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Exposé of the week – Secret White House Surveillance Program documents ‘leaked’


It gives cops access to trillions of US [and world] phone records, which has been going on for decades already. I think it was intentionally leaked, and that they have total access to a person’s smartphone today. They know exactly what’s in your bank account, where you shop, how often, and how much you spend. They know your location, and your ID. They know who your friends are, your family, your phone records, texts, images, emails, recordings, you name it!

Patrick Humphrey, Freemason, puppet, bad actor, double agent, intelligent agent, whatever he is, promoted by YouTube, made a quick video about it:


He mentions the website WIRED (= 69) that also functions as controlled opposition:
Secretive White House Surveillance Program Gives Cops Access to Trillions of US Phone Records
‘A WIRED analysis of leaked police documents verifies that a secretive government program is allowing federal, state, and local law enforcement to access phone records of Americans who are not suspected of a crime.’

Patrick Humphrey talks about:
‘Senators did not know this secret.’ Don’t make me laugh; it’s much, much worse than all these CONs tell us! And they are not concerned at all.
And…. ‘You might, before the night gets over, start to realize that Washington isn’t as bad as you thought it was. It’s worse!’ (John Todd)
Also, ‘they can sweep you up’ for years already, dear Mr. Humphrey.
Indeed, ‘they can target certain groups’, and true, devoted Christians are the number 1 group.
Oh yeah, we could have known there was a domestic program if we would have listened to true whistleblowers in the past!
You are telling us about ‘Edward Snowden’, a true whistleblower? I don’t think so.
‘They already know who is good or bad’? Well, they do know who are true Christians, and who will probably not follow after the beast and the beast system in the coming NWO with its New Age religion. That’s the goal of this tracking and tracing every person on Earth.
‘The time to stand up’? ‘Time to fight back’? ‘Lawsuits’? To rebel? That’s exactly what they want you to do; don’t allow yourself to be fooled by Patrick Humphrey who is helping the government to fish for your comments on his videos, etc.

More exposé news regarding Mr. Humphrey:

What are Christians expected to do? I would say, pray and prepare.
‘Pray! I’ll tell you this. The only thing the Illuminati fears, as I said, is an independent person who can live, eat, sleep, stay warm, and defend themself separate from federal help.’ – John Todd
Altiyan Childs opened many eyes:
‘The whole Freemason system is constructed by the act of lying, to the public and to the members of lower degrees. And we trust these people?
How many people, do you think, have been utterly ruined by this secret religion by breaking their oath? A lodge has the right to kill its own members; their laws are above the laws of the land!
A 33rd degree Freemason drinks blood from a human skull, and they wonder: ‘Who’s skull is this who might have broken his oath?’ Part of the ritual in this degree also involves stabbing skulls, and being humiliated, before the ‘true religion’ is revealed to you. So do you see the risks Altiyan is taking here? You need to stay to the end.’
‘A hideous man, Albert Pike, who helped to construct the 33 degrees or rituals, was buried in a Masonic Temple, just around the corner from the White House. He was a giant of this secret society. He wrote ‘Morals & Dogma’, also called the ‘bible of Freemasonry’.

The late John Todd, who was seen last in the fall of ’79, knew what they could do with your phone in the ‘70th already. You can read that here.
‘And that’s because the President has said that we need proof that everybody in the United States is a law abiding citizen. And in order to check up on that, what better place than when somebody goes in to buy the groceries or the gasoline to check up on. So everybody’s to have a computer cart. And of course, if you don’t take the card, you can’t buy anything and you’re a bad citizen….
Believe me, the organized Christian church isn’t going to say anything about it!’

‘We’ve been told…. that all the National Guard in the United States…. were hooked into a computer in Dallas, called: ‘The National Security Computer’
That’s ‘who’ they call up, by the way, when they check out your Visa cards, or your Bank of America cards, or whatever the case may be! If you’ve been going to the grocery stores, and the department stores, you’ve been noticing the new computer cash registers. One shopping step type cash registers. And you put your card in it, ring up the purchase, and it does all the business for you right then and there. Well, all the stores are supposed to switch over to them. And the little poor stores are supposed to get the little phone unit, that hooks into your phone, and you zip the card through…. Then things will be a little different around here….

