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Actueel en onthullend nieuws | 2022 and beyond

End-time news, cutting-edge news, revealing and awakening news | 2023 and beyond
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Spreuken 19, vers 23 De vreze des HEEREN leidt tot leven; en die die (vreze) heeft, zal voldaan blijven; hij zal niet bezocht worden door het kwaad.
Spreuken 20, vers 11 Zelfs een KIND laat zich kennen door zijn doen en laten (ACTIES, DADEN), of zijn werk ZUIVER is en of het GOED is.
This is one way to spot a false prophet. By testing the person, in this case, the testimony of this so-called christian, posted on Benjamin's website: His name is STEPHEN EBITTU. He seems quite a worldly 'christian' to me: https://www.facebook.com/ebittu/likes

And thus Benjamin Cousijnsen posts videos from Greg Reece who works for satanist Alex Jones, and videos from other controlled opposition figures, thinking it's all true and pure...

Again exposed and fake. If there were really messenger angels, they would of course warn him asap. Messenger angels of God don't sound like a broken gramophone record. They don't give you the same baby food all over again in crooked Dutch. They don't distort the Bible for their own benefit, by turning a Bible verse that speaks about Lucifer into a Bible verse that speaks about ex-workers. For example:

And Isaiah 14, verse 10 They all will answer and ask you “who were Christians in their own eyes”, “Have you also become as weak “and left-behind” as we are? Have you become like us?”
And verse 13 You, “false christian” said in your heart “with your pride, among other things”, “I will ascend into heaven! So far.

Most Christians know this is about Lucifer... how crooked can you be...

een artikel over mij, totaal verdraaid, ook dat nog, en dus ook aan Gods Woord toegevoegd, wat een gruwel is in Gods ogen.

Maar deze is wel heel erg, en heel duidelijk verdraaid:

https://www.bible.com/nl/bible/328/ISA.8.NBG51 >>> hier in zijn verband en juist geschreven zonder toevoegingen:

Jesaja 8, vers 19-22 En wanneer men tot u zegt: Vraagt de geesten van doden en de waarzeggende geesten, die daar piepen en mompelen – zal een volk niet zijn God vragen? Zal men voor de levenden de doden vragen? Tot de wet en tot de getuigenis! Voor wie NIET spreekt naar dit woord, is er geen dageraad. Dan trekt men rond, gedrukt en hongerig, en wanneer men hongert, zal men in woede uitbarsten, en zijn koning en zijn God vervloeken, en men (degenen die niet spreken naar dit woord) zal de blik omhoog richten (van de aarde naar omhoog in de lucht kijken) en men zal naar de aarde schouwen (kijken naar de aarde om zich heen), en zie, benauwdheid en duisternis, beangstigende donkerheid, en in duisternis is men VERSTOTEN.

En ga nu naar Benjamins handgeschreven boodschap toe (niet ontvangen door een engel) van maandag 14 maart 2022:

‘Schijnchristenen die in duisternis wandelen, zullen in grote duisternis en benauwdheid belanden’

De valse profeet Benjamin Cousijnsen schrijft: En Jesaja 8, vers 22 En men, “de echte kinderen Gods” zullen “vanuit de lucht” naar de aarde “mogen” schouwen, en zie, benauwdheid en duisternis, beangstigende donkerheid, en in “de” duisternis is men verstoten.

Wat Benjamin Cousijnsen hier doet, is een Bijbelvers (Gods woord!) totaal uit zijn verband rukken, er eigen woorden aan toevoegen, wat God haat en ook zal veroordelen, zodat de betekenis ervan totaal het omgekeerde wordt. Bovendien, zijn toevoegingen maken de zin ook nog eens krom, dus niet meer kloppend. Want Benjamin zegt namelijk ook dat de 'echte kinderen van God' verstoten zijn in de duisternis, in diezelfde zin.
Dit is echt Benjamin, die ik er altijd al van verdacht de Bijbel niet echt te begrijpen, en verzen uit zijn verband te rukken. Dit is geen 'hand van een engel'.

En het volgende Bijbelgedeelte, hier heeft Benjamin het volgende van gemaakt wat natuurlijk nergens op slaat:
En Jesaja 9, vers 1 Het volk dat in “de” donkerheid wandelt, ziet een groot licht; over hen die wonen in een land van diepe duisternis, “in de lucht” straalt een licht.
En bij het volgende Bijbelvers met allerlei sluwe toevoegingen voor eigen voordeel, heeft Benjamin er maar het volgende van gemaakt:
En Jesaja 14, vers 10 Zij allen vangen aan tot u “die christen waren in eigen ogen” te zeggen: Ook gij zijt krachteloos geworden “en achter gebleven” als wij, gij zijt aan ons gelijk geworden.
En vers 13 En gij “schijnchristen” overlegdet nog wel “met uw trots, onder andere”: Ik zal ten hemel opstijgen. Tot zover.

