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Actueel en onthullend nieuws | 2022 and beyond

End-time news, cutting-edge news, revealing and awakening news | 2023 and beyond
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Well, well, well, where did ‘prophet’ Benjamin Cousijnsen’s latest website news article - ‘Revealing Endtime News’ - come from? I hope it will shake many people awake.
Indeed, FOX (=666) news!

FOX news: The new Omicron subvariant XBB.1.5: What you must know now

‘A new Omicron variant is quickly spreading across the U.S. just in time for the New Year.
The strain, known as XBB.1.5, accounts right now for almost 41% of confirmed COVID-19 cases nationwide, according to data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)…’

Note that words are often placed ‘in quotes’ (or highlighted) on purpose because it’s heavily coded by the ruling elite!

A new Omicron variant = 215,66
Joseph Robinette Biden = 215
Die fast = 215
A dystopian future = 215,66,777
The coming anti-christ = 215,66
American Revolution = 215
Nothing Can Stop Us = 215
Attack = 215

And so on…

By the way, SBB.1.5 = 333


PopeBenedictXVI = 333 (he died 1,313 wk 3 day after the death of Anton LaVey, founder of the Church of Satan.

It shows that these kinds of news articles are all scripted news and/or s-a-t-a-n-i-c rituals.
George W. Bush, Vladimir Putin, and Xi Jinping laughing together, wearing Freemason robes 5 years ago
Mijn commentaar onder Gwendolen Song haar laatste/nieuwste video | Waarschuwing Steven Ben-nun (beware!)

Commentary: "We Are the Champions" is a song by the Satanic British rock band Queen (Freemasons/Satanists), released from the band's sixth album News of the World (1977). Written by lead singer Freddie Mercury, it remains among rock's most recognisable anthems."
"Even Rock music comes from satan. I'm very sorry, sister. Also, our Lord Jesus Christ never, ever used any manipulation toward the people... By manipulation, it's possible to make other Christians feel guilty when they don't do this or that, etc"

>>>Note: Gwendolen (and also Seho Song) is now under the influence of her Freemason pastor, pastor Charles Lawson, whom they visit. Laying on of hands? I don't know, but the chances are high.
Before that time, she was more pure or purer, I think.

Only sometimes, I listen to her - to test what she has to say - and I have a strange feeling then, and often hear some pride in her voice. Someone else reported feeling sorcery when listening to her. In the past, when she did not visit this pastor, I did not have this feeling. Several times I have kindly tried to warn Gwendolen Song about this pastor, but so far without success. I even warned her about Steven Ben-nun (Freemason). We now see that he is connected to his New Age friends Carry Madej and Celeste Solum, Freemason Deborah Tavares, Freemason Paul Begley, Freemason Hal Turner whom he is promoting now, Freemason Dave Hodges, Freemason and/or New Ager 'Mike from around the world', a fraud. And I could go on and on if I wanted to... To me, it's as clear as day. Please be warned of this false teacher Steven Ben-nun who works as a Shill and is not at your side, begging for money (Patreon) each time.
1 Thessalonicenzen 4:13-18 About the Rapture

13 Nu wil ik dat u weet, mijn broeders, dat u niet moet treuren over hen die dood zijn, zoals zij doen die geen hoop hebben. 14 Want als wij geloven dat Jezus is gestorven en is opgestaan, zo zullen ook zij die IN Jezus zijn gestorven, door God bij Hem worden gebracht. 15 Want dit zeggen wij u door het woord van onze HEER, dat wij die leven en blijven tot de Komst van onze HEER, de doden niet zullen voorgaan. 16 Want onze HEER zelf zal uit de hemel neerdalen met een schreeuw en de stem van de aartsengel, en met de bazuin van God; en zij die in Christus gestorven zijn, zullen het eerst opstaan. 17 Dan zullen wij, die leven en overblijven, samen met hen worden opgenomen (Opname, Rapture, Wegvoering) in de wolken, om onze HEER te ontmoeten in de lucht; en zo zullen wij altijd bij onze HEER zijn. 18 Daarom, troost elkaar met deze woorden.