❤️ Alexander Ehrlich 🇦🇹🇩🇪🇮🇹🇫🇷 #BauernProteste #FarmersProtest #AgriculteursEnColere
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Grundrechtsaktivist in 🇩🇪/🇦🇹/🇮🇹, Christ, Pazifist, Anhänger Voltaires.

Schwerpunkte: Medienanalyse, Framing & Deframing, Geschichte, Strategie, Taktik & Logistik, Teamwork der APO.

Medienarbeit unterstützen: http://paypal.me/AlexanderEhrlich1979
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🌍🕊🇩🇪🕊🇦🇹 For peace: #muc1802
Gathering on February 18th, 2023 at 1 PM (CET) on Königsplatz square in Munich

Germany (and the entire world) needs you!

On February 18th, the eyes of the world will be directed to Munich, when all those who desire escalation in #Ukraine will be discussing the next steps during the #SecurityConference.

Let's use this occasion to send a strong, peaceful signal as a counter-weight: the people of Europe want #peace, #safety and #prosperity and ask for #negotiations and #diplomacy instead of #arms and #war.

🐣🎵 Please help us spread the message on Twitter!

#muc1802 #MachtFrieden #wewillallbethere #wwd #worldwidedemonstration

Warm greetings,
Alexander Ehrlich
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🇭🇷🕊🇩🇪🕊🇦🇹 Za mir: #muc1802
Okupljanje 18. veljače 2023. u 13 sati na trgu Königsplatz u Münchenu

Njemačka (i cijeli svijet) te treba!

18. veljače oči svijeta bit će uprte u München, kada će svi oni koji žele eskalaciju u #Ukrajini raspravljati o sljedećim koracima tijekom "Münchenske sigurnosne konferencije" #SecurityConference.

Iskoristimo ovu priliku da pošaljemo snažan, miroljubiv signal kao protutežu: građani Europe žele #mir, #sigurnost i #prosperitet i traže #pregovore i #diplomaciju umjesto #oružja i #rata.

🐣🎵 Pomozite nam da raširimo ovu mirovnu poruku na Twitteru!

#muc1802 #MachtFrieden #wewillallbethere #wwd #worldwidemonstration

Srdačni pozdravi,
Alexander Ehrlich