Want dit is wat er werkelijk staat:
Jesaja 14, vers 10 Zij allen vangen aan tot u (Lucifer/satan) te zeggen: Ook gij zijt krachteloos geworden als wij, gij zijt aan ons gelijk geworden; uw trots is in het dodenrijk neergeworpen, de klank uwer harpen; het gewormte ligt onder u gespreid en maden zijn uw bedekking.Hoe zijt gij uit de hemel gevallen, gij morgenster, zoon des dageraads; hoe zijt gij ter aarde geveld, overweldiger der volken! En gij (Lucifer) overlegdet nog wel: Ik zal ten hemel opstijgen, boven de sterren Gods mijn troon oprichten en zetelen op de berg der samenkomst ver in het noorden; ik wil opstijgen boven de hoogten der wolken, mij aan de Allerhoogste gelijkstellen.

Dit is gewoon een voorbeeld van hoever men kan afdwalen en een leer van duivelen kan brengen, als men zijn Bijbel niet goed kent.

De titel van deze verzonnen boodschap is. Tja, zelfs de titel is zo krom als een hoepel, want ik meen hier te lezen dat ze al in diezelfde duisternis wandelen en dan niet nog eens in duisternis hoeven te belanden, toch?:

Schijnchristenen die in duisternis wandelen, zullen in grote duisternis en benauwdheid belanden

😅 Dit is hilarisch gewoon!

Hopelijk worden meer mensen wakker en zien dat ook deze 'boodschap' absoluut niet klopt.
I hope and pray, this email will help many others who have started to doubt or have been duped/cheated by the false prophet Benjamin Cousijnsen:
Hi B.,
Thank you for your email. I can only tell, I was an insider, so I knew their (real) fruits, staying always in their house (Benjamin and Theresa), or often shopping (Marta, but also Theresa, Theresa online), almost every day heavy quarrels (Benjamin and Theresa), and worse which you don't want to know, which I'll keep private now.
Satan is cunning, and laughs when we don't fight for the truth, don't unmask the darkness when we ought to do this, or let hang our weapons, when we don't pray for others but only for ourselves, etc. (I don't say you do or don't do these things.)

Please, read the email carefully; there's no hate nor any unforgiveness in it, not at all. And know that I pray for the whole team, daily: spiritual warfare, yes, even for Benjamin and Theresa. They are not the two witnesses, dear brother. After my departure, Theresa didn't want to work along with Benjamin, so they had made a separate work place for themselves. She doesn't even want to be with him in one sleeping room; they sleep separately for years (this was in 2020 already). She won't be his 2nd witness, which was of course all a lie in order to get her to the Netherlands with another lie. They are also no soulmates; it's all made up. There were even 2 more women than those 3 women. One was alert and saw the unclean spirit via her WhatsApp. If I am right this was already in 2013 (100% sure; I have evidence and confirmation). He wanted to get rid of Marta (his 2nd wife).
Please open your eyes. I know, you can't know these things, but I was his 'left and right hand' so to say. He couldn't do much himself. I ordered the most expensive fridge that was available online for Benjamin and Marta (confirmed by the seller), and more expensive things. Yes, it was always 'thus speaks the Lord'. A TV of over 3.000 euros was bought with each time sending 1.000 euros in an envelope by me when he was with Marta. He wanted the same TV when he was with Theresa, but the money was up. Boy, I had such a trouble with those things, you even don't know. I know: I had blood on my hands, but I was ignorant... gullible, and bewitched by witchcraft in church. I think even that emblem may have some power, so I destroyed it (which is the wisest thing to do).

So I shouldn't open my mouth in order to warn the people? when the Holy Spirit urges and even confirmed to me to do so with that group email?
The Lord confirmed the same day that I must bring things to light again about Benjamin, - let's say, it was time again and I woke up with it, otherwise I'll have blood on my hands. I don't even wish Benjamin to be left behind, and of course all his close followers/warriors.

You should know what happened every day behind closed doors in that family for years, and possibly still after 1.5 years after my departure, because I don't see any changes, but only a few who were very close to them could know that: Ton, Ingrid and I.
Even their different neighbors - for they have moved - know better. Loud quarrels, loud screaming, even physical fight one time that I know of. (I have heard and I have seen it.) That alone should raise red flags, but I was so blinded! And once again I ask for forgiveness for having contributed to the deception. Really, I mean that from my heart. Those years of experience made me extremely alert now; that's the positive thing. The Lord gave me discernment.
I was charmed by the huge lies that my ancestors were the kings and queens of England (already in heaven), that Hetrick was a soul mate in heaven, part of that family, that he could travel back in time to the Middle Ages where he comes from (only not to this age.... but visit Benjamin with so-called messages?), 15th or 16th century, that he evangelizes sometimes in the times of the Middle Ages, that he will wait for me on a white horse, etc. etc., that angels have painted for him a huge painting in his castle on the wall, of 10 by 10 meters, where he and I are portraited as if living in the Middle Ages... (Well, I hate the Middle Ages, and castles, and was ashamed of what my so-called ancestors did to other people! For I looked it up of course. And I told Benjamin, “Strange, I always thought that my ancestors were Indonesian or perhaps Jewish….”) And his daughter, now grown up, single mother with child, already said: he is full of fantasy and will never ever ask for forgiveness if he does something wrong. It's always the other one. The online repentance was fake. It was done because Theresa asked him to do so, otherwise... I don't know, but it was not real and felt not real.
It is always the other one who is wrong, who is ‘a fake Christian, who is cursed, who is a fallen angel, who is possessed by a demon, and so on’. I could write a whole booklet about it. (The Lord gave me the talent of writing.)
Benjamin Cousijnsen grew up in a family with sorcery, in other words occultism, teaching spells. We don't even know if he truly repented as a child, or was baptized for sure. ‘Pushed by an angel in his back?’ so he would walk to the front of church to repent? Come on! I really doubt it now.

