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Dutch and English articles - Please use the translation button right on top

Dear D.,

Thank you for your email. Most articles I translate in Dutch, and some - or actually more and more articles I leave in English, or transcribe a video/audio in the original English.
So many articles are (still) in English today. :)
And many articles contain English videos.
Please use the translation button at the top right.
Or: of course, you can also use these options: https://eindtijdnieuws.com/how-to-translate-a-website-in-2022-9-easy-ways/

Greetings from the Netherlands,

On 10-4-2023 13:03, d. wrote:
English please. What language are you writing in? Thanks.
False Christian The Master's Voice Blog on YouTube

Hi L., dear sister,

OK, but she might be very wrong: some truths, adding things, copying others and the news (like Benjamin Cousijnsen did), seeing things in the kingdom of darkness by special gifts (like Benjamin did), be aware of that. That's the danger with Freemasons/false christians, etc.
Freemasonry is infiltrated everywhere, yes, also among so-called christians! The deception is HUGE.
So then don't send me this crap/garbage anymore, okay? John Todd would say: garbage, and: dangerous.
There is no Holy Spirit in her eyes, but another spirit, a spirit of darkness. She is acting like a prophetess, just like B. with his special clothing or things on his head.
Freemasons love the word MASTER.
I just don't want to see you going from one false prophetic person to another one, okay?
I still pray for all those left behind in the EEM, even their supporters. Two important players are out, I noticed, the so-called 'leaders' who did a lot for them, who arranged things, so soon they have to shut down their website, I expect. I am praying that the stream (flow) of money will be stopped (soon), so that they can't carry on paying the very expensive website, you see. You can even pray for those kind of things.
Benjamin and Theresa - since then - have 'secretly' started to upload things on YouTube again, trying and testing YT, but no viewers. Hallelujah!
For I can still remember, ” 'The LORD' wants us ALL to leave YouTube....”, however, read: 'Benjamin', not the Lord our God. He wanted the money via the new website which is not possible through YT [various YouTube channels of the workers].
Please pray with us against the spirit of darkness within the EEM; these people are extremely blinded, as were you and I.

Greetings, in love,

On 9-4-2023 22:41, L. wrote:
Dear Marion:
I do appreciate your comments
Because still I learn more information about things happening around...

Some people have different way to express a Subject or a concept....
I like to hear until the end, and then...
I keep the good
Thank you so much, appreciate it, your time, and your answer
God Almighty bless you


On Fri, Apr 7, 2023 at 11:51 PM, Marion wrote:


Dear Lucia, dear sister,

I don't follow this girl, she is a false christian, not a christian.

And Jesus is not a higher being, He is GOD... I only needed to listen
one minute... then I turned it off.

Test all things, test every man (or woman), and ask the Lord for
Don't trust any man, not even me. Work on a living relationship with
your Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, and don't follow people who have another master, Lucifer/satan.

Of course, this girl might not know this and is highly deceived, that's
why you need to pray for these people too.

It's a second Benjamin, only, she is a Freemason, a gatekeeper, playing
both sides, showing it off by her hand signs. Time to wake up!:



PS https://eindtijdnieuws.com/?s=trump
Question for John Todd (mvrdered for the full truth): Can you tell us about UFOs and your sister’s connection?

"There’s a story that Jack Chick told me first, and three years ago, that I had told him that my sister, before my wife came around, used to be leader of the state of Ohio, the high priestess there, of the whole state. And her little pastime was calling up, supposedly filling the sky with UFOs, and watching everybody’s excitement. And some of the most outstanding sightings were in the early ‘70s in Ohio. And she used to laugh about it, because she’d be standing in a circle out in the field somewhere, calling up demons. And that’s all they were. They were angels of light playing games in the sky!

Remember a demon?
Get a little spooky picture: they are a fallen angel, an unclean spirit. They can assume ANY form, or go into ANYTHING, except a Christian who walks in the Spirit all the time, knowingly, in other words, a Christian who keeps it under the blood, and so on. But they can assume forms, including spacemen, or solid objects, like flying saucers, and so on. That’s why when they appear on the radar scope, and a jet gets up there, they vanish right in front of the pilot’s eyes, because they’re nothing but a spirit!" - John Todd

Please be aware of the deception in this world; TPTB are lying, higher ranked Freemasons are lying to their lower brothers/companions in the brotherhood, and so on.
However, I pray for them too, that they might repent, be saved, and receive eternal life.


