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DISNEYLAND Fantasie land for kids and NASA MOON LANDING Fantasie land for adults
Exposé of the week UPDATED


The island of Maui is the second-largest island in the state of #Hawaii

Hawaii = 33, 55, 111, 222, 666
MauiWildfires = 69, 55, 66, 77

The Jesuit Order = 69
Illuminati = 69
New World Order = 69

Was the Maui fire 100% intentional?
Numbers, quotes, dates, and names that TPTB are using don’t lie.

By the way, I don’t practice gematria; you can simply find these quick cipher tools online. For how much longer, without having to share your personal information? I don’t know.

Perhaps good to know:
New Information On The Maui Fire

Will Obama be the antichrist soon? John Todd didn’t reveal that to us, although he knew exactly who he was or is at that time. And will TPTB change their plans? I really wouldn’t know.
Type in ‘antichrist john todd’ and learn more about it on Eindtijdnieuws dot com.

Maui Fires - They are all part of the club, the governor, the mayor, and the woman (showing us the Masonic M hand signal):


I do believe TPTB just want us to know they caused this orchestrated event on purpose; that’s why it went viral right now, wherever you go on the internet.

The following is the latest on Maui, which they don't tell you. Listen to Joanie Stahl starting at 6 minutes:

Finally, for once, no Freemason on Tony's show. I think Joanie is a true Christian. What she has researched is quite interesting.
Exposé of the week


Elon Musk and his Space X, India and its moon landing…. it's all fake. It’s all in their numbers, dear people. Let’s have a quick look….

Chandrayaan-3 Moon landing = 3, 99, 119 (or 9/11)
Chandrayaan-3 = 3, 66, 88
Moon landing = 55, 111, 222

Fake Moon landing = 666, 69, 911
CGI Spacecraft = 666, 111, 55

What does Elon have to say about this?

Elon Musk (Parody)

“I deeply congratulate India for making a historic moon landing. 👏

Being a space lover, it’s incredible to see India’s #Chandrayaan3 space probe successfully landing on the Moon….”

Do you see how they mock us with India, ‘landing a Masonic CGI-toy on the Moon’?
This is the worst faked moon landing in history, using a cartoon-spaceship!

NASA claims that they landed on the moon in 1969, where they drove a ‘moon buggy’ and played golf. They claim 6 crewed missions to the moon between 1969 and 1972. Then NASA, according to their own official statement, lost all the data and destroyed the technology. They actually faked it better back in 1969. They cannot go to the moon.

Now, the Chandrayaan-3 has the Masonic checkerboard on it, and when the thrusters ignite, they form the Masonic ‘M’ and the ‘X’, making the ‘spacecraft’ look like the Masonic symbol of the Square and Compass.

The toy is called ‘Chandrayaan-3’. Note that the number 3 equals a hidden flipped ‘M.’
This is called deception.

Are TPTB out to find out, what your and my opinion on this is on all social media platforms including YouTube, and all mainstream and alternative media? The answer is Yes.
However, don't be tempted to share your opinion, your data, your money, or whatsoever. It’s worth gold to them.

Official video: India's Chandrayaan-3 makes historic moon landing

You have to be blind to not see.
(F@ke) Moon landing or Homeless shelter.jpg
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(F@ke) Moon landing or Homeless shelter?
Exposé of the week

#Climategate & The ‘Old’ Farmer’s Almanac Releases Its Winter Outlook

Climategate = 201

Of course, the full truth is much, much worse than the Controlled Opposition will ‘reveal’ to us. Compare it to the Freemason ‘whistleblower’ and gatekeeper Edward Snowden, who also collaborated with this Masonic website ‘The Guardian’ and their so-called ‘leaked’ emails.
It’s just that they want you and me to know all this stuff as a controlled opposition in the media. They want us to rebel.

The Guardian = 63, 216 (or 6x6x6)

Electroverse reported about this global warming scam recently:

‘Even The Guardian’s George Monbiot expressed total shock and dismay at the picture revealed by the hacked emails, as their authors are not just any old bunch of academics.’

Battle of the Graphs, Mann (at the top) vs Ball (at the bottom)
Dr. Tim Ball’s temperature graph for the past 1,000 years is much closer to reality:


Now do you really think these emails were leaked?
Of course not; it was by design.

