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End-time news, cutting-edge news, revealing and awakening news | 2023 and beyond
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1 John 3, and about the false teacher JD Farag!

1 John 3: 1 Behold what love the Father has given to us, that we should be called children of God, and we are! Because of this, the world knows us not, because it knew Him not.
2 Beloved, now we are children of God, and (it) has not yet been revealed what we will be. We know that when He appears (in the Rapture), we will be like Him, for we will see Him as He is.
3 And everyone having this hope in Him, purifies himself, just as He is pure.

Read the whole chapter in its context!

Most false teachers, false prophets, won't call you to repentance, nor tell you that you need to walk in a pure manner in order to be able to see the Lord in the Rapture! In that way, they suggest that every Christian will be raptured out of this world (or only the ones that believe in 'the messages' of them), before the start of the 7 yrs tribulation, including themselves. These men and women magnify themselves (all the time) instead of our Lord Jesus Christ, often making Masonic hand gestures, such as the devil's horn and the triangle, and no one sees it. I just watched 1 or 2 recent videos of the false teacher J.D. Farag, and it was as clear as day (once again). He also told the public the false gospel, clearly suggesting that you don't need to turn from your sins, your worldly ways, and repent and have remorse. Just acknowledging was enough! He mocked the salvation work of our Lord Jesus in a very sly manner. I thought, mamma mia! In his eyes is darkness, I even feel an unclean spirit, no Holy Spirit. And millions follow him worldwide, almost adore him. It's so sad.
Dollar sign - Dollar crash = 666.jpg
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Dollar sign - Dollar crash = 666
Hi Hugo,

A very good morning!

Please learn about what Jehovah's Witnesses really are, such as here:


and here:


Also, translation button available (translates only from the Dutch language into another one).

They CERTAINLY are not Christians, have their own Bible (totally corrupted), etc. etc.,

Greetings, shared in love


PS And throw away all Rock music (also Christian Rock music) out of your home (if you have any); John Todd warned us why (in the '70s). Type in Eindtijdnieuws + John Todd, or use the search bar
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Warning! Freemason J.D. Farag making triangle hand gestures - notice, his pulpit has triangles #JDFarag #Freemason #endtimeprophecy
You can invite me to like your Page, or ask me to post your article on my website, but I'm not stupid, Masons.

"I get Pentecostals and Charismatics upset because I call Kathryn Kuhlman a witch.

They want proof. The inquirer. Anybody whom an article is done on about faith, healing, or supernatural power in the Inquirer[=666,222,111,69] must appear in person before the Council of the Grand Druid. How many know about Kuhlman’s article, several years ago in the Inquirer? You don’t get in there without proper approval from the Board! All right? That settles it right there as far as I’m concerned." - John Todd, murdered for the full truth.

Please wake up, dear people! The deception is HUGE in the last days we're living in. Learn more from John Todd and type in his name on: eindtijdnieuws dot com. Highly cen$ored. #KathrynKuhlman #witch #witchcraft
I'm so tired of misconception, deceit, the lies, the hoax.
Where is the truth?

30-40 years ago, 10 percent of the news was true, but today? I wouldn't know. Learn more from John Todd: https://eindtijdnieuws.com/?s=john+todd, and from 'Svali': https://eindtijdnieuws.com/?s=svali, en from David Elias Goldberg: https://eindtijdnieuws.com/?s=david+goldberg, murdered for the full truth (real whistleblowers instead of double agent whistleblowers that play both sides nowadays!), and Svali, probably still hiding (we haven't heard from her anymore, unfortunately). I will translate or transcribe more of them if I feel urged to do so. It will open many, many eyes.