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Another question: Why do you share pictures with Bible verses from Jerusalem Prayer Team, highly Luciferian, promoting the f@ke narrative of all the media today (both mainstream and alternative media)?
Notice the hexagram that gives them extra power and influence.

By the way, you do know this governor is a Freemason and or Illuminist, do you?

And why do you promote Freemason or satanist Jonathan Cahn? I'm a little bit of flabbergasted...

In closing, I could go on and on and on with questions, but I'll leave it at that. I love you and I pray for you, too, daily. It's part of my spiritual warfare to pray for all people, especially for those who visit Eindtijdnieuws dot com and my social media, whether they are Christian or not.
Greetings, GodLove, and JesusWins

Eindtijdnieuws - Shaking the world

Another red flag: Blogging For Christ is promoted by ‘Christian FeedSpot’ which equals 69 and 77:
100 Best Christian Blogs and Websites

>>> And here you have it, the original black sun or moon logo!
I would say stay far away from them all, promoted by FeedSpot with their triangle logo and 3 blue stripes.

*Freemason Jonathan Cahn

And many Freemasons love to use those prayerful little hands posing as ‘christians’.

Not a good sign when the Lord warns us of danger:
A website visitor I know personally confirmed that there was something ‘strange’ about this email and question. When in danger, the Lord usually alerts her by giving her a certain sensation in her hands. She regularly gets free stuff from people, and very sometimes there is something among these objects that she should not take in, but destroy. Call it a spiritual gift, but she is always right.
I myself am alerted by a strange feeling, making me cunning as a serpent.

However, most ‘strange’ emails go straight into the trash, such as:

‘Please put me on the appointment application list please. I’m a 64 year old male that use to be in pretty good shape until September 28, 2021 somehow an aggressive infection hit me. Over the next 17 months I had 13 surgeries. Both knees replaced again (first time in 2013) 2 abscess’s off my back. Had to go back and clean them out again after wound vacuum failure, had to redo right knee cause infection came back. Septic kidney failure and heart went afib then they had to put 4 pins in my back from #10 down to my hip, all this in 30 days except back surgery. Moved me to rehab Nov 3 and I was paralyzed from my shoulder down and have worked and got most of my movements back and am up to a walker and a cane so please help me. Thank you’

And a far from innocent email from ‘frere’ which is French for friar, monk, and brother, who loves the numbers 13 and 31:

‘Can you tell me more about your organization? What denomination etc

Eschatology persuasion etc

Thank you’

Maybe I could start giving away free fishing rods, since people like to fish. 😅

Once, there was a person on Facebook under a different or false name, - that’s what Facebook ‘told’ me, and that he created an extra account for this, Facebook said too. He wanted to be ‘friends’ on Facebook.

It was a four-star general, and he was in command. It’s almost the highest rank in the US military (or navy). Compared to the Netherlands:

Does the Netherlands have a four-star general?
The Dutch armed forces typically have one four-star position, that of the Commander of the Armed Forces (CDS). The position rotates periodically among the armed forces (a general if from land or air forces or a lieutenant admiral if from naval forces).
These are Illuminists and possibly Freemasons, given their hand gestures: posing with arms crossed, and hands or fingers clearly and deliberately crossed (one hand hiding the other hand…. don’t know the right words to describe this hand gesture that you see all over the TV and on YouTube, for example). Almost all of them do that, because no one apparently knows that gesture.

This does confirm again that Eindtijdnieuws is found by the Illuminati/Freemasons/satanists, etc.

Clear. So most of the time, I don't do anything with it and listen to my first impression: ‘be careful, don't just reply....’
And sometimes that sensation is intense, sometimes less intense, possibly to indicate the degree of danger. God knows, and I thank Him that He reveals it each time, especially after prayer and after testing! It’s clear that the spiritual enemy doesn’t like spiritual ‘daggers’ from non-controlled opposition.

Jesus said: “Behold, I send you out as sheep in the midst of wolves. Therefore be wise as serpents and innocent as doves”. Matthew 10:16

…. innocent as non-controlled opposition, for example.