For those who have a garden or just want to know…
2023–2024 Weather Forecast
Winter Wonderland!

Winter Wonderland = 69, 633

The ‘Old’ Farmer’s Almanac Releases Its Winter Outlook

It reads:
‘If the Old Farmer’s Almanac is proven correct, this coming winter could be another historically cold and snowy one for western ski areas which last year saw all-time, record-setting snowfall posted by at least 19 resorts. In fact, the Almanac has delivered promising snow forecasts for the vast majority of U.S. slopes for the upcoming season, not just western ones.’

What nature tells us what the weather will be…
‘1. Thicker-than-normal onions or corn husks; 2. Woodpeckers sharing a tree; 3. The early arrival of the snowy owl; 4. The early departure of geese and ducks; 5. The early migration of the monarch butterfly; 6. Thick hair on the nape of a cow’s neck; 7. Heavy and numerous fogs during August; 8. Raccoons with thick tails and bright bands; 9. Mice chewing furiously to get into your home; 10. The early arrival of crickets on the hearth; 11. Spiders spinning larger-than-usual webs and entering the house in great numbers; 12. Pigs gathering sticks; 13. Ants marching in a line rather than meandering; 14. Early seclusion of bees within the hive; 15. Unusual abundance of acorns; 16. Muskrats burrowing holes high on the river bank; 17. “See how high the hornet’s nest, ‘twill tell how high the snow will rest.”; 18. The size of the orange band on the woolly bear (or woolly worm) caterpillar–if the woolly worm caterpillar’s orange band is narrow, the winter will be snowy; conversely, a wide orange band means a mild winter. While fuzzier-than-normal woolly worm caterpillars are said to mean that winter will be very cold; 19. Squirrels gathering nuts early to fortify against a hard winter; 20. Frequent halos or rings around the sun or moon forecasts numerous snowfalls.’

Some interesting comments:
August 30, 2023 at 12:41 pm
North central Arkansas here. Geese have been going overhead headed south for over a week now.

August 30, 2023 at 2:56 pm
I was a little bit uneasy about seeing a flock of Cormorant flying over a lake in Texas. Common in the fall and winter but August?
Struck me as out of place. Definitely turned my head.

August 30, 2023 at 1:35 pm
In the Atlanta area, parallel 34, trees started to turn cover at the beginning of August.
Now, instead of mowing the grass I have to collect the dead leaves.
August 30, 2023 at 2:41 pm
All the people that decide to attempt first time gardening during the GSM will be facing unpredictable and challenging conditions. Texas heat this summer prevented pollination and in some cases, just plain killed some vegetable plants. Thank God for sweet potatoes. They are growing like weeds. A list of bullet proof plants is a good idea.
Sweet potatoes & Okra are an almost guaranteed success in the south.

August 30, 2023 at 6:24 pm
Here in Cleveland, Ohio I saw a couple of Canadian geese heading south for the winter and thought it odd that they were migrating so early. I figured that it must be getting cold early in Canada.

Fortunately, Electroverse isn’t controlled opposition, so it seems.
I, Pet Goat II by Heliofant.jpg
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Exposé of the week

I, PetGoat II deleted by Heli0fant


TPTB love their numbers…
They also worship the black sun depicted in the circle of the name ‘Heli0fant’, and we know they are attached to certain dates:

I Pet Goat II Video Deleted By Heliofant

I Pet Goat II = 111, 666

Heliofant = 153
The Pet Goat = 153 (The 9/11 Classroom Story)
The Pet Goat Was Located On Page 153 Of Reading Mastery II
Jesuit Order = 153
The Illuminati = 153
Barry Soetoro = 153
Antichrist Obama = 153

Reading Mastery II = 177, 255
George Walker Bush = 177, 255

Heliofant I Pet Goat II = 201
That Old Serpent = 201 (Another Name For Devil)
King Of Babylon Barack Obama = 201
The Son Of Perdition Barack Hussein Obama = 201

Event 201 Pandemic Simulation held 10/18
Luke 10:18 And he said unto them, I beheld Satan as lightning fall from heaven.
Barack Obama Means Lightning From The Heights