listen to the melody of the stars, listen at last to everything that has been forbidden to you. See my most perfect vibration in your heart, in your soul, in your consciousness. Feel this energy and vibrate, like a rose."
