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Actueel en onthullend nieuws | 2022 and beyond

End-time news, cutting-edge news, revealing and awakening news | 2023 and beyond
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Full truths, or partly lies?
The chemicals released in East Palestine ‘revealed’: From a WWI choking agent to known carcinogens, DailyMail.com (equals 33!) looks at the substances and their known health risks after toxic train crash
Is this partly fearmongering? Freemasons are certainly NOT independent as we know!
And why do they use 2 Facebook users that seem highly connected to Freemasonry, mocking people, showing the known symbolism and hand gestures:
Raven Ramsey, who lives in Niles, Ohio, roughly 27 miles from East Palestine, said on Facebook: 'All three of my kids have had coughs, watery puffy eyes, nausea and headaches.'
East Palestine Facebook group member Lisa Ann Sims said she had suffered lesions on her 'hands, arms and legs' (pictured left). Industry, Pennsylvania resident Nate Stewart lives roughly 19 miles from the derailment site. Pictured are the lesions on his toe.
These are all red flags to me.
Where are all those real testimonies that you can trust?

And another source showing the black and white, and the ring of saturn, and WP ( = 15) in their logo:
#chemicals #EastPalestine #DailyMaildotcomequals33 #toxic #traincrash #trainderailment #Ohio #Freemasonry

Benjamin Cousijnsen, een valse profeet, heeft een eigen, een vals evangelie, en het wordt echt met de dag erger.

Als je hem goed test, en doorhebt, dan krijg je in de gaten dat hijzelf de grootste kwaadspreker is: hij projecteert zijn eigen leugens en beschuldigingen op gelovigen en niet gelovigen, die juist niet kwaadspreken, maar voor deze valse profeet waarschuwen, zodat niet nog meer mensen de dupe worden. Zij vertellen juist de waarheid; sommigen zijn door schade en schande, en nare ervaringen met hem, wijs geworden.

Ik blijf dat ieder geval doen als ik mij gedrongen voel dat te doen... en bid nog steeds – al 2,5 jaar lang - dat ik enkelen kan wegtrekken van zijn gevaarlijke en valse leer.

Onderhand blijft Benjamin kopiëren uit een concordantie?, en kopiëren van het internet (zodra hij de kans krijgt).

Hij heeft niet door dat hij zichzelf aan het vervloeken is, want de vloeken die hij verspreidt, zullen uiteindelijk op zijn eigen hoofd terugkomen! Het alsmaar blijven wijzigen van Gods Woord, kan ook niet ongestraft blijken, neem ik aan.
En door Benjamins eigen zelfverzonnen boodschappen, met totaal alles uit z'n verband gerukt, en steeds meer eigen dingetjes toegevoegd, is hij deel van de oorzaak dat het Christelijk geloof gelasterd wordt:

2 Petrus 2 1 Maar onder het volk zijn valse profeten opgestaan, zoals er ook onder u valse leraars zullen zijn, die op subtiele wijze destructieve ketterijen zullen invoeren, en zelfs de Meester die hen gekocht heeft zullen verloochenen, waardoor zij snel het verderf over zich afroepen.
2 Velen zullen hun schandelijke wegen volgen, en door hen zal de weg van de waarheid worden belasterd. 3 En in hun hebzucht zullen zij u uitbuiten met valse argumenten en een verdraaide leer. Hun vonnis [van veroordeling die God heeft uitgesproken] van lang geleden staat niet stil [maar is nog steeds van kracht], en hun ondergang en toenemende ellende slaapt niet [maar is onderweg].

2 Peter 2 1 But false prophets arose among the people, just as there will be false teachers among you, who will subtly introduce destructive heresies (introduce or bring in secretly, or craftily), even denying the Master who bought them, bringing swift destruction on themselves. 2 Many will follow their shameful ways (conduct shocking to public decency, secret sex with many women, a wanton violence), wantonness, lewdness), and because of them the way of truth will be maligned (spoken evil against, blasphemed, used abusive or scurrilous language about God or men. 3 And in their greed (covetousness, desire for advantage) they will exploit you (make gain or business of you and your money, like expensive trips, expensive e-bikes, expensive televisions, expensive cell phones, refrigerator, etc. etc.) with false (feigned, made up, counterfeit) arguments and twisted doctrine (besides heaven and hell, there is yet another place; you will go to hell when you deny these, ‘god’s’ messages that I write down for you daily, totally made-up). Their sentence from a time long ago is not idle, and their destruction and deepening misery is not asleep.