Brandy volgt mijn site nauw dus, mooi.
Wat een intimidatie om mij schuldig te doen voelen: daar trappen we niet in. :)
Alles draait om haarzelf in alles wat ik open, ik ik ik.

Hier zijn trouwens 2 boeken van haar met supervreemde titels en vreemde covers:
Er is iets occults, iets duisters mee. Let ook op: Oranje
En WAT een slechte (soms foute) antwoorden van haar op personen die haar vragen stellen op Quora (een site die je totaal wil misleiden met heel soms goede maar meestal slechte antwoorden). Overduidelijk.

Ja, ja.... ze wilde me terug contacteren, waarom deed ze dat dan niet ruim een week geleden?

Haar handlers? zeiden dat ze mij moesten aanschrijven?
Kijk eens wat voor misleidende (zelfs politieke) gedichten ze schrijft: hier heeft ze zich in oktober ingeschreven om te posten: https://www.writco.in/public/Poem/P11210292023004522

Overal zit ze zwaar onder de make-up als 'content writer'. Ze is goed in schrijven, daarom is dat haar opdracht, om de wereld te infiltreren met haar valse, misleidende boeken, artikelen, blog of blogs misschien, op jacht naar ware Christenen om hen om de tuin te leiden.
Ze ziet er ook totaal werelds uit: ik, ik, ik, met een vals evangelie, dat het kruis van Jezus Christus verdonkeremaant, en ware bekering, en doop, en 180 graden omdraaien, wat echte bekering is dus, en gevuld worden met de Heilige Geest. Dat omzeilt ze zoveel mogelijk.
Ze kan ook heel goed een Illuminist zijn, of heks, dat weten we niet. Maar ieder geval zit ze in die occulte club.
Natuurlijk zijn zij zelf ook misleid door hun hogere rangen; dat weten we nu van John Todd o.a.

Oja, ik typte zojuist haar andere ‘naam’ in in Google: nicolemorrison144

> En wat hebben we hier, een wereldse Christen die op deze manier mensen naar haar blog trekt: https://nl.pinterest.com/nicolemorrison144/

En wat doet Brandy hier, met een wereldse TV serie film (door heksen gespeeld anders kom je niet op tv): https://www.dailymotion.com/nicolemorrison144/playlists?sort=alphaaz

Onder meerdere namen op Facebook, ik-gericht met een kroon op:

En kijk eens wat ze daar post, ik ik ik:

Brandy Nicole Pearson Morrison
4 november om 01:35 ·
I Just Found Out Today That My Blog Website, Blogging For Christ Has Been Listed As #20 On FEEDSPOT.com's *TOP 100 Christian Blogs* Thank You So Much Dear God, I Really Needed This

Mogelijk een intimidatie leugen naar haar 'vrienden', maar het zegt dat ze zeer goed verdient, lol:
Brandy Nicole Pearson Morrison sedang berasa marah.
2 november om 19:11 ·

Een tribute to een heks van de tv series? Laat me niet lachen, hij was een heks/wizzard:
Brandy Nicole Pearson Morrison
29 oktober om 02:17 ·
Rest In Peace, Matthew Perry
Wowww, en ze is gekozen als schrijfster voor deze Vrijmetselaarswebsite: https://christiandevotions.us/, rood en blauw, as above so below, en verder naar beneden scrollend, de occulte driehoek makende handen (met LGBT kleuren), verder oranje bliksemschichten (van Lucifer/satan), een titel 'Rise from the ashes'.... wat satan graag zou doen.
Christian Devotions Ministries is a non-profit 501c3 ministry. > Dat wil zeggen dat ze door de STAAT gesteund en/of goedgekeurd worden; alle ware Christenen en gemeenten en kerken moeten namelijk belasting betalen in Amerika.

https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=260748813623630&set=a.220471090984736&locale=ms_MY Jezus afgeschilderd met 1 oog symbolisme op haar FB en onder het bloed, natuurlijk.