Because by then, they plan on destroying the money that you have
And then you’ll have to use the card, because the money will be worthless! Now, if you’ve been noticing all the television commercials, ‘security’ is the word that everybody’s been using on television commercials: ‘Prepare for the future. Pack up for security this and security that!’ And then they’re going to turn around, and they’re going to wipe your security off the face of the map!
Now, if I’m stepping on your little safe world, I’m sorry! I’m trying to tell you something in advance!’
You can read that here.

Above all, the late David Goldberg warned us that they are able to know everything about you, including your voice. You can read about the A.I. plot or plan here.

So what I want to say is, your smartphone, not just the apps you use, your online behavior on the Internet and social media, have been releasing a lot of your ‘secrets’ to TPTB for years: those who are above the ‘law’.
All these ‘events’ keep the agendas alive, reminding us of who they should be afraid of and who they should hate. They want you to hate instead of to pray! Rule by fear and division. Putting out enormous amounts of fabricated and partly fake ‘news stories’ every day, making it impossible to keep up or to verify anything…. People simply get desensitized and brainwashed.
SHARING - The King James Bible changed the original Greek text here

And this is not the only change by the KJV that is misleading to true Christians (exposed)

‘….. I want to look at the example of Jesus in John 9:4. This is a very remarkable statement Jesus makes. It impressed me all the more because I was used to the King James translation which is different. The King James translation, if you recall, says, “I must work the work of him that sent me.” But this, which is based on more accurate texts, says:

“For we must do the works of the One [God the Father] who sent Me while it is day.”

The emphasis there in the Greek is on the “we.”
They’re talking about the man born blind, and Jesus says in the previous verse, “It wasn’t this man who sinned, nor his parents, but we must do the works of the One who sent Me.” In other words, He’s saying, “Don’t sit there and theorize about why this man is blind. We’ve got to do our job, which is what? To give him back his sight. Don’t spend all the time trying to understand the problem. Come up with the solution!”

That’s a very powerful statement!
“We must work the works of Him who sent Me.” And He didn’t say “I.” He identified Himself with His disciples. You and I have got a job to do, let’s get on with the job. But then a little further on in John 14:10, talking to His disciples about His relationship with the Father, He says to Philip—and we won’t look into the background:

“Do you not believe that I am in the Father, and the Father in Me? The words which I speak to you I do not speak from Myself [they don’t come from Me], but the Father dwelling in Me does His works.”

So, Jesus said in John 9:4, “We must do the works of the One who sent Me,” but when He comes down to analyze how it takes place, He says, “The Father dwelling in Me does His works and the words I speak to you are not My words, they’re the words the Father gave Me.” In other words, Jesus totally relied on the Father within Him to accomplish the task allotted to Him. He is, in a sense, the perfect pattern of not doing it in His own ability.’ – Derek Prince
Exposé of the week - Exposing Global Events and Their True Purposes with Freemason Dave Hodges


iConnectFX is just an extension of YouTube

iConnectFX = 36, 113
Apocalypse = 113
The Start Of World War Three = 113
The Brotherhood Of Saturn = 113

113 is also the number of deception.

I decided to watch the whole video below, really filled with so many lies, and of course some truths in it:

These people are just playing both sides, and possibly being paid by the UN and/or CIA, Mossad, or other intelligence agencies.
It’s really is a very crafty video; it also promotes some other Freemasons throughout the video. So I thought, this is one of the very little audios of his I want to listen to, also given the title:

Exposing Global Events and Their True Purposes

‘Exposing Global Events and Their True Purposes with Dave Hodges.’