Read it in its context: https://biblehub.com/interlinear/2_peter/2.htm

This is what the Bible alone tells us about the false prophet Benjamin Cousijnsen. Test their real fruits! Then you will know the tree, and the false and deceiving foundation Eindtijdnieuws since 2012-2013 until now, namely, by its fruit.


The first half is Tape 4a, and the second video in this article is Tape 4b
The complete Tape 4 is the most important message and service John Todd ever gave, where God’s Spirit is moving!


"The dirty, low, down devil got into this thing tonight, but he’s not going to be victorious! Amen?" - John Todd
Some Bible translations make the translations a bit less powerful than the original Greek in the New Testament:

1 John 2:28 And now, little children (believers), remain in Him, so that when He appears (in the Rapture) we may have BOLDNESS* and not be ashamed of Him at His coming (not His Second Coming when all the world will see Him, at the end of the 7 year Tribulation!).

Please, read the LIVING Word of God in its context, which is living to born again believers in Jesus Christ: from the beginning, about how to recognize antichrist spirits, false teachers, false prophets (false prophet Benjamin Cousijnsen for example), and how to really KNOW that you KNOW Him (or... have been misled), and how to remain or abide in Him):

See https://biblehub.com/interlinear/1_john/2.htm

Boldness* means: boldness, openness, esp. in speech, leaving a witness that something deserves to be remembered (taken seriously), freedom in speaking, unreservedness in speech, free and fearless confidence, cheerful courage, the deportment by which one becomes conspicuous, striking, remarkable, or secures publicity in view of all.

See https://biblehub.com/greek/3954.htm

So let your speech, your words, your written words, never be saltless.
1 John 3, and about the false teacher JD Farag!

1 John 3: 1 Behold what love the Father has given to us, that we should be called children of God, and we are! Because of this, the world knows us not, because it knew Him not.
2 Beloved, now we are children of God, and (it) has not yet been revealed what we will be. We know that when He appears (in the Rapture), we will be like Him, for we will see Him as He is.
3 And everyone having this hope in Him, purifies himself, just as He is pure.

Read the whole chapter in its context!

Most false teachers, false prophets, won't call you to repentance, nor tell you that you need to walk in a pure manner in order to be able to see the Lord in the Rapture! In that way, they suggest that every Christian will be raptured out of this world (or only the ones that believe in 'the messages' of them), before the start of the 7 yrs tribulation, including themselves. These men and women magnify themselves (all the time) instead of our Lord Jesus Christ, often making Masonic hand gestures, such as the devil's horn and the triangle, and no one sees it. I just watched 1 or 2 recent videos of the false teacher J.D. Farag, and it was as clear as day (once again). He also told the public the false gospel, clearly suggesting that you don't need to turn from your sins, your worldly ways, and repent and have remorse. Just acknowledging was enough! He mocked the salvation work of our Lord Jesus in a very sly manner. I thought, mamma mia! In his eyes is darkness, I even feel an unclean spirit, no Holy Spirit. And millions follow him worldwide, almost adore him. It's so sad.
Dollar sign - Dollar crash = 666.jpg
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Dollar sign - Dollar crash = 666
Hi Hugo,

A very good morning!

Please learn about what Jehovah's Witnesses really are, such as here:


and here:


Also, translation button available (translates only from the Dutch language into another one).

They CERTAINLY are not Christians, have their own Bible (totally corrupted), etc. etc.,

Greetings, shared in love


PS And throw away all Rock music (also Christian Rock music) out of your home (if you have any); John Todd warned us why (in the '70s). Type in Eindtijdnieuws + John Todd, or use the search bar
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Warning! Freemason J.D. Farag making triangle hand gestures - notice, his pulpit has triangles #JDFarag #Freemason #endtimeprophecy