And I could go on and on and on after I prayed for the truth about this person.
BEWARE! This is what I found earlier but forgot to mention: sentences and titles that Brandy N. Morrison uses:

Blogging for Christ = 99, 322
BY THE GRACE OF GOD I AM = 66, 88, 133, 322
BY THE GRACE OF GOD I AM what I am = 88, 96, 111, 130, 1117, 733

I, I, I…. me, me, me….

BEWARE! Books titled:

‘Whispers From the Cross’ = 111, 133, 444, 2232
HEAVENLY VERSES: Poems of Faith & Inspiration = 223, 216 = 6x6x6

Remember the 322 of Skull & Bones, or backwards: 223
There are too many ‘coincidences’ here.
Exposé of the week – ‘Svali Speaks’? ‘Svali Speaks Again’? Svali disconnected!


There’s something very fishy going on here….
Why is a website with the obscure title ‘FoxyFoxSubstack’ posting about ‘Svali’ after she vanished in 2006?

FoxyFox = 69, 115, 444
Saturn = 69
Lightbringer = 69
The World Powers = 69
New World Order = 69
Catholic Church = 69
The Jesuit Order = 69

Foxy Fox blog

>>> They claim that Svali was suddenly a Jesuit oracle as well, and that Amsterdam (and not another city such as Rome, or London, or… for example) is the centrepiece of it all. >>>

FoxyFox writes: ‘Svali Interviews by Gabbi Choong, including Transcripts’
‘Incredible survivor Svali joins us to share some of her lived experiences within Illuminati / Jesuit cults where she was trained as a programmer and an oracle. This week we discuss the horrific practice of child trafficking that is a huge money spinner for the cults. Svali shares how Amsterdam, sin city, is the centrepiece of these operations. She recounts her own experiences amongst brokers that deal in our most vulnerable, seeing countless children and infants transported, handled and sold to powerful families, auction houses and sex clubs.’

And: ‘Svali has written a book called Breaking Free of Cult Programming and along with her blog, she shares her breakthroughs and journey deprogramming and getting free from the trauma bonds and mind control that enable these groups to enslave individuals and through this our world.’
Really? Did the real Svali write that book with such an occult cover image? I mean, Google has no problem showing us that you can buy that book everywhere!

Now discover the connections!
And why does Foxy Fox promote the following so-called website from ‘Svali’ or a website dedicated to ‘Svali’, yet another website?

>>> Then jump to: ‘About the author’:
‘Hi, my name is Svali….’ >>> as if Svali is the author of this website which isn’t the case at all.

Now scroll further down where you can find some addresses that they promote as being ‘safe’ for ritual abuse survivors, such as:

ONE VOICE, PO Box 27958, Washington DC 20038-7958 Phone: (202) 667-1160: the mailing address of A.C.A.A. (American Coalition for Abuse Awareness)

When I paste ONE VOICE, PO Box 27958, Washington DC in the search bar of my browser, it brings me to this Masonic website, with the same mailing address, mmmhh:

Are they trying to track and trace you back? Almost certainly! As a survivor, I would stay far away from all these unknown addresses and websites mentioned on Svali Speaks (or Svali Speaks Again). It might be a huge trap, you know.

The second website they mention is ‘Kennedys and King’ with the eternal flame and some prominent figures making Masonic hand gestures on top.

So I picked only two (website) addresses from that list.
But that is not all!

Svali on the truth about child trafficking

which I unfortunately used in my new post about ‘Svali’:

I distinctly remember immediately thinking, ‘Hey? Is that really Svali's voice? It sounds different, and colder, too! So yes, maybe the Lord wanted to make it clear to me back then, but I thought, ‘I'll watch it and keep an eye on Gabbi’.
So the voice you hear in the video actually made me doubt, whether this is really Svali. But I ignored it at the time.
I asked a visitor to Eindtijdnieuws to bring it to the Lord as I did....
The same website visitor I know personally again confirmed my suspicions: that there was something ‘strange’ going on. When in danger, the Lord usually alerts her by giving her a certain sensation in her hands, for she regularly gets free stuff from people, and sometimes there is something wrong with these objects that she should not take in, but destroy. Call it a spiritual gift; she is always right.
So she listened to this ‘video voice’, which might very well be an AI-generated voice of the real Svali, and immediately got that sensation everywhere. A severe sensation, not a slight sensation! Also, she noticed the typical robotic in the voice: a tinny voice with a certain rhythm, the same intervals every time….