Some important red flags that I personally noticed:
Dave Hodges claims he has been working with the government; that means he is part of the same club because you don’t just step out. Then I noticed the following:

“.... and I [Steven] knew that ('that' is his so-called Intel information) from the highest sources you can get!” And then Steven Ben-nun (not his real name) quickly corrects it, in order to look not too suspicious (just look at his face at that point), and he says: “At least I could get, I should say”. His body language also says a lot: he is lying in this and looking away, like ‘Oh help, what have I said now!’
Yes, he is connected with the CIA, with the Pentagon, the White House, with many other Freemasons, New Agers, perhaps Illuminists, etc. One is able to know this through all his public connections, among others.

We know already that both Dave Hodges and Steven (and Jana) Ben-nun from Israeli News LIVE (= 666) with its 6-pointed star (the most evil sign in the occult world!) are full Freemasons and controlled opposition, playing fake censorship. Of course, they have to. So, many truths, mixed with many lies.

Dave and Steven just foretell us….
The next step in the Illuminati plan is a next pandemic with a next virus, a sort of smallpox: a new version of Ebola (which is deadly), but also another one.
And of course, China and other countries 'have done' all the bad things, not the Illuminati, for example.

Furthermore, they are pro-Trump, making you still believe in politics.
Please, also don’t listen to their China, Wuhan, Russia, and Ukraine deception! Rather listen to what the late John Todd revealed to us about China, and messed up ‘their’ plans by doing so:

Illuminati map with complete timetable for complete world control
“It was in 1972, when I [John Todd] saw the map. I was saved on Labor Day. The map was one of the main reasons I was saved. I wanted to leave after I saw that map. The map was a complete timetable, giving the Illuminati complete world control, without China, within eight years! Why without China? They plan to eliminate China completely to disband those who want to rule, and dismantle and obliterate them. Let that sink in for a moment.”

Steven is almost lying and performing all the time in this video:
“I was groomed up at an early age in the CIA”, and plays again a very innocent person, as if he knew nothing about, for example, the drug smuggling, and all the bad things that ‘they’ do. Again, he is looking in the sky, thinking how he should make this lie reliable again.
Steven Ben-nun worked (and probably still works) for the CIA in the 80s until 1991, 7 years, he says. He knew a lot of politicians (high Freemasons and or Illuminati!), and of course he adds, “I was always a fly on the wall”, looking high up in the air. And his partner he worked with was an assassin. When Steven is telling all this, there is much coughing and changing of body language, which is also a sign of lying.
Oh, and in the first part of 2024, they are planning full war: world war III.
Listening to the video a second time for this exposé was a waste of my time, so I'll leave it at that. I’ve better things to do, like praying, also for these people, maintaining my relationship with the Lord, reading my Bible, writing about true news and true testimonies, preparing for what is coming, warning people, etc.

An article titled, ‘Reporter Admits Most Media Work for CIA, MI6, Mossad’, with the help of a so-called whistleblower-journalist, and functioning as a gatekeeper, tells this website run by Freemasons some interesting truths mixed with lies:
The truth, however, is that it’s also the alternative media that is paid to do the same thing, and not only paid by the CIA, MI6, or Mossad, but by the UN, the Illuminati, the governments, etc. Never forget that the Illuminati works hand in hand with the CIA and Freemasonry!
And do you really think it’s China who controls universities? I don’t think so! More about universities, you can read here.
By the way, John Todd also warned us about America, not Russia: “The Illuminati believes that the only way, that they’re going to gain control of the world, is through America. Not through Russia – for all you communist hounds, – but through America!”…. and I could go on and on and on.

What is Dave Hodges’ website?

Perhaps you already noticed the pro-Trump narrative, the blue and red colors, and especially the 5-pointed stars: pentagrams.
Now, who is one of the website writers & video makers?
Right, Paul Joseph Watson….