There will soon be a message about me. 😅 Of course we know that these are his own messages and fantasies, because he is a (hidden) narcissist, which Theresa tried to make clear to me, and other shocking things. Theresa (almost) hated me; didn't like me at all, from the very beginning (confirmed as well). Of course I pray for her too; I love them all, but I hate the lies and the darkness.
Now I understand we had never talks about the work anymore on Skype, since about their marriage. It stopped, which is also not legal within a foundation. There must be some gatherings or online gatherings. In the last years, Theresa even didn't want me to come over there. She even flipped out, so Benjamin had to agree with her.

I sincerely hope that the witchcraft in this ministry/church will be broken, through our prayers, and that the truth will prevail. (I hope that more people will pray for them as people prayed for me.)
Right, God will judge the church, the house of God, and also the world.
'Do not participate in the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather expose them', warns God's word, also about the many wolves in sheep's clothing, among other things. Please pray for discernment because the deception is huge; and the Lord Jesus Christ will give it to you.
In my website - the Lord really helps me with this - I wrote this article:
>>> it contains my first dream received from the Lord. Know that I had to pray along a prayer on video from Derek Prince in order to be delivered from the spirit of witchcraft. I had tears in my eyes and the Lord touched me and totally delivered me.
He comforted me with a dream of a dear sister in the Lord: https://eindtijdnieuws.com/eindtijdnieuws-com-heeft-geen-connecties-met-evangelische-stichting-eindtijdnieuws/
There is a translation button, that only translates from Dutch into other languages, that translates well since it's not crooked Dutch. :) Do you really think that angels don't know Dutch? The Dutch in the EvangelicalEndtimeMachine is really bad nowadays. 'Prophecies' have totally stopped. Also, Benjamin can no longer go on the Internet to first search and copy things; Theresa keeps a close eye on him.
His family doesn't know anything about his coma of so long: 16 years. One does know from the 'magic coat', but that house never burnt down. It's all made-up, to gain a house, a wife, a good income, not to work in society anymore half days with mentally handicapped people. He always wanted a luxury house said Theresa, while screaming. There is some luxury, and they had often problems with an income over 3.000 euros per month (everything together for them both). Theresa gets salary from that ministry. I was the only one who had access to the bank account of the ministry. Now Ton has. Not even Marta, the 2nd person, had access which is even obliged for foundations.
Their characters look good at the outside, in front of a camera...
Please, be no longer deceived and test everything before you believe a person. I have learnt my lesson now. My testimony in their website is partly false. I had to do it from Benjamin, and it tells some lies. I have normal weight again, and by that alone, I feel healthier again. Remember, that Benjamin forced me (behind the scenes) in a very, very manipulating way to gain weight, even asap. That’s how impatient he was, intimidating me that I played false while I was so afraid to not eat according to the (a bit of unhealthy) diet he gave me... passed on by ‘an angel of the Lord’... yeah: just copied from the internet or out of a worldly magazine.
Dear greetings, God bless you and your family,

PS One person inspired me yesterday for yet another good article. I may post it this week. :) and I thanked him for that. God's ways are and remain inscrutable.
PS2 You will learn a lot from these articles about Freemasons who worship Lucifer/satan; it will help open your eyes for the things that are going on in this world right now. Many, many Christians are deceived: https://eindtijdnieuws.com/?s=freemason
Spreuken 24:19-20 Maak u niet druk vanwege slechte mensen, en wees niet jaloers op de goddelozen; want er zal geen beloning zijn voor de boze man; de kaars van de goddelozen zal worden gedoofd.
https://eindtijdnieuws.com/pas-op-voor-wolven-in-schaapskleren-en-getuigenis-steven-bancarz-van-new-age-tot-jezus/ #NewAge #Jezus #Christen #StevenBancarz #JohnTodd #JackHyles #misleiding #waarheid

Neem geen deel aan de vruchteloze praktijken van de duisternis maar ontmasker die juist, want wat daar in het verborgene gebeurt, is te schandelijk voor woorden. 1 van de vele wolven in schaapskleren, die toverij (manipulatie en intimidatie en verdraaiingen en leugens) gebruikt, is de valse profeet Benjamin Cousijnsen. Zij die het grootste gevaar voor hem betekenen, omdat ze de duisternis aan het licht zouden kunnen brengen, zal hij het meest proberen zwart te maken, wat weer zijn ware aard onthult: rammelende, kapotte grammofoonplaat. Het gaat hoegenaamd alleen nog maar over de zogenaamde kwaadsprekers. Gelukkig bidden er een aantal mensen voor hem en zijn navolgers (cult).