I myself did not feel the Holy Spirit in this ‘Svali’ either, but more of pride in her voice, poor articulation, and almost a snooty voice at times.
And Gabbi Choong might be acting very well here, but about that later. She does a good job of pretending to be surprised at what she hears, and interested, but no. Gabbi might also know all the answers that come.... rehearsed.

A lot of people are just in danger now, I honestly think, being as gullible as I used to be. ‘As the worth is, he trusts his guests’, goes a well-known Dutch proverb. This is such a pity!
Listening to this video, almost makes you feel miserable and weird. And what must this not all trigger in victims of abuse and satanic ritual abuse, I wonder!

I am thankful that the Lord saved us from further deception, and that this examination was not in vain. I thought that morning, ‘Should I be doing this’? But I'm glad I did it, which satan probably didn't want me to do. However, one of my tasks seems to be, exposing our spiritual enemies (following a dream also that I received from the Lord).

Amanda Buys seems to be pure, but I am not 100% sure.

Furthermore, we see no censorship (on YouTube, among others). Now, when you would really reveal full truths in these days, you would first be pretty sh@dowb@nned, then restricted, and then deleted…. erased!

Moreover, Gabbi Choong uses typical New Age phrases, another red flag!

Question: are all of her ‘guests’ part or puppets of the club? I don't know. Therefore do your own research on each person who is invited before you blindly assume everything as being 100% truth. Don’t even trust me but do your own homework.

For example, Lisa Meister, a so-called 'SRA survivor', from 'Only God Rescued Me'.... but which god? Now, here comes the big shocker:
This Lisa Meister is in touch with Gabbi here:

But, the same Lisa Meister was also LIVE on video with satanist Jessie Czebotar, whom Altiyan Childs - the real Altiyan Childs - warned me about years ago:

I am both a satanist and a mason [Freemason] - Jessie Czebotar

And we all know that Jessie Czebotar acts like a true Christian, don't we?
Note: it could also very well be that Lisa Meister is deceived, and therefore not part of the club.

Got it! No doubt about it:

>>> The top two persons are close friends of Jessie Czebotar, with whom this satanist as she calls herself, often went LIVE. I stopped listening to Jessie long ago.
And guess who's in the club there.... Indeed, Gabbi Choong! >>>
“We caught up with Bruce Shillingsworth to hear about the gathering of sovereigns in Canberra in the lead up to 15th January
History is being made through the first sovereign communities coming to life here on this land. Through truth, unity and love we create heaven on earth ”

No longer any doubt about Gabbi Choong. :(
Sometimes I wish I could still reach Altiyan Childs.
And so it gets crazier and crazier. They are just CONs, SHILLs, double agents, puppets of the occult cult, CIA agents undercover, intelligence agents, you name it.
Personally, I don't think Gabbi is deceived, but knows very well what she is doing, and/or is just doing it for the money.

I believe Svali's disclosures, and real help for survivors, caregivers, and social workers, from before 2006, the year she disappeared, were pure: from the real Svali. You could ‘taste’ or feel the Holy Spirit in her articles sometimes, and the real help she offered, which one misses with Gabbi Choong.

The same warning sensation was experienced when seeing Gabbi Choong together with her partner. Nothing Christian, rather the opposite. It is therefore very possible that they are frauds, with the goal of tracking you, through many truths mixed with lies, which David Elias Goldberg warned us about in time.

Gabbi's Facebook tells us a lot....
Remarkable: Gabbi Choong has a totally different look there, a less innocent look than in the LIVE interview. And why is she screaming for money? But that's how the spiritual enemy works, as a controlled opposition, chasing your data and your money; and these are their puppets. Of course, many of these puppets have been deceived as well. That’s why we need to pray for them, too.