No censorship at all, do you see, almost 2 million subscribers, and promoted and approved by YouTube (the Illuminati):
Henry Kissinger's Final Warning
Submitted by Dave Hodges on Saturday, December 2, 2023 - 18:22.
And go to the video in the article: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=99LdQBMoSgc

Proof Paul Joseph Watson is working along with Dave Hodges as a writer: https://thecommonsenseshow.com/activism-agenda-21-conspiracy/white-house-tells-americans-suck-it-sake-liberal-world-order

So Dave Hodges also appears to be connected to Freemason Steven Ben-nun. Therefore, always test the spirits for you will recognize them by their fruits, such as their connections, their friends, their lies, their teachings, etc.

And what is this image on Dave’s website linked to?
Aha, more black sun and pyramid worshippers, all working together in unity:
Yes, you are invited to join the whole club!

‘Hear the watchmen – worship, restoration, revival’ = 216=6x6x6

On the left we see that specific picture, that made me curious due to the occult symbols in it: the curled serpent, a cross, the fallen angel wings, 3 pyramids, the lightning bolts, etc.
When I clicked on it, it brought me here: https://www.americanvindictashow.com/, whose name equals 911. It could be a coincidence, of course. And that image in the middle reminds me of the Masonic square and compass.

Furthermore, please do not fall for the gnostic lies of the Kolbrin Bible with the sun worship on its cover, from which Steven teaches! Whoever he may be, the ‘fruits of the tree’ should be obvious enough. Moreover, didn’t God's word warn us against false teachings, false teachers, and doctrines of demons for nothing?
Exposé of the week - Craig Bong reveals what's coming on December 12, 2023


Craig Bong COP28 UAE ‘7 Year Covenant’?
As a real insider - not a Christian - Craig Bong ‘reveals’ what's coming on December 12, 2023
Beyond The Reset: The Antichrist's 7 Year Plan - Craig Bong (Video):

Watch Before That Date! [Major End-Time Event]

Oh, how they - Craig Bong included - are looking forward to this event(s)!
Notice that 6-12=66-2023 is an important 666-date to the elite.

Who is Craig Bong?
He calls himself United Nations & COP Reporter, mmhhh….

Craig Bong December 3, 2023, straight to our faces on his Facebook, promotes ‘Everything you need’ here:
‘Can't find your ID ? No more bothering your loved ones!
Everything you need is at your fingertips ahead of the certification mark.
Say hello to the EU Digital Identity Wallet!
This revolutionary tool guarantees effortless access to private and public services, open bank accounts, make payments and securely store digital documents (including mobile driving licences, medical prescriptions, and travel tickets).
It gives every EU citizen, resident and business control over their data, privacy, and enhanced security.
Compatible with national eID schemes, the EU Digital Identity Wallet offers the ability to report suspected data breaches and enables inter-wallet interaction.
Your secure and trusted digital identity is a game changer for a safe EU digital decade.
#DigitalEU #EUDigitalIdentity #EuropeanUnion

Craig Bong
December 2, 2023 COP28 update
‘Ten days to the confirming the covenant for next seven years.
COP28 Snapshot – Day 3 - Fast Tracking the Energy Transition
Global Decarbonization Accelerator announced, prioritizing decarbonization across energy producing and heavy-emitting sectors
50 Oil & Gas companies committed to eliminating methane by the end of 2030 and fully decarbonizing by 2050
118 countries pledged to TRIPLE global renewables capacity and DOUBLE energy efficiency by the end of 2030
#COP28 #ClimateAction

Craig Bong
November 30, 2023
In COP28's Green Zone Energy Hub, you'll discover the TREE OF LIFE, a world-first artificial intelligence (AI) interactive digital art installation and a contemporary symbol of environmental sustainability. Taking inspiration from the resilient Ghaf tree, native to the UAE and renowned for thriving in harsh conditions, this installation fuses art with AI, and serves as a unique invitation for visitors to explore the core themes of COP28.
You can also pledge your commitment of environmental sustainability through the tree of life.
COP28's TREE OF LIFE is a mockery of the TREE OF LIFE mentioned in the Bible.
The Lord God made all kinds of trees grow out of the ground—trees that were pleasing to the eye and good for food. In the middle of the garden were the tree of life and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. Genesis 2:9’
So far Craig Bong, promoting the elite’s agenda combining it with a false gospel and a ‘christian’ narrative. Perhaps you noticed that he suggests here that the tree of knowledge of good and evil was also good to eat from freely, which wasn’t the case of course.

