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Actueel en onthullend nieuws | 2022 and beyond

End-time news, cutting-edge news, revealing and awakening news | 2023 and beyond
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Kolossenzen 2: 8-10,15,18-20

Pas op dat niemand u verzwakt [kracht ontneemt] door wijsbegeerte en ijdel bedrog, of verzwakt door overleveringen van mensen [Kerstmis/Christ-Mass/valse heilige dag, Nieuwjaarsdag, Ouderjaarsavond], volgens de overleveringen van de wereld, en niet naar Christus. Want in Hem woont alle volheid der Godheid lichamelijk. En gij zijt volkomen in Hem, die het Hoofd is van alle Vorstendom en Macht.

En (Jezus) heeft de Vorsten en Machten hun macht ontnomen, en heeft hen openlijk tentoongesteld, en heeft over hen gezegevierd aan hetzelfde kruis. [Dank U, Heer! Halleluja!]

Laat niemand voor zijn plezier over u heersen door nederigheid van geest, en het aanbidden van engelen, zich opwerkend in die dingen, die hij nooit heeft gezien, onbedachtzaam en opgeblazen met zijn vleselijk denken, en die zich niet vasthoudt aan het Hoofd, waaruit het gehele lichaam [van Christus], door gewrichten en banden ondersteund en samengehouden, zijn wasdom ontvangt met het toenemen van God [in hun leven]. Daarom, indien gij met Christus dood zijt voor de verordeningen van de wereld, waarom zijt gij, alsof gij in de wereld leeft, belast met tradities [Kerstmis, Oudjaar, Nieuwjaar, etc.]?

Gods zegen
Movie from 2020 predictive programming....jpg
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Movie from 2020 predictive programming...
Windows 10 > Windows 11
It seems they really get pushy now! Click on your tab one time, and then click Decline/Deny/Refuse in order to escape their (first?) push when you can't get into your computer...
AstraZeneca patio building The Hague has 666.jpg
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AstraZeneca patio building The Hague has 666
This video addresses the "earthquake prediction" made and presented on youtube and Masonic alternative media:

1/02/2023 -- Addressing the "M7.0" Earthquake Warning for California + Full Seismic update

Esp. listen once right after the silent intro: pretty interesting to know, and so true! – Eindtijdnieuws dot com

“This video addresses the "earthquake prediction" made and presented on youtube by a few well known youtube channels including Dahboo77 (Freemason!) among others (not trying to single out dahboo just that his is the largest channel repeating the zerohedge (Freemasons as well!)/quake prediction channel report (which is highly connected to all these Freemason channels)).

Dahboo77 references a report from "zerohedge" https://www.zerohedge.com/markets/qua...

Zerohedge references a report from "earthquake prediction" on twitter: https://twitter.com/Quakeprediction/s...

This game of telephone on earthquake reports references a twitter channel called "earthquake prediction"..... notice the terminology mistake right up front?! (prediction is for horse races, and forecasting is for natural processes).

This "quake prediction" twitter page puts out unsigned earthquake warnings on twitter---- "predictions" made using a methodology I don't know much about (if anything exists at all i do not know).

However, I do indeed know (from looking at their page) that the earthquake prediction channel has issued many warnings for large earthquakes WHICH DON’T PAN OUT. They appear to have a very low success rate --- obviously low if you check their twitter page with hundreds of California warnings like this one now (and their channel is several years old at this point).

Never say never, but I am not taking the "prediction" seriously unless I can at least repeat the method they're using!”
Well, well, well, where did ‘prophet’ Benjamin Cousijnsen’s latest website news article - ‘Revealing Endtime News’ - come from? I hope it will shake many people awake.
Indeed, FOX (=666) news!

FOX news: The new Omicron subvariant XBB.1.5: What you must know now

‘A new Omicron variant is quickly spreading across the U.S. just in time for the New Year.
The strain, known as XBB.1.5, accounts right now for almost 41% of confirmed COVID-19 cases nationwide, according to data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)…’

Note that words are often placed ‘in quotes’ (or highlighted) on purpose because it’s heavily coded by the ruling elite!

A new Omicron variant = 215,66
Joseph Robinette Biden = 215
Die fast = 215
A dystopian future = 215,66,777
The coming anti-christ = 215,66
American Revolution = 215
Nothing Can Stop Us = 215
Attack = 215

And so on…

By the way, SBB.1.5 = 333


PopeBenedictXVI = 333 (he died 1,313 wk 3 day after the death of Anton LaVey, founder of the Church of Satan.

It shows that these kinds of news articles are all scripted news and/or s-a-t-a-n-i-c rituals.
George W. Bush, Vladimir Putin, and Xi Jinping laughing together, wearing Freemason robes 5 years ago