FIRST, notice all the New Age and Freemason connections, dear people, that Steven Ben-nun (Israeli News LIVE @Stevendenoon) retweets all the time! No censorship on Twitter as well. It's as clear as day, isn't it?

To Steven and Jana Ben-nun,

'Why so many train derailments', you ask, or suggest...?

Well, here is the answer, and first thank you, Freemasons, for the information, suggesting some lies (truths mixed with some lies). Every time I am amazed at the cleverness and cunning.

However, John Todd, mvrdered for the FULL truth, explained it short and concise:

When you study Atlas Shrugged…

This book was written, as I said, 12 years ago. You will find out that you are reading the front pages of the paper today! [This book states:] the oil shortage that doesn’t exist. They say that they destroy their own oil wells, that they hide their own oil, so nobody can have it. They state how they destroy the coal mines, and shut the coal mines down. They shut the electricity down. They say how they cripple the country, and no food is grown. It states how they pick and derail trains, so that no trains go. It states how they sink and pirate thousands of ships every year. We just recently heard a report by the Coast Guard down in Florida, how they’re asking people not to sail out on pleasure craft in the Bermuda Triangle area, not because they believe in the Bermuda Triangle, but because of a 1,000 ships were parted last year, and everybody on board was killed and dumped into the ocean! Now they don’t like to put that part up on the front page, you see. That might cause some people to wonder about something. And this is all in this book that was written 12 years ago! And in the book, they gain control the world by bankrupting their own businesses. The Illuminati owns most, I would say 99,09% of the stores that you walk into and shop, and the gas stations you go to. And they are going to destroy them on purpose! They are in the process of buying up, for the last few years, of stores they don’t own. They just bought up two guys, and you can watch for them to go out of business. And they keep in business, the ones that they’ve always owned, and they are going to bankrupt the ones they don’t own, and cripple them and destroy them! And the idea of taking over is to bankrupt the whole world, where nothing is of any value, and the currency does not exist anywhere, and then come back and solve all the problems!

I heard [someone] say about the energy crisis

He said, “It’s funny. It doesn’t matter if it’s the Republicans or Democrats. They get elected, they cause these problems, and then they solve them. So it looks like they’re doing something”. Now that’s about the way it really is!

So now you know there is no 'Joe Biden doing nothing', no Left nor Right (it's the same bird!) - and of course you already knew that but keep it hidden from the public, and stick to your agenda, obeying the UN or CIA or both - but I pray for you too, that you might repent, be saved, and receive eternal life. This is a warning in love, led by the Holy Spirit... No, I'm not a witch, just a born-again Christian.
Comments on this Freemason's satire and ridicule; I 'couldn't help it': 😅

Heiscoming12 Eindtijdnieuws
2 dagen geleden

If and when the silent treatment doesn't work against some (not so welcome) commentators, these 'independent' YouTubers, or mass media opinion molders, resort to personal attacks and/or ridicule and satire. For example, personal attacks tend to divert attention from the facts which a commentator is trying to expose. The idea is to force the person exposing the truth to stop the exposure and spend his time and effort defending himself. However, the most effective weapons used against people who have eyes to see are ridicule and satire. These extremely potent weapons can be cleverly used to avoid any honest attempt at refuting the facts. After all, nobody likes to be made fun of. Rather than be ridiculed most people will keep quiet; and, some subjects certainly do lend themselves to ridicule and satire. One technique that can be used is to expand the 'comfrey satire' to the extent it becomes absurd. :)

3 dagen geleden

Heiscoming12 Eindtijdnieuws
9 dagen geleden
Thank you, Freemason, for the information. However, if you were honest, you actually should add 'in Florida' to the video title, since thousands of people are extremely happy with these plants in their gardens. Me too! The Comfrey plants are not so invasive at all as both you and the mainstream media suggest and fearmonger.
Find them in the wild? You really need to search and search and search... to still find some plants... so not that invasive, huh? You can hardly find them.
It's so debunked because the plant including the roots has at least eighteen! health benefits (already thousands of years). Everything you need to know about the amazing Comfrey plant: Comfrey, the most useful plant you can grow! Used for thousands of years for healing, as food and feed, as a super fertilizer, mulch and free soil conditioner. Plant it near other crops, and they really will grow. Better don't plant them in the sun in Florida, but what about a shady place with plenty of water when the weather is dry? You will be amazed, I think. I hope this helps. :)
David The Good
loves my comment
1 antwoord
David The Good
4 uur geleden
Oh yeah. It's highly entertaining.