My Bible says it differently, and more clearly:
“And out of the ground the Lord God made every tree grow that is pleasant to the sight and good for food. The tree of life was also in the midst of the garden, and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil…. [even the comma is important]
…. but of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil you shall not eat, for in the day that you eat of it you shall surely die. Genesis 2, verses 9 and 17

Does Craig Bong promote a fake 7-year Tribulation, beginning after December 12, 2023?
On his Facebook he’s actually advertising for the Illuminati, as a real puppet. He also might be part of the same club.
Oh how much he is looking forward to this event, just like Celeste Solum, whom I had heard say that she is so looking forward to this, and couldn't even wait:
Around 1:32 minutes we can hear Celeste Solum utter some New Age language:
“…..because quite frankly, the Earth's been oppressed for a long time and there just is…. and so I'm excited too, I mean I can hardly wait for this. You can feel it in the air, you can feel the energy and the excitement of it building towards this: our steps into eternity, I'm just like I'm so ready for it!”
Celeste tells us about this ‘deliverance’, ‘after she had downloads from the heavens during conversations in prayer time that have been off the chart’…. conversations with evil spirits, posing as angels of light???

Not only Celeste was present there on blog talk radio, but Mr. Dan Duval also recently had an interview with the false Svali of 2023. They are all connected, you see. https://www.blogtalkradio.com/discoveringthetruth/2023/12/01/dan-duval-and-svali-part-1--fake-jesus-and-false-trinity-programming
In fact, this link was posted on the fake Svali website: ‘Svali speaks again’, a site full of lies!

Here we have another interview, with Freemason Aaron from ‘God a Minute?’.
Notice the Masonic symbol on Aaron’s sweater & a false cheap gospel.

SHOCKING! The Antichrist’s 17 Plans Exposed!

‘Craig Bong reveals the antichrist's 17 secret plans to control the world... Please note: This video is an excerpt from my recent interview with Craig Bong. Watch the full video here:
Something Terrifying is Coming from the Middle East in 2023’

Yes, how they want to terrify you and me in advance, and lure you into the New Age of the coming NWO!

Perhaps good to mention Graig’s recent post, promoting this aspect of the evil agenda as well:
Craig Bong
45 min
‘The agricultural season is winding up for the season. With only a handful of harvests left until 2030, regenerative farming must be scaled rapidly to have any hope of reducing the food system’s responsibility for 30% of human-produced emissions, according to the King's Agribusiness Task Force.
The Agribusiness Task Force has launched a ground-breaking Levers for Implementation plan, that can help make regenerative farming mainstream and reward farmers who follow the king's transition.
The Levers for Implementation report below outlines the steps needed to support regenerative farming through 2030 and beyond, including the need to decarbonize across the supply chain.
In 2024, the Task Force’s goal will be to provide concrete evidence of the Blueprint for Implementation at work by enabling and supporting partnerships among the different supply chain stakeholders.
The Task Force is to develop the following Blueprint which shows how the four private-sector-driven Levers the Task Force has identified can be combined and put into practice to reset and reimagine farming to 2030.
Governments must seize this opportunity under the king by investing and creating the right enabling environment to support the transition and reward all those who follow King Charles' plan to transition farming….’

Can you see how these misleading gatekeepers are being promoted by Facebook and YouTube, among others?
You might also have noticed that Craig supports Freemasons as J.F. Farag & Tom Hughes on his Facebook:

Craig Bong
J.d. Farag; Tom Hughes;

I only listened to some small parts of all these videos mentioned here, perhaps the wisest thing to do. :)