Gabbi Choong also posts on this kind of website as you can see, written by herself, as a Christian?

while the website screams for money, and shows us who they are sponsored by: companies I don't trust at all, but could rather be controlled opposition.
And how on earth do you get on such a website?

The use of New Age language in Gabbi’s Facebook group
And here Gabbi Choong uses words and phrases that even the New Age would use and the Truth movement, for example: together, we are the change, unity, freedom, take action (physically meant), the great awakening, rise and rise up, vibes (vibrations!):

Truth Justice Freedom for Children [Facebook doesn’t allow me to link the Facebook post below]:

‘May 31, 2021

Welcome to our group for June 26 when the world rises for children✊🏼💖🔥

People all over the world are uniting to demand Truth Justice and Freedom, especially for our children. Courageous survivors are rising up & speaking out to end the suffering, exploitation and ritual abuse of children.
Together we are the change


We are looking for supporters to meet and greet, hand out flyers, hold banners and help with the schedule. A great opportunity to take action for children and bring your awesome vibes for the day.

Rise up humanity it is time🌈💓🕊💫

#lovewins #thegreatawakening #freedom
Jeanette Archer WeHearYou Truth Justice Freedom for Children
SIGN AND SHARE OUR PETITION WITH OVER 55,000 people to say enough is enough, the people stand united to protect our children
Petition already tabled in Parliament by Andrew Wilkie 10 November

And at the bottom of the post above we see a lion (depicted with one eye), a beloved Masonic symbol.

Never, ever, share your data with Gabbi Choong either in a so-called ‘petition’ or in participating in a physical protest with banners. This way, you play right into the hands of the enemy and they can track and trace you even better, and tag you with an ID. The well-known TTID program.

Gabbi's personal Facebook

Also noticed the blue and red? Could be a coincidence of course....
And then my eyes fell on this photo:

>>> Noteworthy was the following comment under Gabbi's photo:
‘Satanic flowers on your dress, hiding in plain site!!!’

Svali's current websites somehow also don’t match the facts, which she mentioned before the year 2006.

Be aware that one can even put a false profile of a person on LinkedIn these days, simply to try to debunk everything about a person - in this case Svali, for example.

The same visitor to Eindtijdnieuws also received a word of knowledge when she asked the Lord if Svali was still alive. She immediately got 1 word in her mind, namely the English word: ‘disconnected’.

Disconnected: Perhaps Svali as an ex-Illuminati member is currently no longer online, and is she safely somewhere else, disconnected from the rest, from the people who could bring her into danger.

Disconnected: It could mean that she has only disconnected from the Internet for her own safety. That would mean that the current ‘Svali’ is not the real Svali, who speaks in videos and supposedly has her own current blogs, but an AI figure, or someone who replaced her, kind of a fraud....

Disconnected from the current websites, totally disconnected: that she has nothing to do with it and that it is beyond her, and that her data, and truths of the past are being used and misused by adding disinformation to it, but also to track (real) RSA victims and runaway Illuminati members: through TTID, which the late David Goldberg warned us about:

Oh yes, they can now completely mimic someone's voice (and profile and photos). The technology exists, to replicate not only someone's online behavior and personality, but also their voices and physical characteristics! They will find someone they don't like, kill them, and replace them with these AI avatars that serve to convincingly replicate everything about them online, over the phone, and on video, except for their actual physical existence.

Disconnected: Unrelated, disconnected events, disconnected thoughts, disconnected articles, disconnected from anyone else... In other words, disconnected from the real Svali, not connected to her and disconnected from reality.

That book cover, ‘Svali’ never wanted it that way, but then I think, why then was it published that way?
For me, that was where the red flags began to emerge.

Moreover, why is the current Svali connected with Freemason Fritz Springmeier, and did they set up some kind of information website together?