Heiscoming12 Eindtijdnieuws
@David The Good Nice play and nice tried, however, I see through it. 🙂 I see you like books, perhaps you like this book that was recommended by John Todd a long time ago: The first book is ‘None Dare Call It Conspiracy’; he recommended 2 other books as well, which you can find in an article, when you google (not in G00gle, of course) the following words: John Todd Tape 5 eindtijdnieuws. The article (transcript) is in English.
Vrijmetselaar Dr. Vernon Coleman, bevestigd uit eigen mond:

Hoi ...,

Dankje voor je email. Wow, niet te geloven he? En uit zijn eigen mond nog wel. Ik typte je woorden in over hem, en vond het in een van de zoekmachines...
zelfs op zijn eigen site, windt Dr. Vernon Coleman, - Vrijmetselaar bevestigd - er geen doekjes om, zoals je ziet, recht in ons gezicht. Bijna grootheidswaanzin, zou je zeggen.

Eind 2020 had ik nog niet in de gaten dat al die prominente artsen, en ook hij, beide kanten bespelen als gecontroleerde oppositie.

Marion >>>

PS Ik heb het even in de vertaalmachine gestopt. :)

U kunt mij meneer noemen Dr. Vernon Coleman MB ChB DSc FRSA

Dr. Vernon Coleman MB ChB DSc FRSA

'Groot-Brittannië lijkt tegenwoordig elke Tom, Dick en Nick ridderorden, dames en allerlei andere onzinnige eerbewijzen uit te reiken.

Dus ik wil duidelijk maken dat ik een van deze geegaws heb.

Mijn overleden vriend Lord Pandit Professor dr. Sir Anton Jayasuriya heeft het voor me geregeld en het is echt. Nou, het is net zo echt als dat van Nick Clegg of degene die David Beckham zo graag in handen wil krijgen.

Ik heb het nog nooit eerder gebruikt, maar ik ben een Riddercommandant van de Oecumenische Koninklijke Medische Humanitaire Orde van Sint Jan van Jeruzalem, van de Ridders van Malta. Je kunt het opzoeken. Het is op het googly-ding. Ik heb een enorm certificaat (vier keer zo groot als het certificaat dat ze me gaven toen ik mijn medische graad behaalde) en het hangt aan de muur in de stookruimte.

En als je daar niet van onder de indruk bent (en dat zou je verdomd goed moeten zijn), ik ben ook lid van de Ancient Royal Order of Physicians, opgedragen aan Zijne Majesteit Koning Buddhadasa. En in het jaar 2000 kreeg ik het Yellow Emperor's Certificate of Excellence als Physician of the Millennium van het Medical Alternativa Institute.

Nu onder de indruk, hè?

Maar ik ben niet opzichtig.

Ik blijf gewoon bij de Ridders van Malta.

En vanaf nu zou ik graag bekend willen staan ​​als Sir Vernon Coleman.

Hoewel ik eigenlijk een beetje een probleem heb.

Moet ik Sir Dr. Vernon Coleman of Dr. Sir Vernon Coleman zijn?

Eigenlijk is er een oplossing.

Aangezien ik zowel een DSc als een medische graad heb, denk ik dat ik Dr Sir Dr Vernon Coleman zal zijn.

De jouwe Cleggy.

Copyright Vernon Coleman 2018' - Vernon Coleman

On 19-4-2023 17:46, ... wrote:
> Dag Marion
> Ik heb een van zijn boeken gelezen over the oil apocalyps
> In zijn eigen biografie staat geschreven tot mijn verbazing
> He is, for example, a Knight Commander of The Ecumenical Royal Medical Humanitarian Order of Saint John of Jerusalem, of the Knights of Malta and a member of the Ancient Royal Order of Physicians dedicated to His Majesty King Buddhadasa. In 2000 he was awarded the Yellow Emperor's Certificate of Excellence as Physician of the Millennium by the Medical Alternativa Institute.
> Groetjes