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Exposé of the week


Is the ‘Internet Apocalypse coming?
And why does this scripted ‘news’ go viral on both fakestream and fake alternative media, as well as on social media?

Internet = 77, 111, 666
Apocalypse = 77, 113

The whole fake mainstream and alternative media in one number, the number for dishonesty, now used for blaming the sun: 113

So an important number for TPTB is 113
And it’s known as the number for dishonesty…. a faked and staged reality. Often used in sinister lies, deception, disinformation, and staged events! This connection is so strong that even the sentence, ‘The number for dishonesty’ sums to 113:

The number for dishonesty = 113

as in:

Coronavirus Pandemic = 113
Apocalypse = 113

As you can see, only using ‘113’ as in when the pandemic was declared, we can see the truth behind it…. that it is a deception, a worldwide staged scam.
So are we going to see a staged internet apocalypse soon, planned by the TPTB?

Yes, fears are brewing that an apocalypse is coming for that’s what they want you to be, full of fear!

‘There was a book released 12 years ago (1957), called ‘Atlas Shrugged’…
It was a novel, supposedly, written by one of Phillip Rothschild’s girlfriends at his instructions. It is a coded book for witches, that tells how they are to gain control of the world. In this book there is sort of a parable about New York City. ‘New York City is more or less the world.’

Now the Book, Atlas Shrugged, ended with this… ‘When the lights of New York City go out for the last time we will have the world’.
And I don’t mean the power failure, people, either. They will shut down all the trucks leaving, all the ships coming in. They will shut all the planes coming down. ‘When everything was shut down, then the lights went out for good.’

Now that meant this. They are going, – towards the end – to cut the cities off completely! Nothing will move for months! I mean, nothing will move! In other words, nothing is going to move at all! Now if you live in a large city, how are you going to get your food if they don’t bring it in to you? Everything will be paralyzed, nothing will move!

At the same time, we will be in riot and revolution within the United States. In fact, the whole world will be in it.’ – the late John Todd

Now, do you really think NASA will bring us the ‘solution’?
I don’t think so because they are all part of the same club!

National Aeronautics and Space Administration = 666

So TPTB want to ‘flip the switch or put us in the dark in EMP or just simply attack the cables, cyber-attacks things of that nature….’, Freemason insiders already ‘warn’ us.

Note that all these media, mostly Freemason channels, earn lots of money by fearmongering the people, and fishing for our data, our opinions, donations, you name it. Don’t fall for it!
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What god does the main actor (playing 'Jesus') of The Chosen really serve?
Exposé of the week

#HallTurner part of the club

The addition of WWCR means that Freemason Hall Turner will now be heard in Europe!

Worldwide Christian Radio station WWCR = 222
The Beast of Revelation = 222
Antichrist System = 222
As Above so Below = 222
Order out of Chaos = 222
Joseph Robinette Biden = 222


Christian Radio station? Think twice!

Christian logo?
The logo contains 3 + 3 = 6, and a sort of hexagon?, many triangles and X’s
And Freemasons love their colors blue and yellow


WWCR mainly leases out its four transmitters to religious organizations and speakers, as well as serving as the shortwave home of Genesis Communications Network's programs.

Genesis Communications Network = 333, 1333
often referred to as GCN = 111, 201

And who is also on the GNC show?
The network's shows include, for example:
The Alex Jones Show! Hosted by radio personality and Freemason Alex Jones. As of September 2020, Jones' show aired on 73 affiliate stations…. 73 = 777

Freemason Jeff Rense was carried by Genesis Communications Network. Well, well, well…
Matthew 14 wrong translation KJV by saying 'end’ of this world, which is misleading indeed

The end? Or rather completion?

The original GREEK word is not saying ‘end’, but: consummation/completion: συντελείᾳ (4930)

Just go to: https://biblehub.com/greek/4930.htm

and find out there, under HELPS Word-studies. It says:

4930 /syntéleia ("culminating end, finish") is not strictly "termination" but rather "consummation" (completion) that ushers in a new time-era/age (Mt 13:39,40,49,24:3, 28:20).

[The KJV is misleading by rendering 4930 (syntéleia) as "the end of the world" (i.e. when it occurs with aiōn, "age/epoch"). This expression actually means "at the "consummation of the age," i.e. when it reaches its intended climax (consummated conclusion).]

>Interesting to know! Thank You, Lord, for this confirmation about the King James Bible (as the so-called ‘only authorized Bible version’).

Matthew 14: 36 Then Jesus sent the multitude away, and went into the house: and his disciples came unto him, saying, Declare unto us the parable of the tares of the field.

37 He answered and said unto them, He that soweth the good seed is the Son of man;

38 The field is the world; the good seed are the children of the kingdom; but the tares are the children of the wicked one;

39 The enemy that sowed them is the devil; the harvest is the end of the world; and the reapers are the angels.

40 As therefore the tares are gathered and burned in the fire; so shall it be in the end of this world.

41 The Son of man shall send forth his angels, and they shall gather out of his kingdom all things that offend, and them which do iniquity;

42 And shall cast them into a furnace of fire: there shall be wailing and gnashing of teeth.

43 Then shall the righteous shine forth as the sun in the kingdom of their Father. Who hath ears to hear, let him hear. (KJV)
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