You read that right, Fritz Springmeier, the same person/Freemason, who once left John Todd in jail and helped betray him!
I was a bit shocked by that! Like the fact that Corrie ten Boom did not realize, that she was invited to speak at a meeting led by Katrine Kuhlman, a witch. Believe it or not, and another prominent but false teacher/pastor, and possibly more. She was blind to the Freemasonry/Illuminati unfortunately.
Just like Derek Prince totally failed to realize - even at the end of his life? - that Billy Graham really did work for the Vatican, and that he was a Freemason, a 33rd degree Mason.

So people like Gabbi Choong with her partner should be Christians, standing up for child abuse, especially SRA? My conclusion is that it is quite possible that she is attracting real victims of satanic ritual abuse, in order to extract data. That thought has crossed my mind a few times already; perhaps the Holy Spirit wanted to make this clear to me.

Furthermore, they believe that Freemason Russ Dizdar was pure.

On her Telegram channel, without any censorship, Gabbi Choong too often links to Masonic websites and channels as if they bring the complete truth.
Don't fall off your chair.
Be alert, be vigilant, because the deception is humongous, dizzying!
Exposé of the week – Secret White House Surveillance Program documents ‘leaked’


It gives cops access to trillions of US [and world] phone records, which has been going on for decades already. I think it was intentionally leaked, and that they have total access to a person’s smartphone today. They know exactly what’s in your bank account, where you shop, how often, and how much you spend. They know your location, and your ID. They know who your friends are, your family, your phone records, texts, images, emails, recordings, you name it!

Patrick Humphrey, Freemason, puppet, bad actor, double agent, intelligent agent, whatever he is, promoted by YouTube, made a quick video about it:


He mentions the website WIRED (= 69) that also functions as controlled opposition:
Secretive White House Surveillance Program Gives Cops Access to Trillions of US Phone Records
‘A WIRED analysis of leaked police documents verifies that a secretive government program is allowing federal, state, and local law enforcement to access phone records of Americans who are not suspected of a crime.’

Patrick Humphrey talks about:
‘Senators did not know this secret.’ Don’t make me laugh; it’s much, much worse than all these CONs tell us! And they are not concerned at all.
And…. ‘You might, before the night gets over, start to realize that Washington isn’t as bad as you thought it was. It’s worse!’ (John Todd)
Also, ‘they can sweep you up’ for years already, dear Mr. Humphrey.
Indeed, ‘they can target certain groups’, and true, devoted Christians are the number 1 group.
Oh yeah, we could have known there was a domestic program if we would have listened to true whistleblowers in the past!
You are telling us about ‘Edward Snowden’, a true whistleblower? I don’t think so.
‘They already know who is good or bad’? Well, they do know who are true Christians, and who will probably not follow after the beast and the beast system in the coming NWO with its New Age religion. That’s the goal of this tracking and tracing every person on Earth.
‘The time to stand up’? ‘Time to fight back’? ‘Lawsuits’? To rebel? That’s exactly what they want you to do; don’t allow yourself to be fooled by Patrick Humphrey who is helping the government to fish for your comments on his videos, etc.

More exposé news regarding Mr. Humphrey:

What are Christians expected to do? I would say, pray and prepare.
‘Pray! I’ll tell you this. The only thing the Illuminati fears, as I said, is an independent person who can live, eat, sleep, stay warm, and defend themself separate from federal help.’ – John Todd
Altiyan Childs opened many eyes:
‘The whole Freemason system is constructed by the act of lying, to the public and to the members of lower degrees. And we trust these people?
How many people, do you think, have been utterly ruined by this secret religion by breaking their oath? A lodge has the right to kill its own members; their laws are above the laws of the land!
A 33rd degree Freemason drinks blood from a human skull, and they wonder: ‘Who’s skull is this who might have broken his oath?’ Part of the ritual in this degree also involves stabbing skulls, and being humiliated, before the ‘true religion’ is revealed to you. So do you see the risks Altiyan is taking here? You need to stay to the end.’
‘A hideous man, Albert Pike, who helped to construct the 33 degrees or rituals, was buried in a Masonic Temple, just around the corner from the White House. He was a giant of this secret society. He wrote ‘Morals & Dogma’, also called the ‘bible of Freemasonry’.

The late John Todd, who was seen last in the fall of ’79, knew what they could do with your phone in the ‘70th already. You can read that here.
‘And that’s because the President has said that we need proof that everybody in the United States is a law abiding citizen. And in order to check up on that, what better place than when somebody goes in to buy the groceries or the gasoline to check up on. So everybody’s to have a computer cart. And of course, if you don’t take the card, you can’t buy anything and you’re a bad citizen….
Believe me, the organized Christian church isn’t going to say anything about it!’

‘We’ve been told…. that all the National Guard in the United States…. were hooked into a computer in Dallas, called: ‘The National Security Computer’
That’s ‘who’ they call up, by the way, when they check out your Visa cards, or your Bank of America cards, or whatever the case may be! If you’ve been going to the grocery stores, and the department stores, you’ve been noticing the new computer cash registers. One shopping step type cash registers. And you put your card in it, ring up the purchase, and it does all the business for you right then and there. Well, all the stores are supposed to switch over to them. And the little poor stores are supposed to get the little phone unit, that hooks into your phone, and you zip the card through…. Then things will be a little different around here….

Because by then, they plan on destroying the money that you have
And then you’ll have to use the card, because the money will be worthless! Now, if you’ve been noticing all the television commercials, ‘security’ is the word that everybody’s been using on television commercials: ‘Prepare for the future. Pack up for security this and security that!’ And then they’re going to turn around, and they’re going to wipe your security off the face of the map!
Now, if I’m stepping on your little safe world, I’m sorry! I’m trying to tell you something in advance!’
You can read that here.

Above all, the late David Goldberg warned us that they are able to know everything about you, including your voice. You can read about the A.I. plot or plan here.

So what I want to say is, your smartphone, not just the apps you use, your online behavior on the Internet and social media, have been releasing a lot of your ‘secrets’ to TPTB for years: those who are above the ‘law’.
All these ‘events’ keep the agendas alive, reminding us of who they should be afraid of and who they should hate. They want you to hate instead of to pray! Rule by fear and division. Putting out enormous amounts of fabricated and partly fake ‘news stories’ every day, making it impossible to keep up or to verify anything…. People simply get desensitized and brainwashed.
SHARING - The King James Bible changed the original Greek text here

And this is not the only change by the KJV that is misleading to true Christians (exposed)

‘….. I want to look at the example of Jesus in John 9:4. This is a very remarkable statement Jesus makes. It impressed me all the more because I was used to the King James translation which is different. The King James translation, if you recall, says, “I must work the work of him that sent me.” But this, which is based on more accurate texts, says:

“For we must do the works of the One [God the Father] who sent Me while it is day.”

The emphasis there in the Greek is on the “we.”
They’re talking about the man born blind, and Jesus says in the previous verse, “It wasn’t this man who sinned, nor his parents, but we must do the works of the One who sent Me.” In other words, He’s saying, “Don’t sit there and theorize about why this man is blind. We’ve got to do our job, which is what? To give him back his sight. Don’t spend all the time trying to understand the problem. Come up with the solution!”

That’s a very powerful statement!
“We must work the works of Him who sent Me.” And He didn’t say “I.” He identified Himself with His disciples. You and I have got a job to do, let’s get on with the job. But then a little further on in John 14:10, talking to His disciples about His relationship with the Father, He says to Philip—and we won’t look into the background:

“Do you not believe that I am in the Father, and the Father in Me? The words which I speak to you I do not speak from Myself [they don’t come from Me], but the Father dwelling in Me does His works.”

So, Jesus said in John 9:4, “We must do the works of the One who sent Me,” but when He comes down to analyze how it takes place, He says, “The Father dwelling in Me does His works and the words I speak to you are not My words, they’re the words the Father gave Me.” In other words, Jesus totally relied on the Father within Him to accomplish the task allotted to Him. He is, in a sense, the perfect pattern of not doing it in His own ability.’ – Derek Prince